Open Educational Resources
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Publication Date
Summer 6-14-2021
This course is designed to teach students how to design user experiences (UX) for native applications for mobile devices while considering what types of digital products can and should be put out into the world as tools for the day-to-day, as speculative art projects, or as forms of resistance to existing systems in place. The course focuses on usability heuristics, research (human-centered design methodologies) and competitive analysis, information architecture, rapid prototyping and usability testing. Students will familiarize themselves with native UI elements in Apple and Android platforms and design for one of the platforms of their choice. They will learn how to present and defend their design decisions. After an introduction to Human-Centered Design, Speculative Design, and Critical Design, students are encouraged to design critically whether for an experimental app that invites viewers to engage in dialogue about pressing social or environmental issues or for an app that is useful in our current daily routines.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.
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Graphic Design Commons, Industrial and Product Design Commons, Interactive Arts Commons, Interdisciplinary Arts and Media Commons