Publications and Research



Works from 2013


Brief Monocular Deprivation as an Assay of Short-Term Visual Sensory Plasticity in Schizophrenia - "The Binocular Effect", John J. Foxe, Sheralyn Yeap, and Victoria M. Leavitt


Transitions in nirS-type denitrifier diversity, community composition, and biogeochemical activity along the Chesapeake Bay estuary, Christopher A. Francis, Gregory D. O'Mullan, Jeffrey C. Cornwell, and Bess B. Ward


Lipid Metabolites Enhance Secretion Acting on SNARE Microdomains and Altering the Extent and Kinetics of Single Release Events in Bovine Adrenal Chromaffin Cells, Virginia García-Martínez, José Villanueva, Cristina J. Torregrosa-Hetland, Robert Bittman, Ashlee Higdon, Victor M. Darley-Usmar, Bazbek Davletov, and Luis M. Gutiérrez


β-Catenin-Independent Activation of TCF1/LEF1 in Human Hematopoietic Tumor Cells through Interaction with ATF2 Transcription Factors, Luca Grumolato, Guizhong Liu, Tomomi Haremaki, Sathish Kumar Mungamuri, Phyllus Mong, Gal Akiri, Pablo Lopez-Bergami, Adriana Arita, Youssef Anouar, Marek Mlodzik, Ze'ev A. Ronai, Joshua Brody, Daniel C. Weinstein, and Stuart A. Aaronson


Diversified Microbiota of Meconium Is Affected by Maternal Diabetes Status, Jianzhong Hu, Yoko Nomura, Ali Bashir, Heriberto Fernandez-Hernandez, Steven Itzkowitz, Zhiheng Pei, Joanne Stone, Holly Loudon, and Inga Peter


30 Days in the Life: Daily Nutrient Balancing in a Wild Chacma Baboon, Caley A. Johnson, David Raubenheimer, Jessica M. Rothman, David Clarke, and Larissa Swedell


Cardiovascular Disease Hospitalizations in Relation to Exposure to the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Disaster and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Hannah T. Jordan, Steven D. Stellman, Alfredo Morabia, Sara A. Miller‐Archie, Howard Alper, Zoey Laskaris, Robert M. Brackbill, and James E. Cone


Integration of Nodal and BMP Signals in the Heart Requires FoxH1 to Create Left–Right Differences in Cell Migration Rates That Direct Cardiac Asymmetry, Kari F. Lenhart, Nathalia G. Holtzman, Jessica R. Williams, and Rebecca D. Burdine


Effects of painful stimulation and acupuncture on attention networks in healthy subjects, Gang Liu, Hui-juan Ma, Pan-pan Hu, Yang-hua Tian, Shen Hu, Jin Fan, and Kai Wang


The variability of autophagy and cell death susceptibility, Ben Loos, Anna-Mart Engelbrecht, Richard A. Lockshin, Daniel J. Klionsky, and Zahra Zakeri


The Choral Works of Hamish MacCunn (1868–1916), Jennifer Oates


‘What’s in the NIDDK CDR?’—public query tools for the NIDDK central data repository, Huaqin Pan, Mary-Anne Ardini, Vesselina Bakalov, Michael DeLatte, Paul Eggers, Laxminarayana Ganapathi, Craig R. Hollingsworth, Joshua Levy, Sheping Li, Joseph Pratt, Norma Pugh, Ying Qin, Rebekah Rasooly, Helen Ray, Jean E. Richardson, Amanda Flynn Riley, Susan M. Rogers, Sylvia Tan, Charles F. Turner, Stacie White, and Philip C. Cooley


Trends in Citations to Books on Epidemiological and Statistical Methods in the Biomedical Literature, Miquel Porta, Jan P. Vandenbroucke, John P. A. Ioannidis, Sergio Sanz, Esteve Fernandez, Raj Bhopal, Alfredo Morabia, Cesar Victora, and Tomàs Lopez


Womb Envy: Jean-Luc Godard's BREATHLESS, A WOMAN IS A WOMAN, and HAIL MARY, Caroline Rupprecht and Caroline Rupprecht


It’s Time to Fear! Interval Timing in Odor Fear Conditioning in Rats, Kiseko Shionoya, Chloé Hegoburu, Bruce L. Brown, Regina M. Sullivan, Valérie Doyère, and Anne-Marie Mouly


Cancer Incidence in World Trade Center Rescue and Recovery Workers, 2001–2008, Samara Solan, Sylvan Wallenstein, Moshe Shapiro, Susan L. Teitelbaum, Lori Stevenson, Anne Kochman, Julia Kaplan, Cornelia Dellenbaugh, Amy Kahn, F. Noah Biro, Michael Crane, Laura Crowley, Janice Gabrilove, Lou Gonsalves, Denise Harrison, Robin Herbert, Benjamin Luft, Steven B. Markowitz, Jacqueline Moline, and Xiaoling Niu


Revisiting the evolution of mouse LINE-1 in the genomic era, Akash Sookdeo, Crystal M. Hepp, Marcella A. McClure, and Stéphane Boissinot


Peripheral Nerve Injury Is Associated with Chronic, Reversible Changes in Global DNA Methylation in the Mouse Prefrontal Cortex, Maral Tajerian, Sebastian Alvarado, Magali Millecamps, Pascal Vachon, Cecilia Crosby, M. Catherine Bushnell, Moshe Szyf, and Laura S. Stone


Dominance of Orientation over Frequency in the Perception of 3-D Slant and Shape, Danny M. Tam, Ji Shin, and Andrea Li


Lizards and LINEs: Selection and Demography Affect the Fate of L1 Retrotransposons in the Genome of the Green Anole (Anolis carolinensis), Marc Tollis and Stéphane Boissinot


The Roles of Sphingosine Kinase 1 and 2 in Regulating the Metabolome and Survival of Prostate Cancer Cells, Francesca Tonelli, Manal Alossaimi, Viswanathan Natarajan, Irina Gorshkova, Evgeny Berdyshev, Robert Bittman, David G. Watson, Susan Pyne, and Nigel J. Pyne


Functional Neural Correlates of Attentional Deficits in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment, Nicholas T. Van Dam, Mary Sano, Effie M. Mitsis, Hillel T. Grossman, Xiaosi Gu, Yunsoo Park, Patrick R. Hof, and Jin Fan


Into the Heart of the Great Wilderness: Understanding Baldwin’s Quarrel with Négritude, Christopher Winks


Biome Q10 and Dryness, Chuixiang Yi, Daniel Ricciuto, and George Hendrey

Works from 2012


Accumulation and Rapid Decay of Non-LTR Retrotransposons in the Genome of the Three-Spine Stickleback, Eryn Blass, Michael Bell, and Stéphane Boissinot


Optimal Control of Katabatic Flows within Canopies, Hongbin Chen and Chuixiang Yi


What Can Phages Tell Us about Host-Pathogen Coevolution?, John J. Dennehy


Coupling of fog and marine microbial content in the near-shore coastal environment, M. E. Ducker, Gregory D. O'Mullan, K. C. Weathers, A. R. Juhl, and M. Uriarte


Functional deficits of the attentional networks in autism, Jin Fan, Silvia Bernardi, Nicholas T. Dam, Evdokia Anagnostou, Xiaosi Gu, Laura Martin, Yunsoo Park, Xun Liu, Alexander Kolevzon, Latha Soorya, David Grodberg, Eric Hollander, and Patrick R. Hof


But are they Connected?: A Report on the Queens College Technology Survey of the Use of Ubiquitous Tools for Learning, Eva M. Fernández and Michelle C. Fraboni


Effects of motivation on reward and attentional networks: an fMRI study, Iliyan Ivanov, Xun Liu, Suzanne Clerkin, Kurt Schulz, Karl Friston, Jeffrey H. Newcorn, and Jin Fan


The Need for Continued Activism in Black Librarianship, Andrew P. Jackson


Cannabis-Dependence Risk Relates to Synergism between Neuroticism and Proenkephalin SNPs Associated with Amygdala Gene Expression: Case-Control Study, Didier Jutras-Aswad, Michelle M. Jacobs, Georgia Yiannoulos, Panos Roussos, Panos Bitsios, Yoko Nomura, Xun Liu, and Yasmin L. Hurd


Spatial variability in levels of benzene, formaldehyde, and total benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes in New York City: a land-use regression study, Iyad Kheirbek, Sarah Johnson, Zev Ross, Grant Pezeshki, Kazuhiko Ito, Holger Eisl, and Thomas Matte


Empirical evaluation of scoring functions for Bayesian network model selection, Zhifa Liu, Brandon Malone, and Changhe Yuan


Two-photon time-lapse microscopy of BODIPY-cholesterol reveals anomalous sterol diffusion in chinese hamster ovary cells, Frederik W. Lund, Michael A. Lomholt, Lukasz M. Solanko, Robert Bittman, and Daniel Wüstner


Metformin modifies the exercise training effects on risk factors for cardiovascular disease in impaired glucose tolerant adults, Steven K. Malin, Joy Nightingale, Sung-Eun Choi, Stuart R. Chipkin, and Barry Braun


Using Equivalence-Based Instruction to Increase Efficiency in Teaching Neuroanatomy, Carolyn L. Pytte and Daniel M. Fienup


The Effect of Dissolved Humic Acids on Aluminosilicate Formation and Associated Carbon Sequestration, Ashaki A. Rouff, Brian L. Phillips, Stacey G. Cochiara, and Kathryn L. Nagy


Power of the Narrator (Review), Veronica Schanoes


Fearless Children and Fabulous Monsters: Angela Carter, Lewis Carroll, and Beastly Girls, Veronica L. Schanoes


Children’s Eyewitness Identification as Implicit Moral Decision-Making, Toni Spring, Herbert D. Saltzstein, and Roger Peach


Morphine and Clonidine Synergize to Ameliorate Low Back Pain in Mice, Maral Tajerian, Magali Millecamps, and Laura S. Stone


Multi-Locus Phylogeographic and Population Genetic Analysis of Anolis carolinensis: Historical Demography of a Genomic Model Species, Marc Tollis, Gavriel Ausubel, Dhruba Ghimire, and Stéphane Boissinot


Brain Memoirs, Neuroscience, and the Self: A Review Article, Jason Tougaw


A conative educational model for an intervention program in obese youth, Jérémy Vanhelst, Laurent Béghin, Paul Stephen Fardy, Gilles Bui-Xuan, and Jacques Mikulovic


Validation of the Vivago Wrist-Worn accelerometer in the assessment of physical activity, Jérémy Vanhelst, Rémy Hurdiel, Jacques Mikulovic, Gilles Bui-Xuân, Paul Fardy, Denis Theunynck, and Laurent Béghin


Comparison of two ActiGraph accelerometer generations in the assessment of physical activity in free living conditions, Jérémy Vanhelst, Jacques Mikulovic, Gilles Bui-Xuan, Olivier Dieu, Thomas Blondeau, Paul Fardy, and Laurent Béghin


A New Nonlinear Analytical Model for Canopy Flow over a Forested Hill, Weiguo Wang and Chuixiang Yi

Works from 2011


The genome of the green anole lizard and a comparative analysis with birds and mammals, Jessica Alföldi, Federica Di Palma, Manfred Grabherr, Christina Williams, Lesheng Kong, Evan Mauceli, Pamela Russell, Craig B. Lowe, Richard Glor, Jacob D. Jaffe, David A. Ray, Stéphane Boissinot, Andrew M. Shedlock, Christopher Botka, Todd A. Castoe, John K. Colbourne, Matthew K. Fujita, Ricardo Godinez Moreno, Boudewijn F. ten Hallers, David Haussler, and Peter Novick


Impaired Structural Connectivity of Socio-Emotional Circuits in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study, Stephanie H. Ameis, Jin Fan, Conrad Rockel, Aristotle N. Voineskos, Nancy J. Lobaugh, Latha Soorya, A. Ting Wang, Eric Hollander, and Evdokia Anagnostou


The Hedgehog Receptor Patched Is Involved in Cholesterol Transport, Michel Bidet, Olivier Joubert, Benoit Lacombe, Marine Ciantar, Rony Nehmé, Patrick Mollat, Lionel Brétillon, Hélène Faure, Robert Bittman, Martial Ruat, and Isabelle Mus-Veteau


The Port of Livorno and Its "Nazione Ebrea" in the Eighteenth Century: Economic Utility and Political Reforms, Francesca Bregoli


Temporal sensitivity changes with extended training in a bisection task in a transgenic rat model, Bruce L. Brown, Sophie Hohn, Alexis Faure, Stephan von Horsten, Pascale Le Blanc, Nathalie Desvignes, Nicole El Massioui, and Valerie Doyere


Noncomputable Functions in the Blub-Shub-Smale Model, Wesley Calvert, Ken Kramer, and Russell Miller


Investigating the distance limit of a metal nanoparticle based spectroscopic ruler, Subhasish Chatterjee, Jong Bum Lee, Nikesh V. Valappil, Dan Luo, and Vinod M. Menon


Factors influencing lysis time stochasticity in bacteriophage l, John J. Dennehy and Ing-Nang Wang


Bone Morphogenetic Protein Inhibition Promotes Neurological Recovery after Intraventricular Hemorrhage, Krishna Dummula, Govindaiah Vinukonda, Philip Chu, Yiping Xing, Furong Hu, Sabrina Mailk, Anna Csiszar, Caroline Chua, Peter Mouton, Robert J. Kayton, Joshua C. Brumberg, Rashmi Bansal, and Praveen Ballabh


Polycationic Glycosides, Robert Engel, Ishrat Ghani, Diego Montenegro, Marie Thomas, Barbara Klaritch-Vrana, Alejandra Castaño, Laura Friedman, Jay Leb, Leah Rothman, Heidi Lee, Craig Capodiferro, Daniel Ambinder, Eve Cere, Christopher Awad, Faiza Sheikh, JaimeLee Rizzo, Lisa-Marie Nisbett, Erika Testani, and Karin Melkonian


Panting in the Dark: The Ambivalence of Air in Cinema, Kevin L. Ferguson


Maternal Exposure to the Holocaust and Health Complaints in Offspring, Janine D. Flory, Linda M. Bierer, and Rachel Yehuda


Six Titans of the Cambridge School: A Review Article, Harvey Gram


MTML-msBayes: Approximate Bayesian comparative phylogeographic inference from multiple taxa and multiple loci with rate heterogeneity, Wen Huang, Naoki Takebayashi, Yan Qi, and Michael J. Hickerson


Developing a community-based genetic nomenclature for anole lizards, Kenro Kusumi, Rob J. Kulathinal, Arhat Abzhanov, Stéphane Boissinot, Nicholas G. Crawford, Brant C. Faircloth, Travis C. Glenn, Daniel E. Janes, Jonathan B. Losos, Douglas B. Menke, Steven Poe, Thomas J. Sanger, Christopher J. Schneider, Jessica Stapley, Juli Wade, and Jeanne Wilson-Rawls


“What” And “Where” In Auditory Sensory Processing: A High-Density Electrical Mapping Study of Distinct Neural Processes Underlying Sound Object Recognition and Sound Localization, Victoria M. Leavitt, Sophie Molholm, Manuel Gomez-Ramirez, and John J. Foxe


Mathematical model of the dynamics of psychotherapy, Larry S. Liebovitch, Paul R. Peluso, Michael D. Norman, Jessica Su, and John M. Gottman


Media Services in North American Academic Libraries, Michael J. Miller


The Evolution and Diversity of DNA Transposons in the Genome of the Lizard Anolis carolinensis, Peter A. Novick, Jeremy D. Smith, Mark Floumanhaft, David A. Ray, and Stéphane Boissinot


Arsenic migration to deep groundwater in Bangladesh influenced by adsorption and water demand, K.A. Radloff, Y. Zheng, H.A. Michael, M. Stute, B. C. Bostick, I. Mihajlov, M. Bounds, M. R. Huq, I. Choudhury, M. W. Rahman, P. Schlosser, K. M. Ahmed, and A. van Geen


Undergraduate Neuroscience Education in the U.S.: An Analysis using Data from the National Center for Education Statistics, Raddy L. Ramos, Georgia J. Fokas, Ankur Bhambri, Phoebe T. Smith, Brian H. Hallas, and Joshua C. Brumberg


Metrical Theory and Verdi's Midcentury Operas, William Rothstein


The Jewish Studies Book Awards: a collection development strategy for non-sectarian academic libraries, Izabella Taler


The NIDDK Central Repository at 8 years—Ambition, Revision, Use and Impact, Charles F. Turner, Huaqin Pan, Gregg W. Silk, Mary-Anne Ardini, Vesselina Bakalov, Stephanie Bryant, Susanna Cantor, Kung-yen Chang, Michael DeLatte, Paul Eggers, Laxminarayana Ganapathi, Sujatha Lakshmikanthan, Joshua Levy, Sheping Li, Joseph Pratt, Norma Pugh, Ying Qin, Rebekah Rasooly, Helen Ray, Jean E. Richardson, Amanda Flynn Riley, Susan M. Rogers, Charlotte Scheper, Sylvia Tan, Stacie White, and Philip C. Cooley


In the Name of Citizenship: The Writing Classroom and the Promise of Citizenship, Amy J. Wan


Cognitive Control in Majority Search: A Computational Modeling Approach, Hongbin Wang, Xun Liu, and Jin Fan


Bad Girls and Biopolitics: Abortion, Popular Fiction, and Population Control, Karen Weingarten


Review of the book Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things, Karen Weingarten

Works from 2010


Weighing In: A Critical Analysis of New York City’s Calorie Labeling Law, Josephine Barnett


“Two Jews walk into a Coffeehouse”: the “Jewish question,” utility, and political participation in late eighteenth-century Livorno, Francesca Bregoli




Guest Editorial: On Method, Technorealism and Aesthetic Capitalism, Patricia Ticineto Clough


Negative Effects of Paternal Age on Children's Neurocognitive Outcomes Can Be Explained by Maternal Education and Number of Siblings, Ryan D. Edwards and Jennifer Roff


Energy of the Conduction Band in Near Critical Point Fluids, Cherice M. Evans and G. L. Findley


The Cinema of Control: On Diabetic Excess and Illness in Film, Kevin L. Ferguson


Patterns of Subnet Usage Reveal Distinct Scales of Regulation in the Transcriptional Regulatory Network of Escherichia coli, Carsten Marr, Fabian J. Theis, Larry S. Liebovitch, and Marc-Thorsten Hutt


Ageing, the Urban-Rural Gap and Disability Trends: 19 Years of Experience in China - 1987 to 2006, Xiaoxia Peng, Shige Song, Sheena Sullivan, Jingjun Qiu, and Wei Wang


“I Could Still See Her in My Mind’s Eye”: Water and Maternal Imagery in Uwe Johnson’s Anniversaries: From the Life of Gesine Cresspahl, Caroline Rupprecht


Selective targeting of neuroblastoma tumour-initiating cells by compounds identified in stem cell-based small molecule screens, Kristen M. Smith, Alessandro Datti, Mayumi Fujitani, Natalie Grinshtein, Libo Zhang, Olena Morozova, Kim M. Blakely, Susan A. Rotenberg, Loen M. Hansford, Freda D. Miller, Herman Yeger, Meredith S. Irwin, Jason Moffat, Marco A. Marra, Sylvain Baruchel, Jeffrey L. Wrana, and David R. Kaplan


Parallel Lives and Literary Legacies: Crusoe's Elder Brother and Defoe's Cavalier, Andrea Walkden


Theory, History, and Methodological Positivism in the Anderson-Thompson Debate, Abraham Jacob Walker


The Inadvertent Alliance of Anthony Comstock and Margaret Sanger: Abortion, Freedom, and Class in Modern America, Karen Weingarten


Climate Control of Terrestrial Carbon Exchange across Biomes and Continents, Chuixiang Yi, Daniel Ricciuto, Runze Li, John Wolbeck, Xiyan Xu, Mats Nilsson, Luis Aires, John D. Albertson, Christof Ammann, M Altaf Arain, Alessandro C. de Araujo, Marc Aubinet, Mika Aurela, Zoltan Barcza, Alan Barr, Paul Berbigier, Jason Beringer, Christian Bernhofer, Andrew T. Black, Paul V. Bolstad, Fred C. Bosveld, Mark S J Broadmeadow, Nina Buchmann, Sean P. Burns, Pierre Cellier, Jingming Chen, Jiquan Chen, Philippe Ciais, Robert Clement, Bruce D. Cook, Peter S. Curtis, D Bryan Dail, Ebba Dellwik, Nicolas Delpierre, Ankur R. Desai, Sabina Dore, Danilo Dragoni, Bert G. Drake, Eric Dufrêne, Allison Dunn, Jan Elbers, Werner Eugster, Matthias Falk, Christian Feigenwinter, Lawrence B. Flanagan, Thomas Foken, John Frank, Juerg Fuhrer, Damiano Gianelle, Allen Goldstein, Mike Goulden, Andre Granier, Thomas Grünwald, Lianhong Gu, Haiqiang Guo, Albin Hammerle, Shijie Han, Niall P. Hanan, László Haszpra, Bernard Heinesch, Carole Helfter, Dimmie Hendriks, Lindsay B. Hutley, Andreas Ibrom, Cor Jacobs, Torbjörn Johansson, Marjan Jongen, Gabriel Katul, Gerard Kiely, Katja Klumpp, Alexander Knohl, Thomas Kolb, Werner L. Kutsch, Peter Lafleur, Tuomas Laurila, Ray Leuning, Anders Lindroth, Heping Liu, Benjamin Loubet, Giovanni Manca, Michal Marek, Hank A. Margolis, Timothy A. Martin, William J. Massman, Roser Matamala, Giorgio Matteucci, Harry McCaughey, Lutz Merbold, Tilden Meyers, Mirco Migliavacca, Franco Miglietta, Laurent Misson, Meelis Mölder, John Moncrieff, Russell K. Monson, Leonardo Montagnani, Mario Montes-Helu, Eddy Moors, Christine Moureaux, Mukufute M. Mukelabai, J William Munger, May Myklebust, Zoltán Nagy, Asko Noormets, Walter Oechel, Ram Oren, Stephen G. Pallardy, Kyaw Tha Paw U, João S. Pereira, Kim Pilegaard, Krisztina Pintér, Casimiro Pio, Gabriel Pita, Thomas L. Powell, Serge Rambal, James T. Randerson, Celso von Randow, Corinna Rebmann, Janne Rinne, Federica Rossi, Nigel Roulet, Ronald J. Ryel, Jorgen Sagerfors, Nobuko Saigusa, María José Sanz, Giuseppe-Scarascia Mugnozza, Hans Peter Schmid, Guenther Seufert, Mario Siqueira, Jean-François Soussana, Gregory Starr, Mark A. Sutton, John Tenhunen, Zoltán Tuba, Juha-Pekka Tuovinen, Riccardo Valentini, Christoph S. Vogel, Jingxin Wang, Shaoqiang Wang, Weiguo Wang, Lisa R. Welp, Xuefa Wen, Sonia Wharton, Matthew Wilkinson, Christopher A. Williams, Georg Wohlfahrt, Susumu Yamamoto, Guirui Yu, Roberto Zampedri, Bin Zhao, and Xinquan Zhao


Alternative trans-splicing of Caenorhabditis elegans sma-9/schnurri generates a short transcript that provides tissue-specific function in BMP signaling, Jianghua Yin, Ling Yu, and Cathy Savage-Dunn

Works from 2009


Untangling the relationship between libraries, young adults and web 2.0: The necessity of a critical perspective, Lucia Cedeira Serantes


The Rise of Private Equity Media Ownership in the United States: A Public Interest Perspective, Matthew Crain


Optimal Cryptographic Hardness of Learning Monotone Functions, Dana Dachman-Soled, Homin K. Lee, Tal Malkin, Rocco A. Servedio, Andrew Wan, and Hoeteck Wee


Xmc Mediates Xctr1-Independent Morphogenesis in Xenopus laevis†, Tomomi Haremaki and Daniel C. Weinstein


Review of "The Globalisation Of Addiction: A Study In Poverty Of The Spirit" by Bruce K. Alexander, Harry G. Levine


Release from Cross-Orientation Suppression Facilitates 3D Shape Perception, Andrea Li and Qasim Zaidi


Lip-Reading Aids Word Recognition Most in Moderate Noise: A Bayesian Explanation Using High-Dimensional Feature Space, Wei Ji Ma, Xiang Zhou, Lars A. Ross, John J. Foxe, and Lucas C. Parra