Works from 2005
TUNNEL GEOLOGY AS SEEN BY GEOLOGISTS: MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY, Nazrul I. Khandaker, Stanley Schleifer, Masud Ahmed, Alan R. Slaughter, Belal A. Sayeed, Dorean J. Flores, and Mario Jo-Ramirez
Advancing integrated care for older people through EU policy & a European research agenda on integrated care for older people, Dennis L. Kodner
Cardiovascular Risk Behavior among Sedentary Female Smokers and Smoking Cessation Outcomes, Tellervo Korhonen, Taru Kinnunen, Zandra Quiles, Robert F. Leeman, Donna Medaglia Terwal, and Arthur J. Garvey
TR-2005013: Typing in Reflective Combinatory Logic, Nikolai Krupski
Rehabilitating the Importance of the Non-cognitive: An Interview with Michèle Lamont, Despina Lalaki
TR-2005010: Multi-Hop Probing Asymptotics in Available Bandwidth Estimation: Stochastic Analysis, Xiliang Liu, Kaliappa Ravindran, and Dmitri Loguinov
Overwork and Overtime, Shirley Lung
(μ-Diazenediyldiphenyl-κ2C2, N2: κ2C2′, N1) bis [(3, 5-dimethylphenyl) tellurium (II)]., Prabodhika R. Mallikaratchy, Richard E. Norman, Frank R. Fronczek, and Thomas Junk
Negative Emotions and Music Revisited, Peter L. Manuel
In a Creative Voice: Talking Back to Lawyers' Texts, in Notes from a Difficult Case, Andrea McArdle
Race and the American Originary Moment: The Boston Massacre Narratives and the Idea of Citizenship, Andrea McArdle
The Confluence of Law and Antebellum Black Literature: Lawyerly Discourse as a Rhetoric of Empowerment, Andrea McArdle
Tiger beetles common during summer months, Tanja McKay and Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Cross-Disciplinary Prospecting: Educational Technology Offers Up Gold for Library and Information Science Curricula, Michael J. Miller
Whether Student or Paralegal, Balance is Key, Marissa Moran
Masochism: A Queer Subjectivity?, Amber Musser
Restoring Investor Trust: The role of auditor competition in the future of the capital markets, Edward E. Nusbaum
TR-2005007: Null Spaces, Eigensystems, and Small-Rank Modifications, Victor Y. Pan, Brian Murphy, and Rhys Eric Rosholt
TR-2005009: Additive Preconditioning in Matrix Computations, Victor Y. Pan, Brian Murphy, and Rhys Eric Rosholt
TR-2005008: Toeplitz and Hankel Meet Hensel and Newton Modulo a Power of Two, Victor Y. Pan, Brian Murphy, Rhys E. Rosholt, and Xinmao Wang
Review of Analogías musicales: Kandinsky y sus contemporáneos, Antoni Pizà Building a Fan Community Online, Mark Aaron Polger
TR-2005012: Propositional Games with Explicit Strategies, Bryan Renne
Creating an Intimate Partner Violence Against Women Legal Theory, Jenny Rivera
As puffball season approaches, it pays to know your mushroom, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Blind cave fishes providing important clues to human blindness, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Dolphins learn by playing, ASU students learn on Florida trip, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Researchers uncover black and white truth of cave fish discovery, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Applications of discoveries range from leveling rice fields to anti-terrorism defenses, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Susan D. Allen
Quest for the ‘holy grail bird’. Discovery of the ivory-billed woodpecker brings Arkansas unprecedented attention, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Jim Bednarz
Mussels have plenty to say about state of environment, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Alan D. Christian
In the land of the mermaid: how culture, not ecology, influenced marine mammal exploitation in the Southeastern Caribbean, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Joel E. Creswell
Discovery shook medical, pharmaceutical industries, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and David Gilmore
Bird flu risk still minimal, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Jeannette M. Loutsch
Metathesis key in production of pharmaceuticals, plastics, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Michael J. Panigot
Flying squirrel is seldom seen, often misunderstood member of Arkansas wildlife, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Thomas S. Risch
On the evolutionary significance of the Paleocyphonautidae: How fossils and larvae impact evolutionary reconstructions, Aldemaro Romero Jr., Raymond R. Rogers, and Julio Seguí
Scientists seeking to identify skull as that of Copernicus, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Andrew T. Sustich
Environmental Issues in Latin America and the Caribbean - Preface, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Sarah E. West
On white fish and black men: did Stephen Bishop really discover the blind cave fish of Mammoth Cave?, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Jonathan S. Woodward
Two Liberals on Religion: Constant and Tocqueville Compared, Helena Rosenblatt
Like Falling off a Log: Rubato in Chopin's Prelude in Ab Major (op. 28, no. 17), William Rothstein
TGF-β maintains dormancy of prostatic stem cells in the proximal region of ducts, Sarah N. Salm, Patricia E. Burger, Sandra Coetzee, Ken Goto, David Moscatelli, and E. Lynette Wilson
Zines Straight From the Stacks: Self-published Tracts From Library Workers, Alycia Sellie
Oy Science Fiction: On Genre, Criticism, and Alien Love: An Interview with Marleen S. Barr, C. Jason Smith, Ximena C. Gallardo, and Marleen S. Barr
Living Arrangement Patterns Among the Latino Population in New York City in 2000, Debora Upegui
Charting an Ethics of Desire in "The Wings of the Dove”, Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Modeling and Measuring the Nocturnal Drainage Flow in a High-Elevation, Subalpine Forest with Complex Terrain, Chuixiang Yi, Russell K. Monson, Zhiqiang Zhai, Dean E. Anderson, Brian Lamb, Gene Allwine, Andrew A. Turnipseed, and Sean P. Burns
Enforcing the Contract at all (Social) Costs: The Boundary Between Private Contract Law and the Public Interest, Deborah Zalesne
A Unifying Theory of Contract Damage Rules, Deborah Zalesne and David W. Barnes
Judicial Politics: Making the Case for Merit Selection, Steve Zeidman
Policing the Police: The Role of the Courts and the Prosecution, Steve Zeidman
TR-2005006: Integration of Laser Vibrometry with Infrared Video for Multimedia Surveillance Display, Zhigang Zhu and Weihong Li
Works from 2004
The Mutamathil Type Style: Towards Free, Technology-Friendly, Arabetic Types, Saad D. Abulhab
Say It Loud! African-American Audiences, Media, and Identity, Gordon Alley-Young
Perspectives on Brown: The South African Experience, Penelope Andrews
Reparations for Apartheid's Victims: The Path to Reconciliation?, Penelope Andrews
TR-2004018: Evidence-Based Common Knowledge, Sergei Artemov
TR-2004011: Logic of Knowledge with Justifications from the Provability Perspective, Sergei Artemov and Elena Nogina
Taman Shamanism (Borneo), Jay H. Bernstein
Antagonism and Relational Aesthetics, Claire Bishop
Winter Count: Taking Stock of Abortion Rights After Casey and Carhart, Caitlin Borgmann
Consuming (F)ears of Corn: Public Health and Biopharming, Rebecca Bratspies
TR-2004004: Implementing and Automating Basic Number Theory in MetaPRL Proof Assistant, Yegor Bryukhov, Alexei Kopylov, Vladimir Krupski, and Aleksey Nogin
A Decade of Spouse-Based Immigration Laws: Coverture's Diminishment, but Not Its Demise, Janet Calvo
TR-2004008: Simultaneous Fuzzy Segmentation of Multiple Objects, Bruno M. Carvalho, Gabor T. Herman, and T. Yung Kong
Trusset: Parallel Development of Software and Construction Systems for Space-Truss Structures, Cory Clarke and Phillip Anzalone
0423-0414_NIR_SpeX, Kelle L. Cruz
Creative Uses of Cultural Genres, Colette Daiute
The Invention of the Classics: Nationalism, Philology and Cultural Politics in Argentina, Fernando Degiovanni
Albert George ("Al") Hibbler, John A. Drobnicki
Review of the book Historical Dictionary of Kyrgyzstan, John A. Drobnicki
Review of the book Historical dictionary of Poland, 2nd ed., John A. Drobnicki
Approaches to teaching through digital reference, Lisa A. Ellis
Enron and the Future of U.S. Corporate Law and Policy *496 Enron and the Necessity of the Objective Proximate Monitor, Charles M. Elson
TR-2004016: Semantics and Tableaus for LPS4, Melvin Fitting
TR-2004019: Quantified LP, Melvin Fitting
Health Education’s New Frontier in Addressing Corporate Influences on Health: An Interview With Nicholas Freudenberg, Nicholas Freudenberg, Ellen Jones, and Lori Dorfman
Writing as a Reader: The Deserted Village of Jay Parini, Fred L. Gardaphé
Crime Victim Compensation in a Post 9/11 World, Julie Goldscheid
0610-2152B_NIR_STIS, D. A. Golimowski
Mild cognitive impairment: historical development and summary of research, James Golomb, Alan Kluger, and Steven H. Ferris
Against All Odds: Dominican Students in Higher Education in New York, Ramona Hernández and Anthony Stevens-Acevedo
Reconfiguring Childhood Boys and Girls Growing Up Global, Cindi Katz
A Tear in the Eye of the Law: Mitigating Factors and the Progression Toward a Disease Theory of Criminal Justice, Jeffrey Kirchmeier
Scrupulous in Applying the Law: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Capital Punishment, Jeffrey Kirchmeier and Sidney Harring
Following the logic of long-term care: toward an independent, but integrated sector, Dennis L. Kodner
Is it justifiable to treat chronic patients by nurse specialists? Evaluation of effects on quality of care, Dennis L. Kodner
TR-2004003: Intuitionistic Logic with Classical Atoms, Hidenori Kurokawa
TR-2004006: A Coordinate Ascent Approach to Tomographic Reconstruction of Label Images from a Few Projections, Hstau Y. Liao and Gabor T. Harman
TR-2004012: Single-Hop Probing Asymptotics in Available Bandwidth Estimation: Sample-Path Analysis, Xiliang Liu, Kaliappa Ravindran, Benyuan Liu, and Dmitri Loguinov
Predicting the success of commercial AskA services, in the United States and abroad, Kate Lyons and Jenny M. Baum
The Guajira between Cuba and Spain: A Study in Continuity and Change, Peter L. Manuel
Single-Payer National Health Insurance: Physicians' Views, Danny McCormick, David U. Himmelstein, Stephanie Woolhandler, and David H. Bor
Cultural Long-Term Orientation and Facework Strategies, Rebecca S. Merkin
How to Incorporate External Activities Into Courses for Your Students’ Benefit, Marissa Moran
Martha J. Lamb (1826-1893) Brought American History to Life, Janet Butler Munch