Submissions from 2014
Community College Student and Faculty Information Needs and Information Seeking: an Ethnographic Study, Jean Amaral
Scholarly E-book Across Disciplines: Content Analysis of Usage Reports and Search Terms, Nisa Bakkalbasi and Melissa Goertzen
You're on Candid Camera: Using Time Lapse Photography to Assess the Library Learning Commons, Angie Brunk and Cynthia Kane
Using Process Mapping to Facilitate Positive Library Change, Emily Campbell
The SUMA Project: Integrating Observational Data Assessment into Space and Service Design, Joyce Chapman and Bret Davidson
Disciplinary Differences in Applying E-Journal Usage Metrics, Katherine Chew, Caroline Lilyard, Mary Schoenborn, and Jim Stemper
Assessment as Engagement, Assessment as Outreach: Understanding Student Learning About Research at the Trinity College Library, Kelly Dagan and Erin Valentino
Assessing the Design of the Library's Discovery Interface and Online resources: A Case Study at the University of Maryland, Angel Dang, Chelsea Osborne, Misty Trunnel, Debby Vargas, and Martha Kyrillidou
Assessing the Implications of Faculty Beliefs and Expectations for Information Literacy Instruction, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe and Susan Avery
Seeing the Whole Elephant in the Room: A Holistic approach to ebooks, Pamela Jacobs and Robin Bergart
Modeling Information Diffusion in University Libraries: Assessing Peer Interaction Patterns as a Complex Dynamic System, W. Michael Johnson and Danuta A. Nitecki
The Mixed-Method Library: Qualitative Research and the Future of Assessment in Higher Education, Donna M. Lanclos
Assessing Threshold Concepts for Information Literacy, Silvia L. Lin Hanick, Amy R. Hofer, and Lori Townsend
VOILA: Building an Assessment Tool Isn't (Always) Enough, Stephanie Margolin and Philip Swan
Can't Get No Satisfaction: Lessons Learned while Developing an Assessment of Faculty Awareness and Attitudes towards Library Services, John Pell, Sarah Laleman Ward, and Margaret Bausman
Now What!?! Exploring the Next Steps for Large-scale Library Assessment Projects, Kate Peterson, Jan Fransen, Shane Nackerud, and Kristen Mastel
From Data Snore, to Data Score: Communicating Library Assessment Data Visually through Infographics, Cassi Pretlow
Ithaka S+R US Library Survey 2013, Roger C. Shonfeld
Getting Them There: A Small-Scale Usability Test of a University Library Website, Jason C. Simon
"I like being under those rules here": Students Using the College Library, Maura A. Smale and Mariana Regalado
Integration and Assessment of Information Literacy in an Undergraduate Biology Program: a Sustainable and Transferrable Model, Brian Winterman