Publications and Research
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 2-19-2020
This dataset contains raw Radio Frequency Identification data for a 185 hour gas infusion study conducted in the TT-2 colony at the College of Staten Island in May-June 2019. The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether colony members would be attracted to a chamber with elevated carbon dioxide levels matching the highest values recorded in the typical colony nest. The results show a significant attraction to the CO2-infused chamber during and after the period of CO2 in=fusion, with the relocation of the colony nest to this site for the first time in the history of this colony. These data correspond to work published in the journal Current Biology (Zions et al. 2020).
RFID labels of colony members
This is a semicolon (;) delimited text file with a single line header. Each row represents an event at any of the 20 RFID antennas (positioned around the colony habitat) by any of the 61 animals in the colony. Data were collected using the Trovan IDtoFileandPrint software using ANT-100 antennas, a Trovan 650 decoder, and Trovan Unique RFID microchips implanted under the skin of all colony members.
Following a baseline period from 5:30AM (5/29/19) until 12PM (5/30/19), carbon dioxide was infused for 24 hours into the chamber surrounded by readers 118, 119, and 120. Chamber carbon dioxide levels were controlled by a Biospherix ProCO2 sensor-controlled gas valve set to maintain the chamber carbon dioxide level at 2.5%. This period was followed by a 72 hour recovery period (From 12PM on 5/31/19 until 12PM on 6/3/2019). Then, nitrogen was infused into the chamber with the ProCO2 valve set to maintain CO2 levels at 0.1%. This was terminated after 5 hours. The remainder of the file is a recovery period.