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Large metropolitan areas like NYC are seeking to integrate sustainability into retrofitting buildings for the development of green infrastructure. Among the many environmental issues of urbanization, the UHI (urban heat island) effect and storm water runoff are of particular interest when it comes building structures. Individual buildings can contribute towards mitigating these effects with implementation of vegetative rooftops, i.e. Green Roofs. Commercial buildings are currently receiving government incentives and new constructions are required to include green roof installations. However, if existing buildings are considering the addition of a green roof on an existing roof, they have to factor in the large cost of engineering the roof to support increased dead and live loads due green roof infrastructure, growing media, vegetation and foot traffic. Thus, if the green roof installations can engineered lighter and practical the ONENYC’s 2050 green deal can be more inclusive of existing buildings. This research project utilizes the ASTM E2399 standard and builds on previous work presented during the Geo Congress 2019 in conducting a parametric study of the effects of using different textiles (cotton, polyester and linen) on the mentioned mechanical properties of soil. Using the Brooklyn Navy Yard - Brooklyn Grande (BG) soil, the project consists of assessing the impact of an array of re-purposed textiles integrated into lightweight engineered soil in order to observe its effects on the reduction in load, hydraulic conductivity and water retention capacity. In integrating textile fabrics into the soil material at different percentages, it would result in textile replacing soil grains by volume and thus reducing the weight of the soil; and moreover, potentially modify the soil classification.
Keywords: Green Roof, Integrated Soil, Repurposed Textile
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Agriculture Commons, Construction Engineering and Management Commons, Geological Engineering Commons, Geotechnical Engineering Commons, Laboratory and Basic Science Research Commons
This poster was presented as the 29th Semi-Annual Honors and Undergraduate Research Scholars Poster Presentation at New York City College of Technology, December, 4, 2019. Faculty Mentor: Prof. Ivan Guzman (Construction Management and Civil Engineering Technology).