Open Educational Resources
Works from 2024
MEST 96 Syllabus, Carlos Cruz
ECO 11, Karen David Prof.
ECO 12 Macroeconomics Syllabus, Karen David Prof.
ENG 155: Introduction to Literary Studies, Joseph Donica
An Introduction to Film (3rd ed.), Teresa Fisher
Fundamentals of Communication, 3rd ed., Teresa Fisher
Soc 11 Introduction to Sociology, Gilbert Marzan
Introduction to Theatre OER Course, Carmen R. Meyers
SPN 122 - Latin American Language and Culture, Salvador Salazar
Works from 2022
Sign Patterns of the Liouville Function and Mobius Function over the Integers, Nelson Carella
ENG 113: Writing about Literature, Joseph Donica
Fundamentals of Communication, 2nd ed., Teresa Fisher
Introduction to Film, 2nd edition, Teresa Fisher
OER Course Map & Syllabus - Spanish 117 (Advanced Spanish Composition), Salvador Salazar
Works from 2021
ENG 150 US Literature and Thought I OER Syllabus, Joseph Donica
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication, Teresa Fisher
Introduction to FilmF, Teresa Fisher
COMM 11 Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication textbook, Teresa A. Fisher
The Political Imagination: Introduction to American Government, Peter Kolozi and James E. Freeman
Anatomy and Physiology Preparatory Course Textbook (2nd Edition), Carlos Liachovitzky
How to construct a bar chart, Harini Mittal
How to construct a frequency distribution for non-numeric data, Harini Mittal
How to construct a pie chart, Harini Mittal
How to create a pivot table and a histogram, Harini Mittal
Works from 2020
Critical Issues in Health, Janet R. Heller
Course Outline for Music 11, Introduction to Music, Sara Holtzschue
What is debt?, Harini Mittal
Works from 2019
Social Inequality [SOC 37] OER / ZTC Course Schedule, Oluremi Alapo
ENG 150 U. S. Literature and Thought (19th c. American Literatue), Susan Amper
ENG 150: U.S. Literature and Thought (19th century American Literature), Susan Amper and Susan Amper
Critical Issues in Health Education, Janet R. Heller
Civil Rights in America: Since 1954, Peter Kolozi
Human Anatomy and Physiology I: Course Map with Expected Learning Outcomes, Carlos Liachovitzky
Python dictionary, Natalia Novak
Python functions, Natalia Novak
Python if statements, Natalia Novak
Python input output, Natalia Novak
Python list, Natalia Novak
Python loops, Natalia Novak
Python string, Natalia Novak
Python working with files, Natalia Novak
Works from 2018
HIS 34 History and Contemporary Issues in Science and Technology, William deJong-Lambert
Selected Assignments for Interpersonal Communications, Joshua Halberstam
Art 11 Introduction to Art History, Deborah Lewittes
Art 55 History of Modern Art, Deborah Lewittes
More Than Free: Equity in Open Educational Resources, Nicole Williams and Kathryn Anastasi
Works from 2017
BCC HIS 20 OER: History of the US, Stephen R. Duncan
Works from 2016
Human Anatomy and Physiology Preparatory Course: Part 1 of 4 (Interactive), Carlos Liachovitzky
Human Anatomy and Physiology Preparatory Course: Part 2 of 4 (Interactive), Carlos Liachovitzky
Human Anatomy and Physiology Preparatory Course: Part 3 of 4 (Interactive), Carlos Liachovitzky
Human Anatomy and Physiology Preparatory Course: Part 4 of 4 (Interactive), Carlos Liachovitzky
Balance Sheet Basics - Accounting Equation, Harini Mittal
Classification of assets - Part 1, Harini Mittal
Classification of assets - Part 2, Harini Mittal
Classification of liabilities - Part I, Harini Mittal
Classification of liabilities - Part II, Harini Mittal
Free Cash Flows, Harini Mittal
Review of Financial Statements, Harini Mittal
Income Statement, Harini Mittal and Harini Mittal
Works from 2015
Human Anatomy and Physiology Preparatory Course (1st Edition), Carlos Liachovitzky
Works from 2014
THEA 70 core text, Sara E. Brady
Works from 2013
Education Curriculum, Oliver Mann
Works from 2011
Lessons from the Maghreb: Exploring a diverse Morocco and Tunisia, Michael J. Miller
Works from 2005
Cross-Disciplinary Prospecting: Educational Technology Offers Up Gold for Library and Information Science Curricula, Michael J. Miller