Volume 8, Issue 2 (2005)
New York City Law Review
Symposium to Honor the Work of Professor Ruthann Robson
Introduction to the Symposium
Penelope E. Andrews
Symposium to Honor the Work of Professor Ruthann Robson
Opening Remarks of the Symposium to Honor the Work of Professor Ruthann Robson
Kelly Kuterbach
Law and Literature
Da Vinci versus Kafka: Looking for Answers
Robert Batey
Law and Literature
A Path to Story(s) Table
Kate Nace Day
Law and Literature
A Poetics - of and for - Ruthann Robson
James R. Elkins
Law and Literature
Ruthann Robson: Writing Life and Fiction-Theory
Lynda Hall
Law and Literature
In a Creative Voice: Talking Back to Lawyers' Texts in Notes from a Difficult Case
Andrea McArdle
Law and Literature
Literary Magazines in Unlikely Settings
Danielle Ofri
Law and Literature
Legal Stories: The Art of Argument in the Work of Ruthann Robson
Sima Rabinowitz
Law and Literature
Insomnia Burns
Marge Piercy
Law and Literature
Local Street Flooding Is Expected
Marge Piercy
Law and Literature
An Elegy: Death of Blue Waters
Kate Nace Day
Law and Literature
Lychees in Kent
Danielle Ofri
Law and Literature
The Lesson
Ronaldo Wilson
Law and Literature
Many Worlds
Sima Rabinowitz
Law and Literature
Inadequate, Essential Gestures
Sharon K. Hom
Through the Looking Glass
Carmen Vazquez
The Dykier, the Butcher, the Better: The State's Use of Homophobia and Sexism to Execute Women in the United States
Joey L. Mogul
Creating an Intimate Partner Violence Against Women Legal Theory
Jenny Rivera
Imagining Lesbian Legal Theory
Kendall Thomas
Equality, Social and Economic Justice, and Challenges for Public Interest Lawyering
Sharon K. Hom
Encuentro en el Ambiente de laTeorıa: Latina Lesbians and Ruthann Robson's Lesbian Legal Theory
Elvia R. Arriola
Couplings: Civil Partnership in the United Kingdom
Carl F. Stychin
For the Sake of All Children: Opponents and Supporters of Same-Sex Marriage Both Miss the Mark
Nancy D. Polikoff
"Theory Saved My Life"
Kris Franklin
Feminists, Angels, Poets, and Revolutionaries: What I've Learning from Ruthann Robson and Nicole Brossard on What it Means to be a Law Teacher
Kim Brooks
Public Interest Practice Section
Reflections on Complicity
Julie Shapiro
Annotated Bibliography
Ruthann Robson: An Annotated Bibliography 1979-2005
Sanja Zgonjanin