Open Educational Resources
Works from 2023
The Water, ji kim
Works from 2022
Applied Math in Introductory Chemistry, Ji Kim and Grace Pai
Four Corners: A Values Clarification Exercise, Montsine Nshom
The Central Dogma: Gene Expression, Ayisha Sookdeo
Works from 2021
U.S. Government and Politics in Principle and Practice: Democracy, Rights, Freedoms and Empire, Samuel Finesurrey and Gary Greaves
You Are What You Eat — Exploring the Microbiome Through Inquiry-Based Labs. Microbiome Lesson Plans, Karla S. Fuller
Works from 2020
How to Choose the Right Business Organization Form, Anjelica Cappellino
The Prince -- Brief Synopsis -- PowerPoint, Zach Davidson
The Statue of Liberty Laboratory Activity: The Chemistry of Copper, Jihyun Kim and Marcus D. Allen
Understanding Unemployment Statistics (Activity), Tom Martin
Works from 2019
Ethnography Made Easy, Mary Gatta, Alia R. Tyner-Mullings, and Ryan Coughlan
Past, Present, and Future of Waste Cooking Oil (Beyond Biofuel), Jihyun Kim
Works from 2018
Experiential Learning Activity: Biodiesel Inquiry Project, ji kim
Works from 2017
Brainstorming Your Research Topic Handout, Alexandra Hamlett and Meagan Lacy
C.A.R.D.I.O. Evaluation Handout, Alexandra Hamlett and Meagan Lacy
C.A.R.D.I.O. Evaluation Instructor's Key, Alexandra Hamlett and Meagan Lacy
Concept Map Example, Alexandra Hamlett and Meagan Lacy
Creating Keywords from a Research Question Lesson, Alexandra Hamlett and Meagan Lacy
Creating Keywords Handout, Alexandra Hamlett and Meagan Lacy
Evaluation Criteria Carousel Lesson, Alexandra Hamlett and Meagan Lacy
Primary vs. Secondary Sources: A Brief Introduction (Lesson), Alexandra Hamlett and Meagan Lacy
Research Log Handout, Alexandra Hamlett and Meagan Lacy
Student Reflection on Authority Handout, Alexandra Hamlett and Meagan Lacy
Topic Development with Concept Mapping Lesson, Alexandra Hamlett and Meagan Lacy
Using Databases (with Research Log) Lesson, Alexandra Hamlett and Meagan Lacy
Website Evaluation Lesson, Alexandra Hamlett and Meagan Lacy
Works from 2014
Problems with Authority, Meagan Lacy
Authoethnographic Essay #1: You, School, Guttman, Lori Ungemah
An Environment and Cultural Heritage Workbook for Students and Teachers, Rebecca Zarger and Kristina Baines