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Fall 8-14-2023


ZTC syllabus and class calendar with assignment and text links for Freshman Inquiry Writing Seminar (FIQWS) Composition class.


ZTC syllabus and class calendar with assignment links for Freshman Inquiry Writing Seminar (FIQWS) Composition class. This syllabus is Intended to be paired with the Politics of Language topic class. This syllabus could be modified and used as the composition course for a different topic course. The syllabus uses the open source pdf of Norton's Field Guide to Writing as the main text. Most other readings are linked to the web. I also linked to an open source pdf of the book, They Say, I Say.

Assignments follow the syllabus calendars.

This is intended for a class with a course enrollment of 30 students; therefore, there are only 3 major writing assignments, one of which is a final self-assessment essay.

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