Date of Award

Spring 5-8-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Forensic Psychology



First Advisor or Mentor

Elizabeth Jeglic

Second Reader

Cynthia Calkins

Third Advisor

Diana Falkenbach


In recent years, there has been increased media coverage involving cases of educator sexual misconduct. There has been criticism that the gender of the educator impacts the way that crime has been portrayed in the media, with cases of female-perpetrated educator sexual abuse being sensationalized and minimizing the harm done to victims. This study seeks to explore how and if these gender biases shape the sentencing outcomes in prosecuted cases of educator sexual abuse. Additionally, the study will examine if and how various factors, such as the gender of the perpetrator and the gender of the victim, affect sentencing length. The sample consisted of 660 cases in the United States spanning from 2013 to 2023, documenting factors such as educator and victim age, educator and victim gender, the educational level of the school in which the misconduct occurred, the position of the educator within the institution, the number of victims, as well as the educators' sentencing length. The analysis showed that most educators were male, with more than three-quarters holding positions as general education instructors. The mean age of offenders was 38 years, while the mean age of victims was 14. The mean sentencing length for offenders was significantly different for male educators (M = 18.13, SD = 29.17) than for female educators (M = 3.69, SD = 5.95), with male educators receiving almost five times the length of sentence that female educators did. Results also showed that the number of victims also has a significant effect on the sentencing and punishment of an educator convicted of sexual educator misconduct. These findings will be discussed as they pertain to educator sexual misconduct in Grades K-12 across schools in the United States.

Available for download on Saturday, November 22, 2025
