Date of Award

Fall 1-3-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Drew Beattie

Second Advisor

Lisa C Davis

Academic Program Adviser

Lisa C Davis


The episteme that created the grid as a structure for logic has been usurped. We compose meaning from an adulterated grid, or pattern. I process meaning through the abuse of acrid patterns and the grid, the reduction of imagery to silhouettes and by referencing both cultural and classical mythology.

install.jpg (11336 kB)
Installation view

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Second installation view

install hoops.jpg (8057 kB)
Third Installation view

Head.jpg (5116 kB)
"Puppet Dictatorship" 2019

Pope.jpg (7633 kB)
"Crafted Values" 2019

goat.jpg (19059 kB)
"What Happened to Thumper" 2019

monkey.jpg (4983 kB)
"Privileged Curiosity" 2019

brothers.jpg (10411 kB)
"Four Brothers Signifies Brotherhood" 2018

DSC00452.jpg (2146 kB)
"We Nurture Fascism" 2019

hoop.jpg (9643 kB)



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