Publications and Research
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It’s an honor to be in the Honors Scholars Program and have the opportunity to share a special project that resonates with who I am as a person and to the DACA community. DREAMER is a publication that showcases Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Not only will the magazine talk about the history of DACA, but it will also include the creator’s story, other DACA recipients’ stories, exclusive interviews, resources, and visuals. The name “DREAMER” is simple and short. DACA recipients are know as DREAMERS; we have dreams like everyone else. Every month we release new content that is based on DACA, the goal of this publication is to help other DREAMERS to thrive in America. So many resources are limited that it makes me feel like a burden. The help of my family, friends, colleagues, professors, and supporters inspired me to keep going forward because after a storm comes a rainbow.
Two-pager spread of DREAMER
This project, DREAMER, was selected as best presentation at the Student Academic Conference Honors Scholars Panel, Dec. 2, 2021. Mentor: Prof. Beth Tondreau (Communication Design).
A supplemental file of DREAMER is laid out as a two-page spread.