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On January 15, a team of bold, innovative librarians from the City University of New York (CUNY) set out to do what many librarians in the United States have not: travel to Cuba for a weeklong expedition of cultural, professional, and informational exchange. The mission was as exhilarating as it was challenging. I was among the ten librarians in the delegation representing a wide range of backgrounds and skills. Most of us did not know one another previously, and the potluck of talent was a unique aspect of the trip. Throughout the journey, members demonstrated a spirit of adventure and wonder and the desire to connect with Cuban information professionals and absorb the culture as best they could.


This was originally published by Blick, William “Bill.” “CUNY Librarians in Cuba.” Library Journal (1976), vol. 141, no. 5, Library Journals, LLC, 2016, p. 16–.



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