Theses and Dissertations
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 1996
An Empirical Analysis of Alcohol Addiction, Ismail Sirtalan
The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 : why did it fail, Martin Stankiewicz
Theses from 1995
The constitutional war powers of the President : a study of the evolution of the Executive branch's authority to initiate hostilities, Anthony E. Bundy
Automatic and Controlled Information Processing in Alzheimer's Disease, Linda S. Carozza
Mary McCarthy, Mary Gordon, and the Irish-American Literary Tradition, Stacey Lee Donohue
Child Sexual Abuse, Moral Panic, and the Mass Media: A Case Study in the Social Construction of Deviance, Steven M. Gorelick
Social Consequences of Delayed Childbearing and Infertility, Joan Liebmann-Smith
An empirical study of immigrant consumers' complaining behavior, Syed Sajid Mukhtar
Measurement of Fungal Biomass in Wooden Art Objects Using ATP Photometry and Energy Charge, Fernando Nieto
From Idyll to Exile: The Transformed Self in the Early Works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Elizabeth Powers
Women who don't fit in : the unmarried woman in Shakespearean comedy, Harold Nigel Ramdass
Theses from 1994
Influencias del pensamiento español barroco en dos de las poesías de contenido filosófico de Mihai Eminescu, el poeta nacional rumano, Aurora Czeglédi
Affirmative action : an evaluation, Anup Kaur
The Spectacle of Suffering: Repetition and Closure in the Eighteenth-Century Gothic Novel, Rebecca E. Martin
The Tradition of Autobiography in Music, Antoni Piza
Some Consequences of Semantic Externalism, Consuelo Preti
Modal Properties and Spontaneous Emission Factor in Unstable-Resonator Semiconductor Lasers, Gang Yao
Theses from 1993
Factors that can be attributed to the perpetuation of poverty in the third world, Stephen Bhagwandin
The Romance of Narrative: Design and Desire in the Odyssey, the Aithiopika, and Don Quixote, Susan Brockman
Saving the Environment: Science and Social Action, Patricia D'Andrade
Holmes' intellectual development through the prism of free speech opinions, Martin Felli
Perceptions of Patients Meeting the Criteria for a Diagnosis of "Multiple Chemical Sensitivities": Exploration of Social Situation and Need, Beth Miriam Lewis
Psychoanalysis and Constructionalism: Clinical and Metapsychological Implications, Richard H. Loewus
Effects of environmental concern on attitudes and behavior of female consmetics buyers : an exploratory study, Karen Nelson
A defense of Immanuel Kant's notion of practical reason, Julian White
How categorization and deliberative processing explain consumer response to direct mail advertising, Karen Zhao
Long Chain Molecules in the Molten State: Surface Adsorption, Near Surface Structure, and Mutual-Diffusion, Xiaofeng Zhao
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 1992
Elite Reproduction and Ethnic Identity in Belize, Karen Judd
The Politics of Memorialization: Creating a Holocaust Memorial Museum in New York City, Rochelle G. Saidel
The Application of Liquid Junctions for Characterization of Semiconductor Materials, Wu-mian Shen
Richard Nixon's Position on Communist China, 1949-1960: The Evolution of a Pacific Strategy, Glenn Michael Speer
Acting Hysteria: An Analysis of the Actress and Her Part, Lydia Stryk
Women reproducing in the time of HIV, Ann Stuart Thacker
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 1991
Pygmalion Goes to School: The Effects of Goal Setting, the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy and Self-Efficacy on Trainee Performance, James Michael Benton
Cranial foramina and relationships of dipodoid rodents, Michael Andrew Dempsey
Claes Oldenburg: Sculpture, 1960-1968. A Catalogue Raisonne. (Volumes I and II), Susan Ginsburg
The Dynamics of Program Development: A Case Study in Urban Mental Health Services, John Kastan
The Poetics of Authorship in the Later Middle Ages: The Emergence of the Modern Literary Persona, Burt Joseph Kimmelman
William Olander The Practice of an Activist Curator, Gayle Rodda Kurtz
The Psychological Determinants of Occupational and Non-Occupational Risk-Taking Among Law Enforcement Officers, William F. McCarthy
The economic impacts of PCB's in the Hudson River : a cost- benefit analysis, Nicole M. Meyer
Structural and Functional Studies of the Tryptophan Operon of Bacillus pumilus, Miriam V. Rivas
Taxi Driving: A Study of Leasing in New York City, Allen Russell Stevens
Theses from 1990
English/Indian relations in colonial New England, 1617-1676, Kyle Beard
Improvisation for Actor Training and Performance in 20th Century America (with Special Emphasis on the Spolin and Sills Tradition), Jeff David Brone
Influences of the Post-World War II Era on the American Political Theater, 1968–1972, Lydia Alix Gerson
Class Culture and Generational Change: Immigrant Families in Two Connecticut Industrial Cities During the 1930s, Ivan Greenberg
Conflicting Attributions in the Continental Motet Repertory from ca. 1500 to ca. 1550, Young-Han Hur
Donald Maria O'Callaghan, O.Carm. : politician and pastor, Steven D. Kennedy
Biological Activity and Conformational Analysis of Nikkomycins and their Analogs, Eduardo Krainer
The Changing Face of Fortune in Six English Versions of the Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra, Mary Aileen Mallery
Visual-Spatial and Set-Shifting Functions in Patients with Parkinson's Disease, Sarah A. Raskin
The American Academy of the Fine Arts, New York, 1802-1842. (Volumes I and II), Carrie J. Rebora
El espiritu feminista en las obras de dramaturgas latinoamericanas, Luz A. Sonnino
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 1989
Mrs. Trollope's American Novels, Linda Abess Ellis
Escaping the Alphabet: The Reading of Silence in the Novels of Virginia Woolf, Patricia Laurence
Theoretical Studies of the Energies and Geometries of Strained Hydrocarbons, Mitchell Alan Miller
Amino Acids and N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate as Neurotransmitter Candidates in the Monkey Retinogeniculate Pathways, Ricardo A. Molinar-Rode
On the Stochastic Sequential and Nonsequential Production Planning Problem, Shivaji Rao
Cranial anatomy of Jaculus orientalis (Rodentia, Dipoidea) : new evidence for a close relationship of dipodioid and muroid rodents, Brian S. Sheets
Serial, Parallel and Delay Strategies in the Processing of Structurally Ambiguous Language Constructions, Harvey Slutsky
Children's Video Usage: A Comparative Study of Nine to Eleven-Year-Olds Living in London and New York, Seth P. Welins
The Theatre of Adrian Hall, Jeannie Marlin Woods
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 1988
Feminist Theory and Postwar American Drama, Gayle Austin
Attitudes about Disabled People and Evaluations of a Disabled or Nondisabled Task Partner after Success or Failure, Joan Weisenfeld Bailey
The Politics of Experience: Robert Morris, Minimalism, and the 1960s, Maurice Berger
Mutual influences in the art of Byzantine and Sasanian Empires, Dimitris Cacharelias
Cold Type: Computerized Typesetting and Occupational Subcultures in the New York City Newspaper Industry, Eve Fay Hochwald
The Relationship Between Family-Environmental Processes and Academic Achievement Among Three Hispanic Groups in the United States, Manuel Martinez-Pons
A Comparison of the Symbolic Function in Delicate Self-Mutilators with Joyce Mcdougall's Conceptualization of the Symbolic Function in Psychosomatic Illness and Sexual Perversion, Thomas Richard Negron
Prediction of Treatment Response in Chronic Pain Patients: The Relationship Between Illness Behavior and Self-Concept, Andrew Bruce Rosenblum
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 1987
A Muted Cry: White Opposition to the Japanese Exclusion Movement, 1911–1924, Bruce A. Abrams
Ives on His Own Terms: An Explication, a Theory of Pitch Organization, and a New Critical Edition for the "3-Page Sonata", Carol Kitzes Baron
Gestus in the Theaters of Brecht and Beckett, Barry Joseph Batorsky
The Experience of Public Art in Urban Settings, Roberta Degnore
The Impact of Presentence Investigations on Plea Bargained Dispositions in Kings County Supreme Court, Joseph G. Enright
Israeli, Palestinian and Egyptian Explanations of Political Actions in the Middle East, Bethamie Horowitz
An Analysis of Roberto Gerhard's "Libra", Jeffrey Lynn Miller
Sinfonia Brevis (Original Composition), Jeffrey Lynn Miller
Voice-Leading Patterns in the Fugal Expositions of J. S. Bach's "Well-Tempered Clavier", William Jonathan Michael Renwick
Precursors of Creativity: Metaphor, Symbolic Play and Categorization in Early Childhood, Jay A. Seitz
Eustache Deschamps' "L'art de dictier", Deborah M. Sinnreich
Social Security, Savings, and Labor Supply of the Elderly in Japan, Tetsuji Yamada
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 1986
Working at Home and Being at Home: The Interaction of Microcomputers and the Social Life of Households, Jamie Horwitz
Working at Home and Being at Home: The Interaction of Microcomputers and the Social Life of Households, Jamie L. Horwitz
Virus-host cell interaction : in-vitro studies with canine distemper virus, Yiannis A. Ioannou
Parsing Routines in Syntactic Processing: The Effect of Expected Word Order on Sentence Comprehension, Ann Dibella Jablon
Parsing Routines in Syntactic Processing: The Effect of Expected Word Order on Sentence Comprehension, Ann DiBella Jablon
Structural and Topological Contributions to the Electronic Properties of Inhomogeneous Media (Fractal, Electrode, Impedance), Michael Kramer
Viewers' Perceptions of Gender Roles on Television, Susan Barbara Prager
String Quartet, No. 2, Edward M. Smaldone
La femme chez Christiane Rochefort : romancière feministe francaise, Agnes K. Toskos
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 1985
The Political Economy of Populist-Nationalism in Argentina, 1943-55: Peronism as a Transitional Stage in the Development of a Dependent Industrial Economy, Thomas M.H. Kappner