Open Educational Resources
Document Type
Activity or Lab
Publication Date
Fall 8-27-2019
This book is a guide to the basic fetal pig dissection conducted as a part of the Queens College, CUNY Biology Department Bio105 General Biology: Physiology and Cell Biology course. This course is the first half our two-part series for biology majors. The actives are designed to be conducted over a three- 3-hour lab periods which focus on the relationship of form and function of the pig anatomy and physiology. Step by step instructions for the dissection are provided along with some microscopy tasks to look at the histology of key organs.
In addition to the full text of the book, we also provide a form with just the assessment portions of the book. This allows students to limit the printed material to just those pages.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
Included in
Anatomy Commons, Biology Commons, Cell Anatomy Commons, Cell Biology Commons, Physiology Commons