
Graduation Date

Fall 12-16-2022

Grading Professor

Alicia Chang

Subject Concentration

Health & Science

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Losing a pet can have a huge impact on a household - including humans and pets alike. This mixed multimedia project works to capture this multimedia project exploring how loss manifests in the home after a pet’s passing — and how we remember our pets after they’re gone. It’s done through short non-narrative documentaries from multiple pet owners, along with insight from a mental health expert, and animal behaviorists. I’ve incorporated research around pets having grief-like reactions to a companion animal, in addition to why grieving a pet is so painful, and how pet grief often doesn’t fit in with society’s attitude about death, and dying. The full project can be found at

AUDIO_Savitt_Michayla_1.mp3 (8947 kB)
non-narrative audio doc of Larra Call Waldmann speaking about her household grieving their two dogs

AUDIO_Savitt_Michayla_2.mp3 (10600 kB)
non-narrative audio doc of Kat Clary reflecting on loving, losing, and grieving her cat

AUDIO_Savitt_Michayla_3.mp3 (8755 kB)
non-narrative audio doc of Mirna Fiohetti reflecting on her cat's death and the impact on her work

PHOTO_Savitt_Michayla_Sequence1.jpg (997 kB)
Image of Kat Clary holding a photo of Marcasite. Taken October 26, 2022, Manhattan, NY. Taken by Michayla Savitt.

PHOTO_Savitt_Michayla_sequence2.gif (15155 kB)
GIF with two images of Pippin the cat: one a photo taken by Michayla Savitt December 2019, the other an illustration of the same image drawn by H Conley.



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