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Background: The new method described here is highly efficient in transferring microinjected mouse eggs (MEs) through the bursa membrane of a surrogate mother mouse to the ampulla of the oviduct without damaging the blood vessels on the bursa membrane.

Results: This method causes no loss of blood, and it produces newborn pups/founders from approximately 70% of the transferred MEs, because only a small hole is made on the blood vessel–free area of the bursa membrane and ampulla of the surrogate mother mouse. The infundibulum remains intact. The small hole on the bursa membrane/ ampulla may already heal up before the delivery of the new pups. The method described here consists of a simple operation with a home-assembled drill head holding a self-closing fine forceps on one end, while the drill head assembly body is hooked up with the light housing clamp of a dissecting light microscope. The drill head assembly body can be alternatively hooked/tied up to an appropriate size of clamp (purchased from Home Depot) screwed to any light stand with folding segments.

Conclusion: This system is able to steadily hold the self-closing fine forceps without shaking and to let the operator use their two hands to steadily hold and quickly insert the pipet carrying the MEs into the ampulla without any delay. Generally MEs stay alive for approximately 15 min at room temperature. The shorter the insertion time is, the more MEs that will survive. Thus, this method may produces more pups/founders.


This article was originally published in SpringerPlus, available at DOI: 10.1186/s40064-016-3760-6.

This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



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