Open Educational Resources

Document Type

Activity or Lab

Publication Date

Summer 7-5-2024


This lab introduces the field of Robotics. Robotics is a field that combines Artificial Intelligence with Engineering. In this lab, the student will be experimenting with the LEGO® Spike Prime Robot. The student's final report should include a copy of all the completed answers, program code, and observations.

After completing this lab experiment, the student will proceed to answer the following questions in the Observations section at the end of the lab report:

  • List some applications of robotics in daily living and industry ?
  • How does a robot sense and react to its environment?
  • What new ideas were observed during this experiment ?


This Robot Lab experiment specifically references the LEGO Spike Prime Robot. However, the lab experiment can be customized for use with other basic robots.

The Lab experiment is geared for students of all majors, and is best conducted with teams of 2 students, sharing one Robot.

Two (2) Robot Experiments, Part 1 and Part 2 are available on this OER platform. It is recommended that Part 1 be conducted by students during a class session of at least 2 hours; and Part 2 should be conducted by students during the following class session.

For further recommendations and direction please contact Orit D. Gruber, CSI.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.

Included in

Robotics Commons



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