College of Staten Island
The College of Staten Island (CSI) is uniquely situated as the only public institution of higher education on Staten Island. While serving pre-freshmen to post-doctoral populations, the college maintains its commitment to excellence in faculty research and scholarship, dedication to quality teaching and learning experiences for its students, and improvement of its facilities and infrastructure to enhance campus life on its attractive 204-acre campus. Academic flagship areas at CSI include international business, nursing, polymer science, neuroscience, international education, gender studies, and professional programs in education and the health sciences.
CUNY Academic Works is a service of the CUNY Libraries dedicated to collecting and providing access to the research, scholarship and creative work of the City University of New York. In service to CUNY’s mission as a public university, content in Academic Works is freely available to all. CSI faculty, staff, and students may deposit their own works, which may include (but is not limited to): publications and research, poster sessions, conference reports, dissertations and theses, open education resources, multimedia projects and presentations, and more.
CSI faculty, staff, and students who submit works will receive an individual report each month detailing the number of downloads and record views generated by Academic Works. Academic Works is indexed in Google Scholar, is searchable through OneSearch, and is discoverable by internet browsers.
For more information, see our Academic Works Guide.
If you have questions, email AcademicWorks@csi.cuny.edu