Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 1975


Concerned about the inclusion of women in the secondary school's social studies curriculum, we are interested in locating those aspects of women's lives that have been most neglected in standard history texts and in assessing the quality of such information that is included.

We began this study by examining 14 currently used textbooks (see bibliography) for the following: the listings of women in the index and table of contents; the amount of coverage given to prominent women; the inclusion of minority women; the choice and number of illustrations of women; and the suggested further readings on women. We looked for the presentation of a balanced picture of the continuing roles of women, and the acknowledgment of women's contributions in key areas of history.

We then correlated our findings with those of other surveys and studies. In all, our report compiles research in 36 textbooks and attempts to create a portrait of the treatment of women in high school history.



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