Open Educational Resources
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As Associate Adjunct Professors we (Linda and Malgorzata) have been co-teaching with graduate students for over 10 years at Brooklyn College’s School of Education. Recently, as part of CUNY’s Computing Integrated Teacher Education (CITE) initiative, we embarked on integrating computational thinking (CT) into our SEED 7507 course (Sociocultural and Developmental Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Diverse Classrooms). The course aimed at exploring theories of social and emotional learning, interpersonal interaction, culture, race, gender, role of language and literacy with implications for teaching and learning practices, planning and assessment. Incorporating CT involved new terminology, tools, and ways of teaching. Consequently, we were curious to learn how to improve our instructional approach to introducing CT in a way that might be beneficial to both faculty (teacher educators) and students (pre-/in-service teachers in teacher education programs) guided by the following content questions:
- How were pre-/in-service teachers receiving the content and pedagogical strategies?
- What connections were pre-/in-service teachers making?
- What were pre-/in-service teachers’ perspectives about the value of computing for their teaching and learning?
To that end, we decided to draw on a strategy for promoting student voice in classrooms which we have used in the past: the Cogenerative Dialogue (“cogen”). This protocol is an offering based on the fruits of our work.
We hope that you - CITE faculty and beyond - who may be curious about incorporating student voices, find this resource useful to your practice!