Publications and Research
Document Type
Blog Post
Publication Date
Fall 12-20-2021
The NASA MUREP (Minority University Research and Education Project) and SEMAA (Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Aerospace Academy) at York College CUNY (City University of New York), borough of Queens, New York City, recently earned a distinction by graduating over 30,000 underrepresented minority students since 1999 with the culmination of the fall 2021 session! African American students are leading the graduates, followed by Hispanic and Asian students being almost equal in proportion. The primary objective of both MAA (MUREP Aerospace Academy) and SEMAA is getting underrepresented minority students exposure to innovative STEM content and prepare many of them to enter higher education with a STEM focus. The diligent and successful collaboration between Congressman Gregory Meeks and Professor Jack Schlein (now emeritus professor, York College) made York a legacy STEM Outreach site. SEMAA was introduced to the community in 1999 and continued until 2015, replaced by the MAA program in 2015.