Publications and Research
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Publication Date
Summer 6-2022
The crime and justice field recently started to label a wide array of violence prevention strategies as Community Violence Interventions. Many of these strategies depend on law enforcement and social services, but the most innovative approaches are community-centered and community-sourced. They are grassroots efforts that rely on the resources of neighborhoods and residents themselves, operating separately from law enforcement and traditional human services. Researchers from the John Jay College Research and Evaluation Center reviewed the history of community violence intervention strategies that operate at the grassroots level (or CVI-R) and examined evaluations of several community-centered approaches, providing recommendations for researchers to continue to study CVI-R efforts to establish them as an effective model to address community violence issues.
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Criminology Commons, Other Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration Commons, Other Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons, Policy Design, Analysis, and Evaluation Commons, Quantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies Commons