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Publication Date
Spring 1974
On the basis of our travels and correspondence, we can say with confidence that new women's studies programs continue to be organized. At Western Michigan University, for instance, at Oberlin, at Ohio State University (from which we receive the excellent library bi-monthly, Women are Human), at Kent State University, at Case-Western Reserve University, at St. Olaf College, at the University of Texas/Arlington, there are official or unofficial faculty women's studies committees working this year either on the writing of a formal proposal or on its implementation. At two eastern women's colleges—Wheaton and Simmons—a lecture series will focus on aspects of women's studies in order to inaugurate new feminist directions for each college. And a series of spring conferences will augment area-wide interest in women's studies. At Barnard (May 11), the focus will be on scholarship; on the Flint campus of the University of Michigan and at Northeastern University in Boston (both on May 4) the emphasis will be on the future of women's studies.