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This project focuses on the role of student fellows as mentors in the classroom. It uses a questionnaire as a data-gathering tool to find out more about the students that participate in mentoring programs. Mentors and fellows can offer advice, inspiration, emotional support, and role modeling in addition to information about their own career paths. According to Facilitating Long-Term Mentoring to Effectively Implement Active Learning Instruction (Moore & Naganathan, 2020) and based on my survey results, the benefits of mentorship include improved reasoning, risk-taking, self-esteem, professional development and enrichment, dedication, and growth. The most likely participants in that research are students who understand how the mentor program will help them develop leadership skills, confidence, and problem-solving skills. The project's phase required City Tech students to respond to an electronic survey to deepen my understanding and identify the kind of students who routinely seek fellowship and mentoring. First-generation students will be included, along with details such as the student's GPA, the first year in college, race/Ethnicity, age, etc. According to the early findings, most of the students enrolled from 2016 to 2020 are not aware of the mentorship program at City Tech or the services it provides to assist them in succeeding as college students. Most students between the ages of 20 and 30 are unaware of the impact of mentor programs on academic performance. At City Tech, first-generation students with GPAs between 3.00 and 4.00 have rarely participated in mentorship or assistance programs. Despite initiatives to promote mentoring to support students in their academic endeavors, the majority of students are unaware of the multiple support programs that City Tech provides. The findings of this poll will help raise public awareness of the Success Strategies services provided to students as fellows and mentors.
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Educational Leadership Commons, Language and Literacy Education Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons
This poster, second place winner for non-STEM individual projects, was presented at the 37th Semi-Annual Dr. Janet Liou-Mark Honors & Undergraduate Research Scholars Poster Presentation, Dec. 1, 2022. Faculty Mentor: Prof. Lubie Alatriste – English