Publications and Research

Publications and Research

The Publications and Research series collects the scholarly and creative works of John Jay faculty and professional staff. For information about posting your work, please see or email


Works from 2025


The Role of Mentorship in the Advancement of Black Women in Higher Education Administrative Roles, Kimberley Colclough


Gender Equity in Municipalities: Understanding Local Policy Priorities, Maria J. D’Agostino, Nicole M. Elias, and Nicole DiMaria

Works from 2024


Education and Religion in Shaping Support for Same-sex Relations: Considering Differences over Time and across Geographical Areas, Amy Adamczyk and Ashely French


Synthesizing the Global English-Language Abortion Narrative: A Comparative Analysis of Media Discourse, Amy L. Adamczyk and Lindsay J. Lerner


Analysis of the Relationship Between Religion, Abortion, and Assisted Reproductive Technology: Insights into Cross-national Public Opinion, Amy L. Adamczyk, Brittany Suh, and Lindsay Lerner


‘A storm is coming:' The New York Times coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic in American prisons, Katarzyna Celinska and Amina Cheboubi


Gender Equity in Public Affairs Pedagogy: Structure, Content, and Practice for a More Inclusive Public Sector, Nicole M. Elias, Maria J. D’Agostino, Vanessa Diez, and Erik Krause


Gender-responsive Classification of Women in Prison: A Typology Based on Mental Health Symptoms and Coping Strategies, Irina Fanarraga and Katarzyna Celinska


Phenotypic mismatch between suspects and fillers but not phenotypic bias increases eyewitness identifications of Black suspects, Jennifer M. Jones, Jacqueline Katzman, and Margaret Bull Kovera


Assessing Progress in Reducing Racial Disparities in New York City Law Enforcement, 2013-2022, Stephen Koppel and Michael Rempel


Failure to Appear Across New York Regions, Stephen Koppel, René Ropac, and Michael Rempel


Racial Disparities in New York City Civil Summonses, 2019-2022, Stephen Koppel and Anna Stenkamp


Evaluating the Impact of Desk Appearance Ticket Reform in New York State, Olive Lu and Michael Rempel


Local-Classical Singers Speak: Interviews with Trinidadian, Guyanese, and Surinamese Singers, Peter L. Manuel


Mass exodus? Police officer turnover intention and organizational commitment in New York City, Kenneth M. Quick and Kevin T. Wolff


Does New York's Bail Reform Law Impact Recidivism? A Quasi-Experimental Test in the State's Suburban and Upstate Regions, René Ropac


The Power of Public Service: Human Resource Management and the COVID-19 Pandemic, Meghna Sabharwal, Nicole Elias, Maria J. D’Agostino, Helisse Levine, and Shilpa Viswanath


Racial and Neighborhood Disparities in New York City Criminal Summons Practices, Anna Stenkamp and Michael Rempel


Testing Routine Activity Theory: Behavioural Pathways Linking Temperature to Crime, Christopher Thomas, Jinuk Jeong, and Kevin T. Wolff


Past and Present of the CVS: Empirical Research and Evidence-Based Policy, Kevin T. Wolff


Strategies for Addressing Substance Abuse and Gambling Among Youth, Kevin T. Wolff


Holiday Chaos to Corporate Crisis: A Lesson from Christmas Vacation in Executive Protection, Rachael A. Zerr


Public-Private Partnerships in FEMA: Strengthening Communities Nationwide, Rachael A. Zerr


Past * An Introduction to the Problem, Zelimir Zilnik, Boris Buden, New Media Center, and Olivera Jokic

Works from 2023


Working towards promotion to full professor: strategies, time management, and habits for academic librarian mothers, Marta Bladek


Eddie Ellis, Credible Messengers and the Neo-Liberal Imagination of Anti-Violence, David C. Brotherton


Ethnographic activism and critical criminology, David C. Brotherton


Minor Role: Youth Under Age 18 and New York City Violence, Jeffrey A. Butts, Sheyla A. Delgado, and Richard A. Espinobarros


Differences in Religious Framing of Muslims and Islam in American Media Coverage Before and After the Trump Campaign, Emily Greene-Colozzi, Amy Adamczyk, and Senahan Kiyal Keles


Potential causes of racial disparities in wrongful convictions based on mistaken identifications: Own-race bias and differences in evidence-based suspicion., Jacqueline Katzman and Margaret Bull Kovera


Examining the System-Wide Effect of Eliminating Bail in New York City: A Controlled-Interrupted Time Series Study, Stephen Koppel and René Ropac


The role of suspect development practices in eyewitness identification accuracy and racial disparities in wrongful conviction, Margaret Bull Kovera


'I Can’t Vote if I Don’t Leave My Apartment’: The Problem of Residential Violence and its Impact on the Politics of Black American Women Living Below the Poverty Line, Alex J. Moffett-Bateau


A Statewide Analysis of the Impact of Restitution and Fees on Juvenile Recidivism in Florida Across Race & Ethnicity, Alex R. Piquero, Michael T. Baglivio, and Kevin T. Wolff


Helping the helpers: The role of organizational support and peer influence on police officer receptivity to employee assistance programs, Kenneth Quick


Weird Winter Weather in the Anthropocene: How Volatile Temperatures Shape Violent Crime, Christopher Thomas and Kevin T. Wolff


Dynamic Risk Trajectories, Community Context, and Juvenile Recidivism, Kevin T. Wolff, Michael T. Baglivio, and Jonathan Intravia

Works from 2022


Religion as a Micro and Macro Property: Investigating the Multilevel Relationship Between Religion and Abortion Attitudes Across the Globe, Amy Adamczyk


Assessing Variation and Change in Newspaper Portrayals of Muslims: The influence of the Trump Election and Differences across the United States in Local and National Papers, Amy Adamczyk, Emily Greene-Colozzi, Senahan Kiyal Keles, and Aida Murati


Using Internet-Derived Data to Measure Religion: Understanding How Google Can Provide Insight into Cross-National Religious Differences, Amy Adamczyk, Jacqueline Scott, and Steven Hitlin


Neighbors at Risk, Jeffrey A. Butts, Gina Moreno, and Richard A. Espinobarros


The contemporary American juvenile justice system: Revisiting parens patriae, Katarzyna Celinska and Amina Cheboubi


Female Prisoners, Mental Health, and Contact with Family and Friends, Katarzyna Celinska and Irina Fanarraga


Female Inmates: Coping with Imprisonment and Separation from Family and Friends, Katarzyna Celinska, Irina Fanarraga, and Michael Cronin


Gender Equity Commission Priorities: An Archival Study and Prospects for the Future, Maria D' Agostino and Nicole M. Elias


Organizational Practices and Second-Generation Gender Bias: A Qualitative Inquiry into the Career Progression of US State-Level Managers, Maria J. D’Agostino, Helisse Levine, Meghna Sabharwal, and AI C. Johnson-Manning


“The amount of labor we do for free” and other contradictions: a collective inquiry into the pedagogical choices of CUNY adjunct and graduate student instructors who taught with free of charge materials during the year 2020, Sami Disu, Joanna Dressel, Jamila Hammami, Marianne Madoré, and Conor Tomás Reed


Technology in the Security Sector: Mexico, Vanessa J. Gutierrez, Melina Ponte, Angiee Rosario, Arleen Castillo, Henry Saldarriaga, Hector Tejeda, Stephanie Reich, and Rosemary Barberet


Making the case for addressing second-generation gender bias in public administration, Helisse Levine, Maria J. D’Agostino, and Meghna Sabharwal


Rainbow Research: Challenges and Recommendations for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Survey Design, Seth J. Meyer and Nicole M. Elias


Moving Beyond Niceness: Reading bell hooks into the Radical Potential for the Discipline, Alex J. Moffett-Bateau and Jenn M. Jackson


New York City Gun Violence Costs Tax Payers $40 Million a Year in Hospital Costs Alone, Gina Moreno


The Effect of the Seattle Police-Free CHOP Zone on Crime: A Microsynthetic Control Evaluation, Eric L. Piza and Nathan T. Connealy


Community Violence Intervention at the Roots (CVI–R), Katheryne Pugliese, Paul Oder, Talib Hudson, and Jeffrey A. Butts


Enhancing Police Accountability and Legitimacy, Daniel L. Stageman


Markovnikov alcohols via epoxide hydroboration by molecular alkali metal catalysts, Guoqi Zhang, Haisu Zeng, Shengping Zheng, Michelle C. Neary, and Los Alamos National Laboratory

Works from 2021


Adverse Childhood Experiences Distinguish Violent Juvenile Sexual Offenders’ Victim Typologies, Michael T. Baglivio and Kevin T. Wolff


Review of Alternatives to Incarceration Efforts Worldwide, Emma Barton, Charlotte Drozd, Anne Fatooh, Katelyn Ferguson, Marc Gale, Parkash Garcha, Karen Giraldo, Aimee Hanstein, Matthew Jobson, Josephine Kehm, Lindsay Lerner, Meera Martin, Devon McManamon, Mervyn Payne, Brianna Rivers, Bianca Suazo, Arlinda Xhuveli, and Rosemary L. Barberet


Gender in Emergency Services: Foundations for Greater Equity in Professional Codes of Ethics, Sebawit Bishu, Sean McCandless, and Nicole M. Elias


Students and Parents: How Academic Libraries Serve a Growing Population, Marta Bladek


Student well-being matters: Academic library support for the whole student, Marta Bladek


Shooting Surge Beginning to Slow Across New York City, Jeffrey A. Butts and Richard A. Espinobarros


Shooting Surge Continuing to Slow Across New York City, Jeffrey A. Butts and Richard A. Espinobarros


Shooting Trends Vary Across Areas of New York City, Jeffrey A. Butts and Richard A. Espinobarros


Women in Public Administration in the United States: Leadership, Gender Stereotypes, and Bias, Sofia Calsy and Maria J. D’Agostino


Advancing Gender Equity through Legislation: Overview of Select Laws Passed from 2014–2020, Maria J. D’Agostino and Nicole M. Elias


COVID–19 as a Catalyst for U.S. Child Care Policy Reform: Factsheet, Maria J. D’Agostino and Nicole M. Elias


Resuming On-site Services: Final Report and Recommendations of the CUNY Libraries COVID-19 Task Force (April 2021), Kathleen M. Dreyer, Jeffrey Delgago, Karen Okamoto, Steven Ovadia, Roxanne Shirazi, Michael Waldman, Haruko Yamauchi, and Simone Yearwood


When Crime Moves Where Does It Go? Analyzing the Spatial Correlates of Robbery Incidents When Crime Moves Where Does It Go? Analyzing the Spatial Correlates of Robbery Incidents Displaced by a Place-based Policing InterventionDisplaced by a Place-based Policing Intervention, David N. Hatten and Eric L. Piza


Transgender and Gender Non-Binary Healthcare Coverage in State Medicaid Programs: Recommendations for More Equitable Approaches, Robin Kempf, Nicole M. Elias, and Alonso J. Rubin-DeSimone


Civility and Its Discontents: Subway Etiquette, Civic Values, and Political Subjectivity in Global Taiwan, Anru LEE


Musical Borrowings, Copyright, and the Canard of “Cultural Appropriation", Peter L. Manuel


The Rosalía Polemic: Defining Genre Boundaries and Legitimacy in Flamenco, Peter L. Manuel


Single-cell fluidic force microscopy reveals stress- dependent molecular interactions in yeast mating, Marion Mathelié-Guinlet, Felipe Viela, Jérôme Dehullu, Sviatlana Filimonava, Jason M. Rauceo, Peter N. Lipke, and Yves F. Dufrêne


Beyond Bostock: Implications for LGBTQ+ theory and practice., Sean McCandless and Nicole M. Elias


Testing the Waters: An Investigation of the Impact of Hot Tubbing on Experts From Referral Through Testimony, Jennifer T. Perillo, Anthony D. Perillo, Nikoleta Despodova, and Margaret Bull Kovera


Police officers’ best friend?: An exploratory analysis of the effect of service dogs on perceived organizational support in policing, Kenneth M. Quick and Eric L. Piza


Is “Just Googling It” Good Enough for First-Year Students?, Maureen Richards


Measuring Procedural Justice Policy Adherence During Use of Force Events: The Body-Worn Camera as a Performance Monitoring Tool, Victoria A. Sytsma, Eric L. Piza, Vijay F. Chillar, and Leigh S. Grossman


Hostile, quick-tempered, and exposed to dangerous environments: Exploring the link between temperament and street code adherence, Kevin T. Wolff, Sharron Spriggs, Jonathan Intravia, Michael T. Baglivio, and Matt DeLisi

Works from 2020


Examining Public Opinion about Abortion: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review of Research over the Last 15 Years, Amy Adamczyk, Chunrye Kim, and Leevia Dillon


Did Juvenile Domestic Violence Offending Change During COVID-19?, Michael T. Baglivio, Kevin T. Wolff, Joan A. Reid, Sherry L. Jackson, and Alex R. Piquero


Reducing Violence Without Police: A Review of Research Evidence, Charles Branas, Shani Buggs, Jeffrey A. Butts, Anna Harvey, Erin M. Kerrison, Tracey Meares, Andrew V. Papachristos, John Pfaff, Alex R. Piquero, Joseph Richardson Jr., Caterina Gouvis Roman, and Daniel Webster


Reducing Gun Violence in New York City, Jeffrey A. Butts and Sheyla A. Delgado


Reported Crime in MAP Communities Compared with Other NYC Areas. MAP Evaluation Update number 5., Jeffrey A. Butts, Sheyla A. Delgado, Richard A. Espinobarros, and Gina Moreno


Viewpoint Symposium Introduction: #MeToo in Academia: Understanding and Addressing Pervasive Challanges, Maria J. D’Agostino and Nicole Elias


Characterization of Women and Leadership in Public Administration and Beyond, Maria J. D'Agostino, Meghna Sabharwal, and Helisse Levine


Resuming On-site Services: Final Report and Recommendations of the CUNY Libraries COVID-19 Task Force, Kathleen Dreyer, Jeffrey Delgado, Karen Okamoto, Steven Ovadia, Roxanne Shirazi, Michael Waldman, Haruko Yamauchi, and Simone Yearwood


Care in crisis: COVID-19 as a Catalyst for Universal Child Care in the United States, Nicole Elias and Maria J. D’Agostino


LGBTQ+ Civil Rights: Local Government Efforts in a Volatile Era, Nicole M. Elias


A Third Option: Understanding and Assessing Non-binary Gender Policies in the United States, Nicole M. Elias and Roddrick Colvin


Easily Overstated: Estimating the Relationship Between State Justice Policy Environments and Falling Rates of Youth Confinement, Douglas N. Evans, Gina Moreno, Kevin T. Wolff, and Jeffrey A. Butts


Who Pays for Gun Violence? You do., Edda S. Fransdottir and Jeffrey A. Butts


Teaching in a flipped classroom., Jillian Grose-Fifer


Student success in Psychology-English learning communities., Jillian Grose-Fifer and Kimberly A. Helmer


The Sensitivity of Repeat and Near Repeat Analysis to Geocoding Algorithms, Cory P. Haberman, David Hatten, Jeremy G. Carter, and Eric L. Piza


Measuring the Temporal Stability of Near-Repeat Crime Patterns: A Longitudinal Analysis, David Hatten and Eric L. Piza


Environmental Factors Influencing Urban Homicide Clearance Rates: A Spatial Analysis of New York City, Leslie W. Kennedy, Joel M. Caoplan, Eric L. Piza, and Amanda L. Thomas


Popular Culture Informing Public Administration: Messages and Prospects for Social Equity, Sean McCandless and Nicole M. Elias


Opinions and Perceptions of Residents in New York City Public Housing: More Findings from Household Surveys in MAP Communities and Non-MAP Communities. MAP Evaluation Update number 6., Gina Moreno, Jeffrey A. Butts, and Hans Erickson