Publications and Research
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Publication Date
Spring 4-1-2022
CLCD Enterprise is one of three products offered by CLCD (Children’s Literature Comprehensive Database), LLC. CLCD Enterprise is an online database that provides access to book reviews, thematic lists, award winning content and curriculum tools of disparate collections for grade pre-K through 12 media of all types. The database allows for power search, advanced search, and award search options for browsing and locating content. CLCD Enterprise is available through a subscription and valuable for those in education, library and information science and literature fields looking for a tool to expand on collection and curriculum development, and reader advisory suggestions for pre-K through 12 materials.
Author: Sugrim, Sonali
Source: The Charleston Advisor, Volume 23, Number 4, 1 April 2022, pp. 17-19(3)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5260/chara.23.4.17