Publications and Research
Works from 2011
Shamanic Knowledge: The Challenge to Information Science, Jay H. Bernstein
The Maximum Rectilinear Crossing Number of the Wheel Graph, Elie Feder
The Role of Information Technology in Fulfilling the Promise of Corporate Social Responsibility, David Salb, Hershey H. Friedman, and Linda Weiser Friedman
Basic Writers and the Echoes of Intertextuality, Cheryl Hogue Smith
Works from 2010
Folk Concepts, Jay H. Bernstein
The Maximum Rectilinear Crossing Number of the Petersen Graph, Elie Feder, Heiko Harborth, Steven Herzberg, and Sheldon Klein
Multiresolution Inverse Wavelet Reconstruction from a Fourier Partial Sum, Nataniel Greene
Earlier Buddhist Theories of Free Will: Compatibilism, Rick Repetti
Meditation and Mental Freedom: A Buddhist Theory of Free Will, Rick Repetti
Optimizing Radiology Peer Review: A Mathematical Model for Selecting Future Cases Based on Prior Errors, Yun Robert Sheu, Elie Feder, Igor Balsim, Victor F. Levin, Andrew G. Bleicher, and Barton F. Branstetter IV
‘Botched Performances’: Rising to the Challenge of Teaching Our Underprepared Students, Cheryl Hogue Smith
Diving in Deeper: Bringing Basic Writers’ Thinking to the Surface, Cheryl Hogue Smith
Works from 2009
Using The Lure of Gang Life to Teach Interpersonal and Group Attraction, Gordon Alley-Young
The Maximum of the Maximum Rectilinear Crossing Numbers of d-regular Graphs of Order n, Matthew Alpert, Elie Feder, and Heiko Harborth
The Maximum Rectilinear Crossing Number of the n Dimensional Cube Graph, Matthew Alpert, Elie Feder, Heiko Harborth, and Sheldon Klein
Taking Evidence-Based Practice to the Bedside: Innovative Methods of Keeping Patients Informed, Carlos Arguelles, Myrta Rabinowitz, Lily Thomas, Nicole C. Lemoine, and Kathleen Palafox
Nonknowledge: The Bibliographical Organization of Ignorance, Stupidity, Error, and Unreason: Part One, Jay H. Bernstein
Nonknowledge: The Bibliographical Organization of Ignorance, Stupidity, Error, and Unreason: Part Two, Jay H. Bernstein
The Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom Hierarchy and its Antithesis, Jay H. Bernstein
The Orchard Crossing Number of an Abstract Graph, Elie Feder and David Garber
Controlling the Environment: the Australian phytotron and postcolonial science, David Munns
Series that Probably Converge to One, Thomas J. Pfaff and Max Tran
Manhattan Beach Cleaners: A Teacher’s Misreading, Cheryl Hogue Smith
No Reason Without Rhyme: Rhetorical Negotiation in Shakespeare, Cheryl Hogue Smith
A Reflective Teaching Journal: An Instructional Improvement Tool for Academic Librarians, Elizabeth K. Tompkins
Works from 2008
Articulating Identity: Refining Postcolonial and Whiteness Perspectives on Race within Communication Studies, Gordon Alley-Young
An Overview of Conditionals and Biconditionals in Probability, Nataniel Greene
A Wavelet-based Method for Overcoming the Gibbs Phenomenon, Nataniel Greene
Formulas for the Fourier Series of Orthogonal Polynomials in Terms of Special Functions, Nataniel Greene
Fourier Series of Orthogonal Polynomials, Nataniel Greene
Inverse Wavelet Reconstruction for Resolving the Gibbs Phenomenon, Nataniel Greene
Methods of Assessing and Ranking Probable Sources of Error, Nataniel Greene
Works from 2007
New York Placenames in Film Titles, Jay H. Bernstein
Towards the Computation of the Convex Hull of a Configuration from its Corresponding Separating Matrix, Elie Feder and David Garber
Works from 2006
From the Ubiquitous to the Nonexistent: A Demographic Study of OCLC WorldCat, Jay H. Bernstein
Community Reactions to Campaigns Addressing Crystal Methamphetamine Use Among Gay and Bisexual Men In New York City, Jose Nanín, Jeffrey T. Parsons, David S. Bimbi, Christian Grov, and Justin T. Brown
Intersecting Circles and their Inner Tangent Circle, Max Tran
Works from 2005
From Center to Margin: A Feminist Journey in the Roman Catholic Church, Susan A. Farrell
Works from 2004
Say It Loud! African-American Audiences, Media, and Identity, Gordon Alley-Young
Taman Shamanism (Borneo), Jay H. Bernstein
Works from 2002
First Recipients of Anthropological Doctorates in the United States, 1891-1930, Jay H. Bernstein
Broadway and the Paycock: The Broadway Musical Adaptation of Sean O'Casey's Juno and the Paycock, Julia M. Furay
Works from 1999
Ecology of the Malay Civet (Viverra tangalunga) in a Logged and an Unlogged Forest in Sabah, East Malaysia, Christina P. Colon
Works from 1997
The Deculturation of the Brunei Dusun, Jay H. Bernstein
The Use of Plot Surveys for the Study of Ethnobotanical Knowledge: A Brunei Dusun Example, Jay H. Bernstein, Roy Ellen, and Bantong bin Antaran
Works from 1996
Higher-order Categories in Brunei Dusun Ethnobotany: The Folk-Classification of Rainforest Plants, Jay H. Bernstein
Women-Church and Egalitarianism: Revisioning "In Christ There Are No More Distinctions Between Male and Female", Susan A. Farrell
Works from 1995
Licuala Palms in Brunei Dusun Ethnobotany, Jay H. Bernstein and Roy F. Ellen
Works from 1994
One Against All: The New England Past and Present Responsibilities in The Devil and Daniel Webster, Robert Singer
Works from 1993
Poisons and Antidotes among the Taman of West Kalimantan, Indonesia, Jay H. Bernstein
The Shaman's Destiny: Symptoms, Affliction, and the Re-interpretation of Illness Among the Taman, Jay H. Bernstein
Works from 1991
"It's Our Church, Too!": Women's Position in the Roman Catholic Church Today, Susan A. Farrell
Works from 1990
The Infusion of Teachers from Eastern Indonesia into West Kalimantan, Jay H. Bernstein
Works from 1985
The Perils of Laura Watson Benedict: A Forgotten Pioneer in Anthropology, Jay H. Bernstein
Works from 1984
Islam and the Religions of the Ancient Orient: A Reappraisal. Part I, Richard S. Tomback
An Unrecognized Maltese West-Semitic Isogloss, Richard S. Tomback
Works from 1983
Random Notes on the Hebrew-Arabic Lexicon, Richard S. Tomback
Archaic Features in the Iraqi Arabic Dialect, Richard S. Tomback
Works from 1982
Psalm 23:2 Reconsidered, Richard S. Tomback
Works from 1981
Chisholm's Rules of Evidence, Richard Legum
Conclusion. Bibliography., Richard Legum
Foundationalism, Richard Legum
[Foundationalism and Perceptual Knowledge], Richard Legum
Foundationalism and the Proper Stopping Place for Socratic Questioning, Richard Legum
Probability and Foundationalism, Richard Legum
Probability, Terminating Judgments, Memory, and Justified Belief, Richard Legum
The Directly Evident, Richard Legum
The Given, Richard Legum
Works from 1980
Punica Miscellanea - I, Richard S. Tomback