This study builds upon previous research of academic librarian onboarding. Current literature has explored how academia differs from other professional occupations, what and how academic librarians wanted/gained from onboarding, and established best practices for ACRL libraries using an organizational socialization model. However, the organizational socialization model used failed to address the role of perceived organizational support (POS). This study attempts to elevate the previous research by investigating the role of POS and organizational socialization in onboarding academic librarians using the City University of New York (CUNY) as its sample population. The researchers requested participants to complete a questionnaire designed to explore perceived organizational support (POS) and organizational socialization domains that facilitate successful orientation of new employees.
Recommended Citation
Raftery, P. J., & Delgado, J. (2023). All onboard! An Exploration of Perceived Organizational Support in Onboarding Best Practices of Academic Librarians. Urban Library Journal, 29 (1). Retrieved from https://academicworks.cuny.edu/ulj/vol29/iss1/4