"Factors That Predict Lien Payouts" by Viktoria Chudsky

Date of Award

Spring 5-29-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Matthew Baker

Second Advisor

Ingmar Nyman

Academic Program Adviser

Randall K. Filer


The purpose of this research is to find ways to increase Medicaid collections in order to promote citizens’ access to government sponsored programs. This research paper is written to observe which variables increase reimbursement funds that will be reinjected into Medicaid and Public Assistance programs. The study looks at client and law firm characteristics such as the settlement amount, the client’s age, how long the case has been open in the MAESTRO system for, the client’s borough of residence, and the defending law firm’s location to identify if any of these characteristics influence the amount of recoupment. The firms’ names are also used to observe whether specific law firms have effects on recoupment amounts.

Included in

Public Health Commons



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