Works from 1992
No le echen la culpa a Río, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Odios ambientalistas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Parque Nacional Sierra La Culata, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Participación privada en la conservación ambiental, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Producción en Venezuela de gases que destruyen la capa de ozono, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
¿Sirve el ozono para combatir el cólera?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Situación ambiental de Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Un asunto de calidad de vida, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Visión para ECO ’92, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Situación de la conservación de cetáceos en Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and A. Ignacio Agudo
Situación de la conservación de cetáceos en Venezuela (2nd ed), Aldemaro Romero Jr. and A. Ignacio Agudo
El Auyantepuy: la montaña del paraíso, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Maria Belen Morales
Assessing Stress in Teachers: Depressive Symptoms Scales and Neutral Self-Reports of the Work Environment, Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Lesbian and Gay, Polly Thistlethwaite and Daniel C. Tsang
Works from 1991
A Touch of Controversy, John A. Drobnicki
Disabled Does Not Mean "Not Able": A List of Books on People Who Triumphed Over Their Illnesses and Disabilities, John A. Drobnicki
How to Find Biographical Information, John A. Drobnicki
"It's Our Church, Too!": Women's Position in the Roman Catholic Church Today, Susan A. Farrell
Death, Drugs and Development: Malaysia's Mandatory Death Penalty for Traffickers and the International War on Drugs, Sidney Harring
Relativistic Wave Equation For Anyons, R. Jackiw and V. Parameswaran Nair
Comprehension Strategies of Two Deaf Readers, Sue Livingston
The Cassette Industry and Popular Music in North India, Peter L. Manuel
Kähler-Chern-Simons Theory And Symmetries Of Anti-Self-Dual Gauge Fields, V. Parameswaran Nair and Jeremy Schiff
The "Llibre de franqueses i privilegis del Regne de Mallorca": A Source of Music Iconography, Antoni Pizà and Ramon Rosselló
Gender & Other Disadvantages, Ruthann Robson
Auditoría Ambiental de Venezuela 1990. Reporte de la situación ecológica del país hasta el 31 de Diciembre de 1990, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Cambio de rumbo en Brasil, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Canje de deuda por conservación: ¿Demonio o panacea?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Conversión ambiental en sector de los recursos naturales. Tomo 2, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Ecología profunda, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Ecología y economía, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Ecologismo y democracia, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El mundo se desertifica a pasos agigantados, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Greenpeace en Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Las guerras de ahora matan también envenenando el ambiente, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Parque automotor, principal contaminante, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Parques y centralismo, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Sierra de la Culata: ecosistema único en el mundo, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Su Excelencia, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Una siembra de arbolitos no es política ambiental, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Los cetáceos recientes de Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr., Ana Mayayo, and A. Ignacio Agudo
Remembering David Kadane: Teacher, Mentor, Colleague and Friend, Joe Rosenberg
Le Contrat Social, une œuvre genevoise? L’École du droit naturel et le débat politique à Genève. La réponse de Rousseau, Helena Rosenblatt
Consumption, silicosis, and the social construction of industrial disease., D. Rosner and G. Markowitz
Burnout in teachers: Is it burnout or is it depression?, Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Dimensions of Functional Social Support and Psychological Symptoms, Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Occupational stress and preemployment measures: The case of teachers, Irvin Sam Schonfeld and Danqing Ruan
A Primer for Atonal Set Theory, Joseph N. Straus
The "Anxiety of Influence" in Twentieth-Century Music, Joseph N. Straus
The Progress of a Motive in Stravinsky's the Rake's Progress, Joseph N. Straus
Two "Mistakes" in Stravinsky's lntroitus, Joseph N. Straus
AIDS Information in Periodical Indexes: A Problem of Exclusion, Polly Thistlethwaite
The Lesbian Herstory Archives, Polly Thistlethwaite
Dispensable Statistics, William (Bill) H. Williams
Generating Unbiased Ratio and Regression Estimators, William (Bill) H. Williams
Works from 1990
Variation Procedures in Northern Ewe Song, V. Kofi Agawu
The Infusion of Teachers from Eastern Indonesia into West Kalimantan, Jay H. Bernstein
To Be of Service: The Lawyer's Aware Use of the Human Skills Associated with the Perceptive Self, Beryl Blaustone
Affirmative Action: Unresolved Questions Amidst a Changing Judiciary, Frank Deale
Martin v. Wilks, Frank Deale
Legitimate and Illegitimate Variation in Raga Interpretations, Peter L. Manuel
Libraries of New York: The Bronx Institute Archives of Lehman College Library, Janet Butler Munch
A Kähler-Chern-Simons Theory and Quantization of Instanton Moduli Spaces, V. P. Nair and Jeremy Schiff
Lesbianism in Anglo-American Legal History, Ruthann Robson
Lesbian Jurisprudence?, Ruthann Robson
Lov(h)ers: Lesbians as Intimate Partners, Ruthann Robson and Sarah E. Valentine
Conservación en Paraguaná: ¿Misión imposible?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Desiertos sin oasis sigue fabricando el hombre, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Ecologismo: presente y futuro de una nueva ideología política, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Economía y ambiente: el reto de la década de los 90, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El continente de todos y de nadie: El Antártico, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Iniciativas de manejo costero en Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Investigaciones para la conservación de zonas áridas y semiáridas en Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La sociedad civil y la defensa del ambiente, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La Venezuela posible en materia ambiental, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Los tiburones encontraron la horma de su zapato, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Mucha agua, muchos problemas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Notes on Venezuelan Conservation, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Nuevo Parque Nacional: Sierra de La Culata, ecosistema único en el mundo, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Protegiendo el patrimonio natural de Paraguaná, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Acta Científica Venezolana, Aldemaro Romero Jr., A. Ignacio Agudo, and Ana Mayayo
The Report of the American Heart Association Task Force on Strategies to Increase Federal Research Funding, Michael R. Rosen, Harold C. Strauss, Holly G. Atkinson, Alfred P. Fishman, Charles K. Francis, Arnold M. Katz, August M. Watanabe, Francois M. Abboud, Myron L. Weisfeldt, William F. Friedman, Bernadine P. Healy, Scott D. Ballin, Claudia Louis, Rodman D. Starke, and Wallace G. Frasher
Collecting Folk Narratives in New York City Today, Francesca Sautman
Teaching French with the Fairy Tale: Folk Tales Written by Students of French, Francesca Sautman
A developmental perspective and antisocial behavior: Cognitive functioning, Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Coping with job-related stress: The case of teachers, Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Distress in a sample of teachers, Irvin Sam Schonfeld
The child's understanding of correspondence relations, Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Bibliography: Women, AIDS, & Activism, Polly Thistlethwaite
Representation, Liberation, and the Queer Press, Polly Thistlethwaite
Prostitution and HIV Infection: Women, AIDS, & Activism, Polly Thistlethwaite and Zoe Leonard
Works from 1989
Political Participation of Puerto Rican Women: Mapping a Research Agenda, Sherrie Baver
U(1) Chern-Simons Theory and c=1 Conformal Blocks, Michiel Bos and V. Parameswaran Nair
Workplace Boundaries: Conceptions and Creations, Cynthia Fuchs Epstein
Crow Dog's Case: A Chapter in the Legal History of Tribal Sovereignty, Sidney Harring
The Incorporation of Alaska Natives Under American Law: The United States and Tlingit Sovereignty, 1867-1900, Sidney Harring
Herders, Gatherers and Foragers: The Emerging Botanies of Children in Rural Sudan, Cindi Katz
Revision Strategies of Deaf Student Writers, Sue Livingston
1870-1920: Thumrī in Transition, Peter L. Manuel