Date of Award
Fall 12-20-2017
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
First Advisor
Susanna Cole
Second Advisor
Howard Singerman
Academic Program Adviser
Maria Antonella Pelizzari
Jared French's State Park (Whitney Museum of American Art, 1946) uses the language of magic realism in mid-20th-century America, the egg tempera technique of the Quattrocento, and the theories of Carl Jung to explore a variety of themes: homosexuality, family and power. This thesis considers State Park within the contexts of the artist's circle and liaisons with Paul Cadmus and George Tooker; his photography work with Pajama; his friendship with E.M. Forster; and homophobia at mid-century.
Recommended Citation
Sachar, Emily, "Jared French's State Park: A Contextual Study" (2017). CUNY Academic Works.