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Adapting an existing introductory biology course to make it interdisciplinary and successful is an interesting experience and process. With imperatives such as lecture and lab components, a dense curriculum, preexisting learning outcomes and students with different levels of interest, adding material to provide relevant context show how both scientific and social knowledge relate to broader aspects of the human experience, can be challenging. However, once achieved such a course provides epistemological value, real-world context and a rewarding and enriching experience for both students and faculty. In this presentation, the steps involved in designing and implementing an interdisciplinary biology course (Biology II), and the results obtained, are presented. How the experience gained teaching this interdisciplinary course helped with teaching the regular (traditional) class and influenced the designing of OERs for the course, are also discussed.
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Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Higher Education Commons, Instructional Media Design Commons
Presented at the 2019 CUNY Coordinated Undergraduate Education Conference, "Transforming Teaching into Learning," held at New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn, NY, May 10, 2019.