Date of Award

Summer 8-10-2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Randall Filer

Second Advisor

Gregory Colman

Academic Program Adviser

Randall Filer


Towards the end of the 1980s Egypt introduced an educational policy aimed at reducing the years of compulsory primary schooling from six years to five years. This reduced the overall compulsory years of schooling from nine years to eight years. This paper will examine the educational and labor outcomes of this policy change differentiated by urban and rural areas using the Egypt Labor Market Panel Survey (ELMPS) 2006 and 2012 rounds. Regressions estimated in this paper differentiated between the urban and rural populations. The results suggested that the effect on the rural community was much larger than the effect on the urban population in terms of outcomes regarding wage, likelihood of finishing compulsory schooling, likelihood of finishing secondary schooling, and age at first job.

Included in

Economics Commons



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