Publications and Research
Works from 2022
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Care Continuum of Youth Living with HIV: Qualitative Study of the Scale It Up Program Clinical Sites, Tyra Dark, Sitaji Gurung, Mary Dooley, Kit N. Simpson, Seyram A. Butame, and Sylvie Naar
Feasibility of Using Electronic Health Records for Cascade Monitoring and Cost Estimates in Implementation Science Studies in the Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions, Tyra Dark, Kit N. Simpson, Sitaji Gurung, Amy L. Pennar, Marshall Chew, and Sylvie Naar
Compare How Students Performed and Attendance Before, During, and After Pandemic Waves, Peber DeJesus, Rohini R. Mattan, and Ralph Lauren Ocampo
Effectiveness and Safety of Direct Oral Anticoagulants Among Patients with Non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation and Multimorbidity, Amol Dhamane, Mauricio Ferri, Allison V. Keshishian, Cristina Russ, Nipun Atreja, Cynthia Gutierrez, Birol Emir, Huseyin Yuce, and Manuela Di Fusco
Sustainability Matters: Advocating for the Establishment and Continuation of Peer-Led Team Learning, A.E. Dreyfuss
Reproductive traits and change in body shape of neonates in the Oak Forest Skink, Plestiodon lynxe, Manuel Feria-Ortiz, Uri Omar García-Vázquez, Carlos Joaquín Pavón-Vázquez, and Adrián Nieto-Montes de Oca
The Living Breakwaters PDR Efforts ECOncrete Resource Analysis, Guianina Ferrari, Shervon Stephens, and Calvin O. Walters Jr.
Forest cover and geographic distance influence fine-scale genetic structure of leaf-toed geckos in the tropical dry forests of western Mexico, Connor M. French, Casey-Tyler Berezin, Isaac Overcast, Fausto R. Méndez De La Cruz, Saptarsi Basu, Roberto Lhemish Martínez Bernal, Robert W. Murphy, Michael J. Hickerson, and Christopher Blair
Correlation of Road Network Structure and Urban Mobility Intensity: An Exploratory Study Using Geo-Tagged Tweets, Li Geng and Ke Zhang
Advancing Student Futures in STEM, Urmi Ghosh-Dastidar, Sandie Han, Nadia Kennedy, Diana Samaroo PhD, and Armando Solis
From Abortion Rights to Reproductive Justice: A Call to Action, Erica Goldblatt Hyatt, Judith L.M. McCoyd, and Mery Diaz
An Analysis of Non-Comparison Based Sorting Algorithms, Jacob M. Gomez, Edgar Aponte, and Brad Isaacson
Puff Pastry Through Time: Its Evolution & Applications, Thomas Ham
Curricular and Strategic Changes in mathematics to Enhance Institutional STEM Education, Sandie Han, Boyan Kostadinov, Janet Liou-Mark, and Johann Thiel
Update on Monkeypox, Audra E. Haynes, Susan H. Davide, and Anty Lam
Circular economy in the built environment, Kevin Hom
Redesigning Program Assessment for Teaching with Primary Sources: Understanding the Impacts of Our Work, Jen Hoyer, Kaitlin H. Holt, John Voiklis, Bennett Attaway, and Rebecca Joy Norlander
What Primary Sources Teach: Lessons for Every Classroom, Jen Hoyer, Julia Pelaez, and Kaitlin Holt
The Energy Challenge: Moving from Fossil Fuels to Biofuels, Hydrogen, and Green Energy Sources, Aneeza Hussain and Afrina S. Nishat
Studying Factors of Environmental Injustice and Ways to Achieve Equity, Arham Hussain and Reginald Metellus
AMM Problem #12279, Brad Isaacson
Review of Emerging Approaches Utilizing Alternative Physiological Human Body Fluids in Non- or Minimally Invasive Glucose Monitoring, Sunghoon Jang, Yu Wang, and Andre Jang
Remote Sensing & Land Surface Temperature from Satellite Observations, Isatu Jollah
The Start of a New Revolution: Addressing Government Failure in Ending Homelessness in NYC, Ruth Lovely Joseph
Hail, Caesar!, Kel R. Karpinski
Open Lab vs. Radiologic Students Final Practical Grades, Navdeep Kaur, Safraz Harun, Katie Tam, and Robert O'Brien
Dialogical Self and Shifting Mathematical identity, Nadia Kennedy
New Approaches to Peer Leader Training, Nadia Kennedy
Sea Level Rise and Brooklyn’s Jamaica Bay Communities: Storm Surge Barriers and Managed Retreat, Nathan Kensinger
Anisotropic magnetoexcitons in two-dimensional transition metal trichalcogenide semiconductors, Roman Ya. Kezerashvili and Anastasia Spiridonova
Additive Manufacturing Process Development of Geopolymer Based Habitable Construction on Space, Husnain Khan, John Anthony, Maria Hashmi, and Charudatta Mhasde
Sea Level Rising and Its Impact on NYC, Angela Knafo, Jeff Mao, Andray Whyte, Filip Valencin, Erick Humala, Jubran Alawdi, and Jonathan Carangui
Using Data Science Tools for Investigating Chat Logs from the Conti Ransomware Group, Boyan Kostadinov, Joseph Liu, and Julio Rayme
The war in Ukraine and food security in Eastern Europe, Eszter Krasznai Kovács, Agata Bachórz, Natasha Bernstein Bunzl, Diana Mincyte, Fabio Parasecoli, Simone Piras, and Mihai Varga
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate, Mikhail Kun and Tatiana Ryzhakova
Ferrate VI: An Environmentally Friendly Oxidant for Water Treatment, Le Van La and Vishwas Joshi
NYCHA & ARCscholars: Senior Center, Naomi Langer-Voss and Tylee Rivera
The Politics of Recognition in Building Pluriversal Possibilities: Posthumanism, Buen Vivir, and Zapatismo, Robert Leston
Design Game-based Learning: Playtesting a Thesis, Micheal Lewis, Kimberly Ramgopal, and Cindy Veliz
Risk Levels and Adverse Clinical Outcomes Among Patients With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation Receiving Oral Anticoagulants, Gregory Lip, Richard R. Murphy, Farhad Sahiar, Timothy J. Ingall, Amol Dhamane, Mauricio Ferri, Patrick Hlavacek, Madison T. Preib, Allison V. Keshishian, Cristina Russ, Lisa Rosenblatt, Huseyin Yuce, and Steve Deitelzweig
Effectiveness and safety of oral anticoagulants in non-valvular atrial fibrillation patients with prior bleeding events: a retrospective analysis of administrative claims databases, G. Y. H. Lip, Allison V. Keshishian, Amiee Kang, Xuemei Luo, Nipun Atreja, Yan Zhang, Patricia Schuler, Jenny Jiang, Huseyin Yuce, and Steve Deitelzweig
Our Stories, Katelyn S. Lopez
Righting Health Policy: Bioethics, Political Philosophy, and the Normative Justification of Health Law and Policy, D. Robert MacDougall
The Solar-Electric Sail: Application to Interstellar Migration and Consequences for SETI, Gregory Matloff
Promoting healthy eating in Latin American restaurants: a qualitative survey of views held by owners and staff, Fuster, Melissa; Rosa Abreu; Margaret A. Handley; Donald Rose; Michelle A. Rodriguez; Emily G. Dimond; Brian Elbel; and Terry T. K. Huang
Do Undergraduate Data Science Program Competencies Vary by College Rankings?, Elizabeth Milonas, Qiping Zhang, and Duo Li
The production and destiny of public space in an American city: examining the emergence and disruption of Brooklyn City Hall Square, Jason Montgomery
Designing of X-ray beams to assess mineral loss in dehydrated fruits – radiology readiness during climate change, Angela Moore and Katie Tam
Radiobiology & Radiation Benefits in Alzheimer’s from CT: a physics assessment, Lin Mousa, Guito Charles, and Subhendra N. Sarkar
Allocative Efficiency of Grid Farming in Urban Green Built Environments, Aaryan Manoj Nair
Design, Concept, and Visualization of urban multi-level growing table systems in Hyper Urban Areas, Aaryan Manoj Nair, Shaheed Mohammed, and Omar Rahama
Ontogenetic drivers of morphological evolution in monitor lizards and allies (Squamata: Paleoanguimorpha), a clade with extreme body size disparity, Carlos J. Pavón-Vázquez, Damien Esquerré, and J. Scott Keogh
Sociopolitical Determinants of Health in the Proposed Rezoning of Richmond Hill/Ozone Park, NY, Khemraj J. Persaud
Toward informatics-enabled preparedness for natural hazards to minimize health impacts of climate change, Jimmy Phuong, Naomi O. Riches, Luca Calzoni, Gora Datta, Deborah Duran, Asiyah Yu Lin, Ramesh P. Singh, Anthony E. Solomonides, Noreen Y. Whysel, and Ramakanth Kavuluru
Women of Colour and Black Women Leaders are Underrepresented in Architectural Firms Featured in Key Trade Publications, Nandi Prince
Finite-difference analysis of stresses of a non-uniform functionally graded material circular disk rotating in the magneto-thermal environment: An equal mass study, Pranta Rahman Sarkar and Akm S. Rahman
Use of AI and Machine Learning for Engineering Applications, Max Rios Carballo
Exploring SolidWorks Simulation and Structural Analysis Tools to Predict Real-World Physical Behaviors, Itay Rubin
A Survey Based-Study Reviewing the career opportunities for student in Radiological Technology, Tatiana Ryzhakova, Mikhail Kun, Peber DeJesus, and Zoya Vinokur
Systematic review of a RAMSAR wetland and UNESCO biosphere reserve in a climate change hotspot (Ichkeul Lake, Tunisia), Sabrine Sahbani, Béchir Béjaoui, Sihem Benabdalla, Rachid Toujani, Afef Fathalli, Noureddine Zaaboub, Jalel Aouissi, Zeineb Kassouk, Nabil Hamdi, Nabiha Ben Mbarek, Hechmi Missaoui, Leila Basti, Reginald Blake, and Hamidreza Norouzi
Attitudes Towards Wearing Masks Among Young Adults, Diana Saiki, Alyssa Dana Adomaitis, and Jay Kandiah
Promoting STEM Learning through a Multidisciplinary SENCER Framework at a Minority-Serving Institution, Diana Samaroo, Sandie Han, Liana Tsenova, and Urmi Ghosh-Dastidar
Diseño de una prueba de clasificación de español no estandarizada, David Sánchez-Jiménez
El metadiscurso en la escritura académica: singularidades e investigaciones en lengua española, David Sánchez-Jiménez
Variación lingüística de la cortesía verbal en el discurso académico escrito: Atenuación e intensificación de la voz del autor en la evaluación de las fuentes, David Sánchez-Jiménez
Posicionamiento y dialogicidad en la escritura académica y profesional, David Sánchez-Jiménez and Paulina Meza
Development of an Assistive App on Girls Who Code, Isory Santana
Essays on Human Resource Management (HRM), Isory Santana
Students as Fellows and Mentors: Strategies for Success, Isory Santana
Standard deviations of MR signal intensities show a consistent trend during imaging follow-ups for glioblastoma patients when corrected for non-biological heterogeneity due to hardware and software variation, Subhendra N. Sarkar, Rafael Rojas, Evans Lespinasse, Xiang Fu Zhang, and Ruth Zeron
Imaging of Transmetallation and Chelation Phenomena Involving Radiological Contrast Agents in Mineral-Rich Fruits, Subhendra Sarkar, Zoya Vinokur, Bleidis Buitrago, Lin Mousa, Hayley Sanchez, Analia Basilicata, Jodi-Ann Douglas, and Seanetta Reddock
William Gibson and the Futures of Contemporary Culture, ed. Mitch R. Murray and Mathias Nilges, Sean Scanlan
Newtown Creek and New York City, Peter Spellane
Elementary Students' Engineering Design Process: How Young Students Solve Engineering Problems, Euisuk Sung and Todd R. Kelley
Code Cyber: A Curated Collection of Cybersecurity Career Learning and Preparation Resources, Kazi Tasin, Ethan Pruzhansky, Jason Lin, Tanvir Rahman, and Patrick J. Slattery
Business Information Security Officer (BISO) Responsibilities and Role Development, Kaung Myat Thu and Hudda Siddique
Retaining Diverse Groups in STEM, Melanie L. Villatoro
Maintain the Sharp Cutting Edge of Periodontal Instruments, Khrystyna Vyprynyuk and Annie Chitlall
The Living Breakwaters PDR Efforts: Conceptual Scheduling, Calvin O. Walters Jr.
Queer Gothic Literature and Culture, Laura Westengard
Queer Horror, Laura Westengard
Designing Respectful Tech: What is your relationship with technology?, Noreen Y. Whysel
Me2B Alliance Validation Testing Report: Consumer Perception of Legal Policies in Digital Technology, Noreen Y. Whysel, Karina Alexanyan, Shaun Spaulting, and Julia Little
Spotlight Report #6: Proffering Machine-Readable Personal Privacy Research Agreements: Pilot Project Findings for IEEE P7012 WG, Noreen Y. Whysel and Lisa LeVasseur
Computer Ethics in Curriculum, Tiya Williams
Rhetoric of the Invisible (Or, How Bisexual People Demand To Be Seen), Olivia Wood
Review of Modern Mobility Aloft: Elevated Highways, Architecture, and Urban Change in Pre-Interstate America, by Amy D. Finstein, Geoff Zylstra
Works from 2021
Teaching Machine Learning for the Physical Sciences: A summary of lessons learned and challenges, Viviana Acquaviva
Measurement of Speed of Sound using Smartphones, Omotolani Adelekan
Relationships Between Dress and Gender Identity: LGBTQIA+, Alyssa Dana Adomaitis, Diana Saiki, Kim K. P. Johnson, Rafi Sahanoor, and Arsha Attique
Book Review: Anna Watkins Fisher. The Play in the System: The Art of Parasitical Resistance, Nora Almeida
"Introduction" The Social Movement Archive, Nora Almeida and Jen Hoyer
Atheism as an Extreme Rejection of Rational Evidence for The Existence of God, Carlo Alvaro
Deism Defined and Defended, Carlo Alvaro
God and Kant’s Suicide Maxim, Carlo Alvaro
3D Bionic Arm, Anny Baez Silfa
Embedded Humanities in Data Systems, Atilio Barreda II