Student Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award

Spring 5-16-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

B.A. with honors

Honors Designation


Program of Study

Arts Administration



First Advisor

Gail Levin

Second Advisor

Mar Morosse

Third Advisor

Karen Shelby


This paper is an analysis on the graffiti artist Panmela Castro and her murals in Brazil and around the world. My thesis emphasizes the importance of feminist subject matter for graffiti art in Brazil, as well as its impact on the public sphere. The paper is separated into four sections: “Formative Years,” describing her biography and the development of her works; “Interaction with the City,” analyzing the interaction between graffiti and the urban environment, and using that discussion as a frame to contextualize Castro’s work; “Feminist Imagery and Ideology,” examining some of her concurrent themes and imageries; and finally “Transnational Influence and Practice,” presenting her international work as part of a transnational feminist agenda. This paper is a contribution to Latin American, Feminist and Street Art studies.



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