Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name



Liberal Studies


Beth Ferholt

Subject Categories

Outdoor Education | Place and Environment | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education | Theory, Knowledge and Science


transrational knowledge, embodied knowledge, nature, ceremony, playworlds


This thesis explores transrational and embodied knowledge gained through my experience within ceremony and nature. This thesis uses transrational to mean “information and experience that does not readily fit into standard cause and effect logical structure” (Bernstein, 2005, p. xv). By reflecting on personal experiences and embodied sensations during ceremonies in nature, the thesis outlines a framework for exploring transrational and embodied knowledge within nature. I offer heuristics, a phenomenological tool to “explore, focus, and raise awareness” (Alexakos, 2015) to provide context for my experience in nature, ceremonies and ceremonies in nature.

The research investigates transrational and embodied knowledge through Bakhtin’s dialogic in the context of nature, participation in ceremonies, and ceremonies within transrational spaces. When discussing ceremony in transrational spaces, this thesis engages with the idea of conscious spaces which “have boundaries, principles, intentions, symbols, customs and values” (Alexakos, 2021). Playworlds are then presented as a space for engaging with nature. This thesis considers playworlds as described by Ferholt where “Playworlds can be described as collaborative acts of creation or ways of being” (Ferholt et al., 2023).

Ultimately, this thesis argues for a more expansive transrational and embodied understanding of knowledge. By embracing transrational experiences and embodied knowing, we open opportunities to enrich our relationship with the nature.

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