Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 1973


One of the most important functions of women's studies is to establish an understanding of the crippling effects on our egos and self-esteem of our second-class status. I have developed a technique that I use in my women's studies classes that offers one approach to this task. My course, called "The Problems and Potential of Women," meets once a week for a three hour session and is limited to fifteen people. The first night we go around the room and each woman talks a little about herself and about why she's taking the course. We try to begin knowing each other. I talk about how we women don't really think very much of ourselves, how we settle for less because we don't think we deserve more; how it is that we measure ourselves against Them instead of Them against us. I describe the traits that Gordon Allport discusses in The Nature of Prejudice in the chapter "Traits Due to Victimization."



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