Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 1974
[The following statement was sent to the Director of the Office for Civil Rights, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.]
We congratulate the Office for Civil Rights on the appearance of the Title IX Guidelines and on most of their content. We are convinced of the importance of this document for the equitable education of young people and others, and we are especially pleased to see in the Guidelines language that insists upon equal treatment for all students. Such criticism as we have of the Guidelines is generally of two sorts: we should prefer more specificity in a number of areas (e.g., athletics); and we regret the absence of other areas entirely (e.g., curriculum, textbooks, and teacher education). In general, and to save your reading time, we would support the advice offered by the WEAL-Abzug statement of July 18, 1974 on all of the detailed matters taken into account therein. Since curriculum and teacher education are our special areas of expertise, however, we offer independent commentary and advice on these matters, and an additional comment on compliance.