Works from 1989
1920 to the Present: The Mature Bol Banāo Thumrī, Peter L. Manuel
Andalusian, Gypsy, and Class Identity in the Contemporary Flamenco Complex, Peter L. Manuel
Contemporary Instrumental Thumrī Styles, Peter L. Manuel
Dādrā, Peter L. Manuel
Modal Harmony in Andalusian, Eastern European, and Turkish Syncretic Musics, Peter L. Manuel
Stylistic Analysis of the Bandish Thumrī, Peter L. Manuel
Stylistic Analysis of the Bol Banāo Thumrī, Peter L. Manuel
The Concept of Tāla in Thumrī, Peter L. Manuel
The Evolution of Thumrī as an Instrumental Genre, Peter L. Manuel
The Literary Aspect of Thumrī Compositions, Peter L. Manuel
The Origins of Thumrī, Peter L. Manuel
Thumrī from 1770 to 1870, Peter L. Manuel
Thumrī Rāgas and their Structural Interrelationships, Peter L. Manuel
Topological Gauge Theory and Twistors, V. Parameswaran Nair and Jeremy Schiff
Musical Inspiration as Seen through the Artist's Eyes, Antoni Pizà
Bancos de medicamentos gratuitos en el reino vegetal, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
¿Ecoturismo: Peligro o panacea?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El hombre comenzó a extinguir especies hace 11.000 años, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La suerte de Paraguaná no está sellada: Guarda reservas de un gran pasado, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Siguen de incógnito en el Amazonas un millón de especies vegetales y animales, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Le conte 425B: rites de mariage et parcours magique, Francesca Sautman
Psychology and City College, Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Neurological soft signs and school achievement: The mediating effects of sustained attention, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, David Shaffer, and Joseph E. Barmack
To Tell the Truth: The Lesbian Herstory Archives: Chronicling a People and Fighting Invisibility Since 1974, Polly Thistlethwaite
Lesbian and Gay, Polly Thistlethwaite and Daniel C. Tsang
Works from 1988
Music in the Funeral Traditions of the Akpafu, V. Kofi Agawu
Tone and tune: the evidence for Northern Ewe music, V. Kofi Agawu
Ni(II) (dioxo[16]aneN5)-Induced Methane Formation from Methyl Coenzyme M, Charles Michael Drain, Barry B. Cordon, and David B. Sable
Rationales and Realities: Social Change, Women and the Law, Cynthia Fuchs Epstein
Multi Gluon Scattering: A String Based Calculation, David Kosower, Bum-Hoon Lee, and V. Parameswaran Nair
Deaf Students Responding to the Writing of Their Peers, Sue Livingston
College Library Friends Groups in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, Janet Munch
A Current Algebra for Some Gauge Theory Amplitudes, V. Parameswaran Nair
¿Conservar, para qué?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
New national park for Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Enhancing undergraduate achievement in educational psychology with instructional objectives, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, Eric Rasmussen, Rosemary Nieto, and Cheryl Sims
Conduct Disorder and cognitive functioning: Testing three causal hypotheses, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, David Shaffer, Patricia O'Connor, and Stephanie Portnoy
Prediction of Intellectual Deficits in Children with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, Paul Trautman, Candace Erickson, David Shaffer, Patricia O'Connor, Annaliese Sitarz, Antonio Correra, and Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Works from 1987
The Rhythmic Structure of West African Music, V. Kofi Agawu
Puerto Rico: Colonialism Revisited, Sherrie Baver
Indexing for the online catalog, Arthur B. Chitty
Reversible oxygenation of oxygen transport proteins, Charles Michael Drain and Barry B. Cordon
Silencing in Public Schools, Michelle Fine
Compactification of the Twisted Heterotic String, V. Parameswaran Nair, Alfred Shapere, Andrew Strominger, and Frank Wilczek
Observaciones preliminares sobre la conducta en individuos cavernícolas de Trichomycterus conradi (Pisces: Trichomycteridae), Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Evaluation issues in a quasi-experiment on teaching thinking skills, Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Works from 1986
"'Gi Dunu,' 'Nyekpadudo,' and the Study of West African Rhythm", V. Kofi Agawu
Tonal Strategy in the First Movement of Mahler's Tenth Symphony, V. Kofi Agawu
Congressional Oversight: The SEC and the Accounting, Michael F. Barrett Jr.
An Alternative View of Education for Deaf Children: Part II, Lil Brannon and Sue Livingston
Dora María Téllez interview, Marc Edelman
The Pedagogy of Community: Trust and Responsibility at CUNY Law School, John Farago
Car Wars: Strikes, Arbitration, and Class Struggle in the Making of Labor Law, Sidney Harring
Children and the Environment: Work, Play and Learning in Rural Sudan, Cindi Katz
Economies of Mind: A Collaborative Reflection, Dinesh Khosla and Patricia Williams
Caring Choices: Decision-making about Treatment for Catastrophically Ill Newborns, Betty Wolder Levin
An Alternative View of Education for Deaf Children: Part I, Sue Livingston
Jaipongan: Indigenous Popular Music of West Java, Peter L. Manuel and Randall Baier
General Results on Glueball Masses in QCD, I. J. Muzinich and V. Parameswaran Nair
A tour of country programs, Ron Nigh, Liliana Madrigal, Juan Carlos Navarro, Aldemaro Romero Jr., Ernesto Barriga, Teresa Ortiz, Carlos Ponce, and John E. Earhart
The Accounting Profession in Asia -- Where We are Today and Where we will be in the year 2000, Walter E. O'Connor Ph.D.
On Public Language and Private Language, Rohit J. Parikh
Charles Breder and the Mexican blind cave characid, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
He wanted to know them all: Eigenmann and his blind vertebrates, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La ciencia como prioridad, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Los zoológicos: ¿último recurso?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Por un millón de especies, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La introducción de especies exóticas: el caso caribe, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Ana Mayayo
The Genevan and Cattell-Horn Conceptions of Intelligence Compared: The Early Implementation of Numerical Solution Aids, Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Ten-year consistency in neurological test performance of children without focal neurological deficit, Stephen Q. Shafer, Cornelius Stokman, David Shaffer, Stephen K-C Ng, Patricia A. O'Connor, and Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Neurological Soft Signs: Their Relationship to Psychiatric Disorder and IQ in Childhood and Adolescence, David Shaffer, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, Patricia A. O'Connor, Cornelius Stokman, Paul Trautman, Stephen Shafer, and Stephen Ng
Early soft signs and later psychopathology, David Shaffer, Cornelius Stokman, Patricia A. O'Connor, Stephen Shafer, Joseph E. Barmack, Suzanne Hess, D. Spalten, and Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Listening to Babbitt, Joseph N. Straus
Works from 1985
The Perils of Laura Watson Benedict: A Forgotten Pioneer in Anthropology, Jay H. Bernstein
A sentence test of speech perception: reliability, set equivalence, and short term learning, Arthur Boothroyd, Laurie Hanin, and Theresa Hnath
Dropping Out of High School: An Inside Look, Michelle Fine
Governmental Accounting: Bridging the Gap in GAAP, Martin Ives CPA
A Methodology for the Study of Children's Environmental Knowledge in Other Cultures, Cindi Katz
Formal Structure in Popular Music as a Reflection of Socio-Economic Change, Peter L. Manuel
QCD Vacuum as a Chromomagnetic Superconductor: Microscopic Physics, V. Parameswaran Nair and C. Rosenzweig
¿Adiós a las mariposas andinas?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Can evolution regress?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Ciencia útil, ciencia inútil, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El futuro es ahora, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El pecado de enseñar, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La extinción es para siempre, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La nueva revolución será azul, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Morphological variation accompanying cave evolution in Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces: Characidae), Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Ontogenetic change in phototactic responses of surface and cave populations of Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces: Characidae), Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Orquídeas: crimen y castigo, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Pirañas imposibles, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Prohibido investigar, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Que la luz de la sabiduría ilumine nuestras cuevas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Réquiem por una Idea, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Specialized petiole feeding behavior in Cichlasoma tuba, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Status of Venezuela’s Biological Diversity: an overview. A reportpresented to The Nature Conservancy International Program, Washington, D.C, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Venezuela pierde su diversidad genética, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Xenofobia Científica, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Works from 1984
Sin and Guilt in the Fiction of John Gregory Dunne, Michael Adams
The Impact of Language on Musical Composition in Ghana: An Introduction to the Musical Style of Ephraim Amu, V. Kofi Agawu