Date of Award

Spring 5-3-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Partha Deb

Second Advisor

Sangita Vyas

Academic Program Adviser

Karna Basu


Air pollution in developing nations presents a significant health threat; India's reliance on coal to meet increasing electricity demands and the non-compliance of coal plants with emission regulations worsen air pollution, resulting in considerable health risks. In this paper, I estimate the effect of exposure to coal plants on birth weight using data from the 2019-21 Demographic Health Survey (DHS) and the Central Electricity Authority's data on coal plants in India. A linear regression controls for confounding factors, including village and birth cohort effects, as well as birth and household variables. I find that an additional gigawatt (GW) increase in coal capacity, an additional terawatt-hour (TWh) increase in coal generation units, and each additional kilogram of Carbon dioxide emissions per gigawatt-hour (kgCO_2/GWh) decrease birth weight by 51.1g, 10.5g, and 11.3g respectively. I also estimate that infants born to mothers residing within a 50km proximity to average-sized coal plants are, on average, 40g smaller than their counterparts in non-coal-exposed villages.

Available for download on Saturday, May 03, 2025

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