WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of emerging perspectives on women, gender, and sexuality. The journal began in 1972 as Women's Studies Newsletter and was renamed Women's Studies Quarterly in 1981. It is published by The Feminist Press at the City University of New York.
A subset of the journal's back files are freely available here on CUNY Academic Works. More recent volumes are available directly from The Feminist Press and via library databases (check your library's holdings).
​Submissions from 1981
What about "The Rest of Us?", Leila Ahmed
"Strong is What We Make Each Other": Unlearning Racism within Women's Studies, Bettina Aptheker
"Everywoman's Guide" as an Organizing Tool on the Bowling Green Campus, Susan S. Arpad
"Why Are You Here?": A Man's Experience at the 1981 GLCA National Summer Institute in Women's Studies, Cyrus W. Banning
A Feminist Approach to Sex Education in the High School, Peggy Brick
Feminist Community Education at the NWSA Convention, Betsy Brinson
Women's Studies as an Energizer of the Humanities in Southern English Departments, D. Dean Cantrell
An Asian-American Woman's View of the CR Sessions, Alice Chai
Now You See It, Now You Don't: Women's Studies at the Pre-College Level in Ontario, Canada, Anne Chapman
Reflections on the Birth and Coming of Age of NWSA, Virginia Cyrus
Teaching the Feminist Minority, Barbara Hillyer Davis
The Feminist Writers' Guild, Rochelle H. Dubois
Berkeley "Freshwomen" Look at Women's Studies, Renate Duelli-Klein
Report from an "Experienced" CR Group, Pamella Farley
A Note on the Perils of Publicity: The Feminist Studies Program at Stanford, Estelle B. Freedman and Michelle Z. Rosaldo
Women, Literature and the Humanities: A Reply to Carolyn Lougee, Christine Froula and Adrienne Munich
Racism and "Universality" in Literature, Sue Gambill
Remarks on Two Literary Sessions at the NWSA Convention, Jo Gillikin
To Arm the Amazons: Educating Students about the Characteristics and Problems of Feminist Workplaces, Kathryn Girard
NWSA News and Views, Susan Gore, Elaine Reuben, Florence Howe, Phyllis Chinn, and Rosalind Ribnick
Three Decades of Reminiscences about Women in the Academy, Thalia Gouma-Peterson
NWSA News and Views, Pat Gozemba, Barbara Hillyer Davis, and Kathy Amato von-Hemert
Readers' Speakout, Jewell Handy Gresham, Veena P. Kasbekar, Elaine Spencer, and Nancy Porter
International News: First National Conference on Women's Studies in India, Florence Howe
News from Women's Studies Programs, Florence Howe
Women's Studies International at Copenhagen: From Idea to Network, Florence Howe
In Storrs, Connecticut, Without a Pass, or Why High School Teachers Need NWSA, Rita M. Kissen
A CR Group for Jewish Women, Annette Kolodny
An Asian-American Perspective on the NWSA Convention, Krishna Lahiri
Humboldt State University: 1982 Convention Site/June 16-20, 1982, Suzanne Larson, Barbara Parker, and Florence House
A Working-Class CR Group: One Facilitator's View, Gayle Lauradunn
Art by Women Made Accessible through Slides, Estella Lauter
On the Representation of the Visual Arts at NWSA, Estella Lauter
A Small Survey of Introductory Courses in American Literature, Paul Lauter
The Uses of Anger, Audre Lorde
Women, History, and the Humanities: An Argument in Favor of the General Studies Curriculum, Carolyn C. Lougee
Perspectives on Motherhood: A Report on a Conference, Joan Manheimer
Shaping the World of My Art, Paule Marshall
Embers: A Project to Develop Elementary School Readers, Ruth S. Meyers
NWSA News and Views, Pat Miller, Dania C. Stevens, Diana Woolis, Dues, Barbara Hillyer Davis, and Patricia A. Frech
Toward Sex Equity in the Philadelphia School System, Barbara A. Mitchell
Consciousness-Raising at the NWSA Convention: An Overview, Yolanda T. Moses and Peg Strobel
NWSA as Metaphor for the United States, Dearbhal NiCharthaigh
The Simmons College Summer Institute on Women in Organizations, Barbara Perry
Readers' Speakout, Jean L. Perry and Mary Beth Norton
The Schapiro Retrospective, Nancy Porter
Guest Editorial, Elaine Reuben
Disobedience Is What NWSA Is Potentially about, Adrienne Rich
Review of Theories of Women's Studies, Deborah Rosenfelt
An Overview of the Third Annual NSWA Convention: A Time for Confrontation, Deborah S. Rosenfelt
Motherlogues, Barbara Rubin and Doris Friedensohn
"Being in a CR Group for One": A Man's Experience at the 1981 NWSA Convention at Storrs, John Schilb
Politics and Professionalism: Women Historians in the 1980s, Joan W. Scott
Can Consciousness be Lowered?, Judith Stitzel
"Once More into the Breach" of Western Literature Courses, Carolyn Ruth Swift
Teaching the History of Black Women: A Bibliographical Essay, Rosalyn Terborg-Penn
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Correction: Women's Studies International at Copenhagen: From Idea to Network, The Feminist Press
Editoral, The Feminist Press
Editorial, The Feminist Press
Editorial, The Feminist Press
Everywoman's Guide to Colleges and Universities, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Guidelines on Hiring Women Historians in Academia: Committee on Women Historians, American Historical Association, The Feminist Press
Is Your Campus Included?: "Everywoman's Guide" So Far, The Feminist Press
Newsbriefs, The Feminist Press
Newsbriefs, The Feminist Press
Newsbriefs, The Feminist Press
Newsbriefs: Women's Health / Sexuality, The Feminist Press
The Feminist Press Celebrates Its Tenth Birthday, The Feminist Press
Women's Studies Programs and Centers for Research on Women: 1981, The Feminist Press
A Grand Illusion: Continuing the Debate on General Education, Joan Hoff Wilson
Submissions from 1980
The Academic Job Crisis: Some Possible Responses, Emily Abel
Readers' Speakout, Cathryn Adamsky and Anne Thorsen Truax
Encounter with American Feminism: A Muslim Woman's View of Two Conferences, Leila Ahmed
Expanding the Concept of Affirmative Action to Include the Curriculum, Nancy Topping Bazin
Teaching Black Women's Heritage, Betsy Brinson
Teaching Lesbian Poetry, Elly Bulkin
Building Coalitions between Women's Studies and Black Studies: What Are the Realities?, Ann Cathey Carver
A Journalist's Personal View of the NWSA Convention, Ann Colbert
Legal News: Cornell University, Alice H. Cook
Face-to-Face, Day-to-Day, Racism CR, Tia Cross, Freada Klein, Barbara Smith, and Beverly Smith
The Astraea Foundation: A New Resource for Women, Nancy Dean
Introduction to Women's Studies: New Textbook Being Developed at Hunter College, Nancy Dean and Sarah B. Pomeroy
The "Superwoman" Phenomenon, Carolyn Elliott
Scholarships for Teachers at the NWSA Convention, Sue Elwell and Patti Lather
Women's Studies and Science, Anne Fausto-Sterling
EDITORIAL: International Perspectives, F.H.
Feminist Publishing in Israel, Marcia Freedman
Integrating Women into the Liberal Arts Curriculum: Some Results of "A Modest Survey", Ann Froines
A Note on Jewish Women's Studies in the United States, S. F.
On Class Bias and the NWSA, Sue Dove Gambill
Poetry Reading: Third World Women Poets, Mary E. Gibson, Antonia Quintana Pigno, and Joy Harjo
Women's Studies: The Case for a Departmental Model, Madeleine J. Goodman