Theses and Dissertations
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2005
Literacyscape: The History, Politics and Practice of Basic Writing, Tim McCormack
Dangerous Memories: Lynching and the U.S. Literary Imagination, Anne P. Rice
Represent: The New York City Public Housing Resident Alliance and Its Struggle Against the Imposition of the Neoliberal Agenda, Gretchen Susi
Collaborating in Care: Developing a Model of Dialogic Empathy in Nursing Education, Kimberlee Jean Trudeau
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2004
Naming the Future: How Salvadoran Community Radio Builds Civil Society and Popular Culture, Diana Elizabeth Agosta
John B. Flannagan (1895-1942): A Reexamination of His Life and Work, Katherine Rangoon Doyle
International Regime, Domestic Politics and Telecommunications Technology: Jamaica in the Information Age, Judith A. Duncker
To Stand on Their Own: Women’s Higher Education in Contemporary Kerala, India, Alcira Forero-Pena
The Role of Dopamine in Motivational and Receptive Aspects of Female Mouse Sexual Behavior, Amber Bradshaw Hodges
Transcriptions, Paraphrases, and Arrangements: The Compositional Art of Moritz Moszkowski, Gilya Hodos
An Ethnoarchaeomusicological Investigation of Highland Guatemalan Maya Dance-Plays, Mark Harold Howell
Risk Premiums on Government Bonds: A Cointegration Approach and Error Correction Model, Onisiforos Iordanou
Bartolomeo di Tommaso da Foligno, Michael Patrick Johnson
Anarchism and the Politics of Homosexuality, Terence S. Kissack
"Optimal” Inflation Under Dollarization, Kazutaka Kurasawa
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2003
On String Topology of Three Manifolds, Hossein Abbaspour
Women's Envy in the Workplace: Contexts and Consequences, Para Ambardar
Economic Convergence — The German 1990 Economic and Monetary Union, Mary Louise Costanza Lo Re
Implicit Prosody in Silent Reading: Relative Clause Attachment in Croatian, Nenad Lovric
Identifying the First Person, Roblin Roy Meeks
Art or Propaganda: A Historical and Critical Analysis of African-American Approaches to Dramatic Theory, 1900–1965, Henry D. Miller
Clothes Talk: Youth Modernities and Commodity Consumption in Dakar, Senegal, Suzanne Scheld
Play for Mortal Stakes: Funerals as Modernist Acts of Fiction, Janine Marie Utell
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2002
Art to Educate: A History of Public Art in the New York City Public Schools, 1890–1976, Michele Cohen
Charles M. Kurtz (1855-1909): Aspects and Issues of a Cosmopolitan Career, Arleen Pancza Graham
No Relief: The Politics of Welfare Retrenchment, 1873-1898 and 1973-2002, Stephen Pimpare
The City Encomium in Medieval and Humanist Spain, Jeffrey Stephen Ruth
For "The Boys in Blue": The Art Galleries of the Sanitary Fairs, Evdokia Savidou-Terrono
Speech Perception and Lexical Effects in Specific Language Impairment: The Effects of Vowel Duration and Word Knowledge on Perception of Final Alveolar Stop Voicing, Frances L.V. Scheffler
Urban Youth Reimagine Trauma: Making Meaning of Experiences with Chronic Community Violence Through the Arts, Stephanie Urso Spina
Vigilance or Tolerance?: Ambivalence and Attitude Accessibility in Response to Terrorist Threats, Julie Tison
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2001
Crime Legends in Old and New Media, Pamela Donovan
Blue Vaudeville: Sex, Morals, and the Mass-Marketing of Amusement, 1895-1915, Andrew L. Erdman
Public-private partnerships for infrastructure delivery : a study of water and wastewater treatment, and irrigation sectors, Vanita Gangwal
The Police Officer as Survivor: The Psychological Impact of Exposure to Death in Contemporary Urban Policing, Vincent E. Henry
Mothers of Sexually Abused Children and the Concept of Collusion, Patricia A. Joyce
Clinical Process Related to Outcome in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Panic Disorder, Cara F. Klein
The Influence of Family and Community Ties on the Demand for Home Equity Conversion Mortgages, Kenneth Allen Knapp
L1 Lexical, Morphological and Morphosyntactic Attrition in Greek-English Bilinguals, Linda Ann Pelc
The Emergence of Dialogic Identities: Transforming Heteroglossia in the Marquesas, F.P., Kathleen C. Riley
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2000
Wittgenstein and the Grammar of Physics: A Study of Ludwig Wittgenstein's 1929-1930 Manuscripts and the Roots of His Later Philosophy, Anton Alterman
Ética y estética de la narrativa femenina hispanoamericana contemporánea: un diálogo con las teorías bajtinianas del discurso literario, Aranzazu Borrachero
Bilingual Sentence Processing: Relative Clause Attachment in English and Spanish, Eva M. Fernandez
Redemption and Recovery: An Ethnographic Comparison of Two Drug Rehabilitation Programs, a Faith Community and a Therapeutic Community, Daniel E. Hood
Morphology and Photocatalysis of Titanium Dioxide Aerogels, Sean Kelly
Painted Slang: The Caricatural Aspects of French Painting, 1850–1880, Melina V. Kervandjian
Robert Henri and the American Southwest: His Work and Influence, Valerie Ann Leeds
Comparative cranial anatomy of rattus norvegicus and proechimys trinitatus, Richard Marcin
The American Colonization of the Philippines and the Self-examination, Self-presentation and Re-presentation of American Identity, Jennifer Marie McMahon
De la pantalla al papel: el cine mudo y la narrativa vanguardista española, Maria Montoya
Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde in Male Homosocial Contexts: The Politicization of Same-Sex Desire, Richard E. Zeikowitz
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 1999
Deflating Deflationism, Bradley Philip Armour-Garb
The Contribution of Interaural Intensity Differences to the Horizontal Auditory Localization of Narrow Bands of Noise, Matthew H. Bakke
In the Face of Violence: Rape Crisis Workers Talk About Their Lives, Shantih E. Clemans
Robert Henri and Cosmopolitan Culture of Fin-de-Siecle France, Linda Jones Gibbs
The Development of the Meanings of Think and Know Through Conversation, Lea Kessler Shaw
The Structure and Procedures of Hostage/Crisis Negotiation Units in United States Police Organizations, Robert Joseph Louden
Investigation of the Glucose-Induced Inactivation of Maltose Permease in Saccharomyces, Igor L. Medintz
The Writings of Russell Sturgis and Peter B. Wight: The Victorian Architect as Critic and Historian, Marjorie A. Pearson
Contemporary Romanian Theatre: Artistry, Honesty, and Adaptation in the Plays of Iosif Naghiu, Dumitru Radu Popescu and Marin Sorescu, Eric Pourchot
Juergen Habermas and Marx: Critique of an Incipient Public Sphere, Russell Lee Rockwell
A Theater of Anxiety: The Irrepresentable in Shelley's "The Cenci" and in Musset's "Lorenzaccio", Remy Joseph Roussetzki
John Brougham: The American Performance Career of an Irish Comedian, 1842–1880, Dana Rahm Sutton
The Women of the Ten, Twent', Thirt': Popular Melodrama Theatre in Turn-of-the-Century New York, Barbara Meredith Waldinger
Creating Art and Artists: Late Nineteenth-Century American Artists' Studios, Karen A. Zukowski
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 1998
Feeding Ecology and Aspects of Life History in Microcebus Rufus (Family Cheirogaleidae, Order Primates), Syivia Atsalis
Indexical Expressions: Syntax and Context, Barbara Bevington
Ghosts in the Machine: The Black/Africanist Presence in the Sea Novels of Edgar Allan Poe and Herman Melville, Peter F. deCataldo
A Developmental Study of the NMDA Receptor, Katherine M. Flynn
The trade and investment role of Argentina for U.S. firms seeking to establish operations in Mercosur, Ivanna Garibaldi
Adult Attachment and Maternal Representations of Gender During Pregnancy: Their Impact on the Child's Subsequent Gender Role Development, Leslie A. Gibson
Predicting intermediate and multiple conclusions on predicate-logic reasoning problems : further investigation of a theory of mental logic, Jasminka Grgas
"To Sew or To Sow?” European Gender Images and Development in Rural Ecuador, Barbara Grunenfelder-Elliker
Ana Mendieta, the Iowa Years: A Critical Study, 1969 through 1977, Julia P. Herzberg
The Calamus Root: American Gay Poetry Since World War II, Walter Ralph Holland
The Ideal Catalogue House: Mail-Order Architecture and Consumer Culture, 1914–1930, Evie T. Joselow
The Relationship Between Internal Object Representations and Affective Style: A TAT study, Robin B. Kerner
Tanbou Lwen Tini Bon Son: L'Oral Comme Reconstitution Historique dans L'Oeuvre de Simone Schwarz-Bart, Frances J. Santiago Torres
Mary Astell : Christian feminist, Margret Taube
The legend of two serpents (rationale) = Bai she zhuan, Ka Wong
Theses from 1997
A study of prisoners of war in the twentieth century, Victor Montejo
Chronic food-restriction decreases brain serotonin transporter in the rat, Richard Paternoster
The Administrative Efficiency of Hospitals and the Effect of Electronic Data Interchange: A Critical Evaluation of the Stochastic Frontier and the Data Envelopment Analysis Models to Efficiency Measurement, Dimitrios N. Tsaprounis
An Interpretive Analysis of Bela Bartok's Performance of His Own Music, Shu-Yuan Yang
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 1996
(En)gendering Romanticism: A Study of Charlotte Bronte's Novels, Ariella Bechhofer Brown
NATO as the principal architect of security in Europe, Lukasz P. Bulka
Use of Verb Inflections in the Oral Expression of Agrammatic Spanish-Speaking Aphasics, Jose Gregorio Centeno
The Politics of Economic Integration in Latin America: A Case Study of the Andean Group, 1969–1995, Julio J. Chan-Sanchez
Eating attitudes among Asian and Hispanic females : comparison between recent immigrants and long-term residents of the United States, Katherine Sanchez Ciongoli
I Couldn't Kill It Any Other Way: Infanticide in Nineteenth-Century Literature, Deirdre Mary Day-MacLeod
An Examination of the Socio-Economic Determinants of Punishment Using Abductive Polynomial Networks, Farrukh Behzad Hakeem
Gatekeepers to the Franchise: Election Administration and Voter Participation in New York, Ronald Joseph Hayduk
Giving-up-spirit : coping style in Japan, Chiya Ikemi
Conditional reasoning : the claim that people have a special sensitivity to deontic regulations is mistaken, Hye Jee Kim
Sonata for Trumpet and Piano, Paul Howard Kirby
Tonal and Nontonal Elements in the Recent Chamber Music of Ned Rorem, Paul Howard Kirby
Tina Modotti's Vision: Photographic Modernism in Mexico, 1923-1930, Sarah Margaret Lowe
The dilemmas of fiscal policy making in New York City : 1978-1996, Seidia Roach