The Publications and Research series collects scholarly and creative work by the faculty and professional staff of the City University of New York. To find works from a specific college or school, browse by Colleges, Schools, Centers.


Works from 2011


Sustainability: Can Law Meet the Challenge?, Rebecca Bratspies


High Burden of Prevalent and Recently Acquired HIV among Female Sex Workers and Female HIV Voluntary Testing Center Clients in Kigali, Rwanda, Sarah L. Braunstein, Chantal M. Ingabire, Eveline Geubbels, Joseph Vyankandondera, Marie-Michele Umulisa, Elysee Gahiro, Mireille Uwineza, Coosje J. Tuijn, Denis Nash, and Janneke H. H. M. va de Wijgert


Dual testing algorithm of BED-CEIA and AxSYM Avidity Index assays performs best in identifying recent HIV infection in a sample of Rwandan sex workers, Sarah L. Braunstein, Denis Nash, Andrea A. Kim, Ken Ford, Lambert Mwambarangwe, Chantal M. Ingabire, Joseph Vyankandondera, and Janneke H. H. M. van de Wijgert


The Port of Livorno and Its "Nazione Ebrea" in the Eighteenth Century: Economic Utility and Political Reforms, Francesca Bregoli


The September 11 Digital Archive, Stephen Brier and Joshua Brown


Italian Militants and Migrants and the Language of Solidarity in the Early- Twentieth-Century Western Coalfields, Stephen Brier and Ferdinando Fasce


Biosensors for Brain Trauma and Dual Laser Doppler Flowmetry: Enoxaparin Simultaneously Reduces Stroke-Induced Dopamine and Blood Flow while Enhancing Serotonin and Blood Flow in Motor Neurons of Brain, In Vivo, Patricia A. Broderick and Edwin H. Kolodny


Temporal sensitivity changes with extended training in a bisection task in a transgenic rat model, Bruce L. Brown, Sophie Hohn, Alexis Faure, Stephan von Horsten, Pascale Le Blanc, Nathalie Desvignes, Nicole El Massioui, and Valerie Doyere


Trust, Privacy, and Frame Problems in Social and Business E-Networks, Part 1, Jeff Buechner


Crossroads: New York's Black Intellectuals and the Role of Ideology in the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1965, Kristopher B. Burrell


Process Evaluation of the Chicago Juvenile Intervention and Support Center, Jeffrey A. Butts


Resolution, Reinvestment, and Realignment: Three Strategies for Changing Juvenile Justice, Jeffrey A. Butts and Douglas N. Evans


The Latino Population of the New York Metropolitan Area, 2000—2008, David Caicedo


Proteases in Malaria Parasites - A Phylogenomic Perspective, Hong Cai, Rui Kuang, Jianying Gu, and Yufeng Wang


Noncomputable Functions in the Blub-Shub-Smale Model, Wesley Calvert, Ken Kramer, and Russell Miller


Differences between Trypanosoma brucei gambiense groups 1 and 2 in their resistance to killing by trypanolytic factor 1, Paul Capewell, Nicola J. Veitch, C. Michael R. Turner, Jayne Raper, Matthew Berriman, Stephen L. Hajduk, and Annette MacLeod


The History of Evaluation Through Regulatory Impact Analysis: A Path from Accounting to Accountability, Daniele Capone and Dan Williams


Faculty of 1000 and VIVO: Invisible Colleges and Team Science, John Carey


Artful Liars: Malingering on the Draw-A-Person Task, Dennis P. Carmody and Angela M. Crossman


Ecuadorians in New York City 1990—2008, Howard Caro-López


\African-centered Psychology, Education and the Liberation of African Minds: Notes on the Psycho-Cultural Justification for Reparations, Karanja Keita Carroll and DeReef F. Jamison


Not So Fun City, William A. Casari


Investigating the distance limit of a metal nanoparticle based spectroscopic ruler, Subhasish Chatterjee, Jong Bum Lee, Nikesh V. Valappil, Dan Luo, and Vinod M. Menon


Book Review of The Conversation Piece: Scenes of Fashionable Life, by Desmond Shawe-Taylor, ching-jung chen


Online Instruction for Art History Research, Ching-Jung Chen and Amrita Dhawan


Estimating the Effects of Immigration Status on Mental Health Care Utilizations in the United States, Jie Chen and Arturo Vargas-Bustamante


How Does Socioeconomic Development Affect COPD Mortality? An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis from a Recently Transitioned Population in China, Jing Chen, Mary Schooling, Janice Mary Johnston, Anthony Johnson Hedley, and Sarah Morag McGhee


Quantum tunneling of the interfaces between normal-metal and superconducting regions of a type-I Pb superconductor, Eugene M. Chudnovsky, S Velez, A Garcia-Santiago, and J A. Hernandez


Peers Don't Let Peers Perish: Encouraging Research and Scholarship Among Junior Library Faculty, Jill Cirasella and Maura A. Smale


The Impact of Bisphenol A and Triclosan on Immune Parameters in the U.S. Population, NHANES 2003–2006, Erin M. Rees Clayton, Megan Todd, Jennifer B. Dowd, and Allison E. Aiello


SharePoint Portal - Lehman Connect Master’s Thesis Repository Library – IT Strategic Partnership, Madeline Cohen, David Stevens, and Rasun Williams


Age-related Differences in Idiom Production in Adulthood, Peggy S. Conner, Jungmoon Hyun, Barbara O'Connor-Wells, Inge Anema, Mira Goral, Marie-Michelle Monereau-Merry, Daniel Rubino, Raija Kuckuk, and Loraine Obler


Multiple Sclerosis is not a Disease of the Immune System, Angelique Corthals


Little ecological divergence associated with speciation in two African rain forest tree genera, Thomas LP Couvreur, Holly Porter-Morgan, Jan J. Wieringa, and Lars W. Chatrou


Burn After Viewing: The CIA's Destruction of the Abu Zubaydah Tapes and the Law of Federal Records, Douglas Cox


Inalienable Archives: Korean Royal Archives as French Property Under International Law, Douglas Cox


National Archives and International Conflicts: The Society of American Archivists and War, Douglas Cox


Comparative genomics of the pathogenic ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, its free-living relatives and a host species provide insights into adoption of a parasitic lifestyle and prospects for disease control, Robert S. Coyne, Linda Hannick, Dhanasekaran Shanmugam, Jessica B. Hostetler, Daniel Brami, Vinita S. Joardar, Justin Johnson, Diana Radune, Irtisha Singh, Jonathan H. Badger, Ujjwal Kumar, Milton Saier, Yufeng Wang, Hong Cai, Jianying Gu, Michael W. Mather, Akhil B. Vaidya, David E. Wilkes, Vidyalakshmi Rajagopalan, David J. Asai, Chad G. Pearson, Robert C. Findly, Harry W. Dickerson, Martin Wu, Cindy Martens, Yves Van de Peer, David S. Roos, Donna M. Cassidy-Hanley, and Theodore G. Clark


Reactome: a database of reactions, pathways and biological processes, David Croft, Gavin O’Kelly, Guanming Wu, Robin Haw, Marc Gillespie, Lisa Matthews, Michael Caudy, Phani Garapati, Gopal Gopinath, Bijay Jassal, Steven Jupe, Irina Kalatskaya, Shahana S. Mahajan, Bruce May, Nelson Ndegwa, Esther Schmidt, Veronica Shamovsky, Christina Yung, Ewan Birney, Henning Hermjakob, Peter D’Eustachio, and Lincoln Stein


Experiment in small-group homework tutoring for remedial mathematics students: preliminary results, Alice W. Cunningham, Olen Dias, and Nieves Angulo


Securitizing Gender: Identity, Biometrics, and Transgender Bodies at the Airport, Paisley Currah and Tara Mulqueen


Making Sense of Women’s Career Progression: Utilization of Work/Life Practices in State Government Agencies, Maria J. D'Agostino


Reviving Democracy through New and Traditional Media, Maria J. D'Agostino


The (Coming) Social Media Revolution in the Academy, Jessie Daniels and Joe R. Feagin


Electrode Positioning and Montage in Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, Alexandre F. DaSilva, Magdalena Sarah Volz, Marom Bikson, and Felipe Fregni


Still Trembling: State Obligation Under International Law to End Post-Earthquake Rape in Haiti, Lisa Davis


Fanm Ayisyen Pap Kase: Respecting the Right to Health of Haitian Women and Girls, Lisa Davis and Blaine Bookey


Barack Obama and the Public Interest Law Movement: A Preliminary Assessment, Frank Deale and Rita Cant


Connections between Classical and Parametric Network Entropies, Matthias Dehmer, Abbe Mowshowitz, and Frank Emmert-Streib


Política del lenguaje y geopolítica: España, La RAE y la población latina de Estados Unidos, José del Valle


Transnational Languages: Beyond Nation and Empire? An Introduction, José del Valle


Factors influencing lysis time stochasticity in bacteriophage l, John J. Dennehy and Ing-Nang Wang


Twitter: A Collection Development Discovery Tool for and By the People, Daisy V. Domínguez and Steven Ovadia


Open Access and Liberal Education: A Look at Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, D. Aram Donabedian and John Carey


Pirates and Librarians: Big Media, Technology and the Role of Liberal Education, D. Aram Donabedian and John Carey


Who Enters the Foreclosure Process?, Eric Doviak and Sean P. MacDonald


Cytomegalovirus antibodies in dried blood spots: a minimally invasive method for assessing stress, immune function, and aging, Jennifer B. Dowd, Allison E. Aiello, Laura Chyu, Yuan-yen Huang, and Thomas W. McDade


1967 Convocation Charter, John A. Drobnicki


Al Sears' Saxophone at York Library, John A. Drobnicki


Byron Janis, John A. Drobnicki


Edward Alan Peckwas, John A. Drobnicki


Frank Anthony Renkiewicz, John A. Drobnicki


Frank Mocha, John A. Drobnicki


Hank Stram, John A. Drobnicki


Henryk Archacki, John A. Drobnicki


Hezekiah and Charity Mills of Westport, Connecticut, John A. Drobnicki


Jerzy Jan "George" Lerski, John A. Drobnicki


Mieczysław Horszowski, John A. Drobnicki


Polish Anti-Defamation Committee, John A. Drobnicki


Review of the book Fifty key thinkers on the Holocaust and genocide, John A. Drobnicki


Review of the website The Nuremberg Trials Project, John A. Drobnicki


Richard Edgar Pipes, John A. Drobnicki


Robert Prosky, John A. Drobnicki


Stanisław Skrowaczewski, John A. Drobnicki


Linkage disequilibrium based genotype calling from low-coverage shotgun sequencing reads, Jorge Duitama, Justin Kennedy, Sanjiv Dinakar, Yözen Hernández, Yufeng Wu, and Ion I. Măndoiu


Changes in energy content of lunchtime purchases from fast food restaurants after introduction of calorie labelling: cross sectional customer surveys, Tamara Dumanovsky, Christina Y. Huang, Cathy A. Nonas, Thomas D. Matte, Mary T. Bassett, and Lynn D. Silver


Bone Morphogenetic Protein Inhibition Promotes Neurological Recovery after Intraventricular Hemorrhage, Krishna Dummula, Govindaiah Vinukonda, Philip Chu, Yiping Xing, Furong Hu, Sabrina Mailk, Anna Csiszar, Caroline Chua, Peter Mouton, Robert J. Kayton, Joshua C. Brumberg, Rashmi Bansal, and Praveen Ballabh


Correcting Mortality for Loss to Follow-Up: A Nomogram Applied to Antiretroviral Treatment Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa, Matthias Egger, Ben D. Spycher, John Sidle, Ralf Weigel, Elvin H. Geng, Matthew P. Fox, Patrick MacPhail, Gilles van Custem, Eugene Messou, Robin Wood, Denis Nash, Margaret Pascoe, and Diana Dickinson


Digitizing Deliberation: Normative Concerns for the Use of Social Media in Deliberative Democracy, Nicole M. Elias


Unbound (bioavailable) IGF1 enhances somatic growth, Sebastien Elis, Yingjie Wu, Hayden-William Courtland, Dara Cannata, Hui Sun, Mordechay Beth-On, Chengyu Liu, Hector Jasper, Horacio Domené, Liliana Karabatas, Clara Guida, Jelena Basta-Pljakic, Luis Cardoso, Clifford J. Rosen, Jan Frystyk, and Shoshana Yakar


Smoking Cessation and Relapse Among Pregnant African-American Smokers in Washington, DC, Ayman El-Mohandes, M. Nabil El-Khorazaty, Michele Kieley, and Marie G. Gantz


Very Preterm Birth is Reduced in Women Receiving an Integrated Behavioral Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Ayman El-Mohandes, Michele Kiely, Marie G. Gantz, and M. Nabil El-Khorazaty


Polycationic Glycosides, Robert Engel, Ishrat Ghani, Diego Montenegro, Marie Thomas, Barbara Klaritch-Vrana, Alejandra Castaño, Laura Friedman, Jay Leb, Leah Rothman, Heidi Lee, Craig Capodiferro, Daniel Ambinder, Eve Cere, Christopher Awad, Faiza Sheikh, JaimeLee Rizzo, Lisa-Marie Nisbett, Erika Testani, and Karin Melkonian


Marriage Apartheid and the Tyranny of American Morality, Shelly J. Eversley


Other People’s Money: Adapting Entrepreneurial Techniques to Build Capital in Challenging Economic Times, Robert Farrell


The Maximum Rectilinear Crossing Number of the Wheel Graph, Elie Feder


Panting in the Dark: The Ambivalence of Air in Cinema, Kevin L. Ferguson


Melting trends over the Greenland ice sheet (1958-2009) from spaceborne microwave data and regional climate models, X. Fettweis, Marco Tedesco, M. van den Broeke, and J. Ettema


Molar Macrowear Reveals Neanderthal Eco-Geographic Dietary Variation, Luca Fiorenza, Stefano Benazzi, Jeremy Tausch, Ottmar Kullmer, Timothy G. Bromage, and Friedemann Schrenk


Roots of Conflict: A Multi-level Analysis of the South Atlantic War of 1982, David E. Firester


TR-2011010: Possible World Semantics for First Order LP, Melvin Fitting


Maternal Exposure to the Holocaust and Health Complaints in Offspring, Janine D. Flory, Linda M. Bierer, and Rachel Yehuda


Insightful Problem Solving in an Asian Elephant, Preston Foerder, Marie Galloway, Tony Barthel, Donald E. Moore III, and Diana Reiss


Prudence and Controversy: The New York Public Library Responds to Post-War Anticommunist Pressures, Stephen Francoeur


Censuring the Praise of Alienation: Interstices of Ante-Alienation in Things Fall Apart, No Longer At Ease, and Arrow of God, Kevin Frank


Getting Serious About the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, Nicholas Freudenberg and Kenneth Olden


Diversity Dialogues: Finding Common Ground, Raquel Gabriel


Diversity Dialogues: Managing Conflict, Raquel Gabriel


Quantum Entanglement of a Tunneling Spin with Mechanical Modes of a Torsional Resonator, Dmitry A. Garanin and Eugene M. Chudnovsky


A Role for Amyloid in Cell Aggregation and Biofilm Formation, Melissa C. Garcia, Janis T. Lee, Caleen B. Ramsook, David Alsteens, Yves F. Dufrêne, and Peter N. Lipke