Dissertations from 2025
Characterizing Malaria Infections in Caribbean Lizards: Parasite Niche Expansion & Host Response, Sarah J. Pangburn
The Spontaneous Flora of New York City; and Systematics of Larix (Pinaceae), Lydia T. Paradiso
The Last Stand of Angraecum: Biogeographic and Evolutionary History of Darwin's Muses, Simon Verlynde
Expression and Transcriptional Regulation of APL-1, a Caenorhabditis elegans APP Ortholog, Ji-Sup Yang
Dissertations from 2024
The Effects of Environmental Changes on the Biodiversity and Macroecological Patterns of Bird Assemblages in the United States, Marlen Acosta Alamo
Targeting Strategies to Optimize the Therapeutic Potential of Gold Compounds Against HER2-Positive Breast Cancers, Afruja Ahad
Establishing a Murine Model of Malaria-Associated Acute Kidney Injury and Demonstrating the Contribution of Extrinsic Apoptosis to Tubular Necrosis, Johanna Bensalel-Lyampe
Repurposing BT-11 to Treat Alzheimer’s Disease: Exploring the Glutathione-s-transferase LANCL2 as a Target, Emily Birnbaum
Molecular Roles of Two Small Inner Membrane Proteins in E. coli Lipid Homeostasis, Andrea L. Cardenas Arevalo
Mechanistic and Engineering Studies of LOV Photoreceptors in Yeast, Matthew M. Cleere
The Role of the Infralimbic-Basal Forebrain Pathway in Fear Extinction, Carolina Maria Fernandes Henriques
The Influence of Environmental Change on Genetic Diversity Across Spatial and Taxonomic Scales, Connor M. French
Avian Symbionts of Sulawesi: Identifying and Correlating Malaria Parasites and the Microbiome in Communities of Endemic Avian Hosts, Rachael Joakim
Competitive and Noncompetitive Credit Assignment to Reward Cues in the Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex, Mihwa Kang
Autophagy and Meiotic Fidelity in C. elegans, Kaitlin E. Kosinski
High MDMX (MDM4) in Mutant p53 Expressing Breast Cancer Cells Activates the CXCL12-CXCR4 Metastasis Signaling Axis, Rusia H. Lee
Variability in Associations Among Seabirds and Marine Mammals: Causes and Consequences, Samantha A. Monier
Effects of BRCA1-Mediated Ubiquitination of HuR on RNA Metabolism in Breast Cancer, Devorah Mincha Natelson
Harnessing Neural Activity to Prevent Non-Apoptotic Spinal Neurons from Microglial Phagocytosis After Motor System Injury, Jasmine L. Pathan
Using Leaf Spectra to Elucidate the Taxonomy and Ecology of Living and Dried Plants, Natalia L. Quinteros Casaverde
Regulation of p21 Function by a Sense Long Non-Coding RNA Generated by Alternative Polyadenylation, Anthony Ramadei
Mechanism of Host Recognition by the Bacteriophage Cystoviridae, Charles F. Robinson IV
The Seat of Singular Gene Choice: Dissecting the Role of Odorant Receptor Enhancer Elements That Lead to Mammalian Olfactory System Expression, Alessandro M. Rosa
A Causal Inference Approach for Spike Train Interactions, Zach Saccomano
Voltage Set Points for Sodium Channel Inactivation: Intrinsic and Modulatory Mechanisms, Akshay Sharma
Regulation of the Intracellular Trafficking of Ajuba by Cell Density and Cell Cycle-Dependent Mechanisms, Huanhuan Sun
Systematics and Comparative Genomics of the Petaluridae (Odonata: Anisoptera), Ethan R. Tolman
Dissertations from 2023
TGF-b Signaling Mechanisms in Caenorhabditis elegans Response to Bacterial Pathogens, Emma J. Ciccarelli
Genetic Determinants Involved in Acquisition of Iron in the Opportunistic Pathogen Mycobacterium abscessus, Manal F. Farhat
Population Genomics, Ecology and Conservation of Asterias Sea Stars in the North Atlantic, Melenia I. Giakoumis
Determining the Influence of Abiotic and Biotic Predictors on Ecological Niche Models, Erica Johnson
Illuminating the Drivers of Genomic Diversification in Lamprologine Cichlids of the Lower Congo River, Naoko P. Kurata
Electrophysiological Signatures of Stress Adaptability in the BNST-VTA Pathway, Yuka Miura
A Novel Therapeutic Strategy for Alzheimer’s Disease: Sex-Dependent Mechanisms Altered by the HDAC Inhibitor RG2833 in a Transgenic Rat Model, Kelechi Ndukwe
Expanding the Role of the Temporal Dimension in Ecological Niche Models: A Study on Mexican Montane Small Mammals, Gonzalo E. Pinilla Buitrago
Drug Repurposing Using Gene Expression Data Mining, Yue Qiu
Metabolic Control of Proliferation and Differentiation in Oligodendrocytes, Sami Sauma
Multi-Target Ligand-Guided Selection (LIGS) Against B-Cell Specific Antigens Expressed in a Single Lymphoma Cell Population, Nicole B. Williams
Dissertations from 2022
Genomic Insights into Mechanisms of Microbial Evolution and Evolution-inspired Strategies to Combat Pathogen Diversity, Saymon Akther
Role of the G Protein Beta Gamma Subunits in Serotonin Transporter Dynamics, Nora Awadallah
Novel Strategies For Glutamate Clearance in the Glia-Deprived Synaptic Hub of C. elegans, Joyce Chan
Generation of Mycobacterium smegmatis Model Systems for Testing Inhibitors of the Mycobactin Siderophore of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Gabrielle A. Germain
Elucidating Mechanisms of Biofluorescence and Bioluminescence in Marine Organisms, Andrew M. Guarnaccia
Conservation, Comparative Genomics and Species Delimitation of the Reindeer Lichens (Cladonia), Jordan R. Hoffman
Genetic Determinants of Carotenoid Pigmentation in the Opportunistic Pathogen Mycobacterium kansasii, Niklas Janisch
Isolation and Characterization of Fluorescent Proteins and Small Molecules from Marine Vertebrates, Sara Rose Krivoshik
Elucidation of Gene Essentiality and Genetic Determinants of Intrinsic p-Aminosalicylic Acid Resistance in Mycobacterium Kansasii, Keith J. Levendosky
Transcriptional Mechanisms of Neuroprotection in Excitotoxicity Driven Neurodegeneration in C. elegans, Zelda Z. Mendelowitz
Mechanism of Tau Propagation: Putative Therapeutic Approaches, Viktoriya Morozova
Molecular Mechanisms of microRNA-1205 in Aggressive Prostate Cancer, Michelle K. Naidoo
Clustered Protocadherins Ubiquitination and Phosphorylation Regulates Surface Expression, Albert Ptashnik
Function of ATM and MSH2 During DNA Repair and Recombination, Emily Sible
Understanding Species Interactions and Their Impacts in Restored Communities, Jennifer Zhu
The Behavioral and Gene Expression Effects of Loss or Exhaustion of Sonic Hedgehog from Dopamine Neurons, Dustin R. Zuelke
Dissertations from 2021
Neuroplasticity of the Corticospinal System: Applications of Neuromodulation-Based Therapies, Alzahraa M. Amer
Microbial-Host Dynamics and the Evolution of Nearshore Diversity in Hippocampus abdominalis, Jimiane L. Ashe
Vertebrate Scavenger Diversity and Ecosystem Services Along An Elevational Gradient in Central Nepal, Aishwarya Bhattacharjee
Investigation of Notch Signaling in Cone Fate Specification in Vertebrate Retina, Xueqing Chen
Genomic and Ecological Dimensions of Malagasy Reptile and Amphibian Biodiversity, Arianna L. Kuhn
Study of the Gain-of-Function Mutant p53 and PARP1 in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer, Devon Lundine
Three LC-MS Plant Metabolomics Studies of Hop (Humulus) Species: Wild H. neomexicanus, Drought Stress, and Agricultural Terroir, Taylan Morcol
Analysis of Transplantable Photoreceptor Replacement Cell Chemotactic Mechanisms in Retinal Biomimetic Ligand Gradients, Onyekwere Onwumere
Understanding and Predicting the Distribution of Biodiversity in the Atlantic Forest, Andrea Paz Velez
Circuits Underlying Serotonin Mediated Sex Differences in Fear Learning, Rebecca Ravenelle
The Role of Tbx2 in Germ Layer Suppression and Dorsoventral Patterning during Early Vertebrate Development, Shoshana Reich
Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Cell Fate Choice Within Specific Retinal Lineages, Estie Schick
Estrogen Modulation of VTA Dopamine Neuron Physiology and Behavioral Responsivity to Variable Social Stressors, Mary R. Shanley
Understanding the Influence of Zinc on Grain Cadmium Accumulation and Bioaccessibility in Rice, Michael A. Tavarez
Cell Cycle Progression Effects of Albumin, Sharmeen Uddin
The Role of Estrogen Receptor Alpha in Regulating Messenger RNA 3’ End Processing and Controlling Gene Expression in Breast Cancer Cells, Sophia Varriano
Anti-Cancer Effects by Interleukin 24, Xuelin Zhong
Evolution and Development of the Seed Coat in Gymnosperms, Cecilia Zumajo
Dissertations from 2020
Elucidating the Role of APL-1, the C. elegans Ortholog of the Human Amyloid Precursor Protein, Adanna G. Alexander
Regulation of a Messenger: Raising oskar, It Takes a Village, Livia V. Bayer
The Transcription Factor ATF5 Protects Cortical Neurons from Toxicity Induced by Prostaglandin J2, Fanny Cheung
Through the Back Door: Proteins Escape Cells without Conventional Permission, Michael J. Cohen
Responses of North American Birds to Recent Climate Change: Effects of Distributional Changes on Migration Distances, Community Structure and Biodiversity Patterns, Shannon R. Curley
Rehabilitative Movement Approaches and Dance Interventions in Parkinson’s Disease, Cecilia Fontanesi
Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Migratory and Immune-Evasion Properties of Circulating Tumor Cells, Jeannette A. Huaman
The Cortico-Motoneuronal System in the PlexinA1 Knock-Out Mouse: Sculpting the Motor Response and Activity-Dependent Plasticity, John Kalambogias
Protein Phosphatase 2A Suppresses Spindle Elongation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Shoily P. Khondker
Probing the Limits of Singular Gene Expression Through the Activity of High Representation Odorant Receptor Transgenes, Eugene Lempert
Functions of Fibroblast Growth Factor Homologous Factor 2 in Excitable Tissues, Christopher Marra
Employing High Probability Gene Choice Elements to Understand Singular Odorant Receptor Expression, Raena Mina
Molecular Roles of Small Inner Membrane Proteins in Escherichia coli Cell Envelope Integrity, Aaron Mychack
On the Distribution of Genetic Variation in Ecological Communities, Isaac Overcast
Gene Regulation and Cell Fate Choice in the Developing Vertebrate Retina, Sruti Patoori
A Neural Mechanism for Capnotaxis in the Naked Mole-Rat, Michael Zions