Dissertations and Theses
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Design and experimental observation of topological states in photonic metasurfaces, Anton Vakulenko
tDCS effects on synaptic plasticity and motor skill learning, Forouzan Vasheghani Farahani
Analysis of Chemical Elements in Basalts using Mislabeled Data, a Machine Learning Approach, Jenifer Vivar
Use of Bioheat Modeling to Characterize and Optimize Implantable Medical Devices and Neuromodulation Technologies, Adantchede Louis Zannou
Pillars for Nuclear-Weapon States to Make Material Progress on Nuclear Disarmament, Madina Zhetenova
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Discrimination against Veiled Women in the West: Social Isolation, Amina M. Abdallah
Helium-Air mixing in simulated reactor cavities of Very High Temperature Reactors, Abdullah Abubakar
A Citizen-Science Approach for Urban Flood Risk Analysis Using Data Science and Machine Learning, Candace Agonafir
Being Black & Blue: Sex as a Moderator Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Depressive Symptoms Among Black Emerging Adults, Wynta C. Alexander
Investigations of the Therman Treatment of Sodium Thiosulfate in Gas Streams for the Removal of I2, Anjeza Arapi
The Enduring Role of Conflict in the Perpetuation of Famine: Advancing 'The Right to Adequate Food' for Sustainable Peace, Robert M. Bane
Osseointegration of a Cementless Total Knee Arthroplasty in a Murine Model of Glucocorticoid Induced Osteoporosis, Elexis C. Baral
The Nexus of Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Food Security: A Brazil Case Study, Andrew M. Berger
Flawed Judgment: The Prolonged Failure of Handschu v. Special Services Division, 1971-2022, Henry A. Burby
21st Century Postmodernism: Time, Capitalism, Multiculturalism and Storytelling in Three Contemporary Novels, Raymond Joseph Calamito
Psychedelic Use and Psychological Flexibility: The Role of Decentering, Mystical Experiences, Ego-Dissolution, and Insight, William M. Campo
The Real and the Digital: Female Agency and Resisting the Male Gaze in Lynn Hershman Leeson’s Works, Kelly Chou
Investigation of Recyclable and Renewable Crude oil from Biomass and Plastics, Golam Chowdhury
A Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Performance of an Internal Combustion Engine Operating on Landfill Gas Blends as Fuel, Lauren T. Creadore
Understanding and Controlling Failure Mechanisms of the Zinc Anode for Rechargeable Alkaline Batteries, Michael J. D'Ambrose
Crop Water Deficits and their Season-ahead Climate Determinants Across the United States, Siena W. Dante
Novel mechanisms of DC and kilohertz electrical stimulation, Zeinab Esmaeilpour
Population structure of the lizard Ecpleopus gaudichaudii coincides with a biogeographic barrier - the Doce River, Alexander J. Garretson
African American English as a Predictor of Ethnic and Ethnolinguistic Identity in Adolescence, Giahna L. Glasco
On a New Framework for Detecting, Classifying, and Forecasting Floods for Large-scale Flood Risk Analysis, Equisha Glenn
The Night of the Long Knives: Reconsidered, Edward G. Gunning Jr.
Droplets in an Electric Field: Surface Rheology, Coalescence and Rebound, Yu Han
Sea Surface Temperatures and Vertical Wind Shear as Precursors to Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Caribbean and an Expanding Main Developing Region, Keneshia Hibbert
The Study of 3D Micro-fluid Printing in Aqueous Two-phase System, Mian Huang
China’s Foreign Aid Loans to Africa; Acts of Extraction or Development?, francisca f. ihekaire
The Role of RNA Helicase RHAU in Immunoglobulin Class Switch Recombination, Sabine Jean Guillaume
Adhesively Bonded Multi-Material Single Lap Joints Under Static Tensile Loading, Yesim Kokner
Poly(β-Gal-Thr): A New Scalable Synthetic Mucin, Manuel A. Lema
Fundamentals of Microgel Flooding and Nanoparticles-Stabilized Foams in Enhanced Oil Recovery, Shuaijun Li
AI-driven Automated Medical Imaging Analysis, Jingya Liu
Biomimetic Water-Responsive Structures: From Fundamental Mechanisms to Evaporation Energy Harvesting Applications, Zhi-Lun Liu
Shear Thickening In Dense Bidisperse Suspensions By Dynamic Simulation, Nelya Malbranche
Migration in the Global South: The Case of Venezuelans in Brazil, Yoko-Ono N. McCullock
Wave Engineering in Time Modulated, Nonlinear, and Anisotropic Metamaterials, Ahmed Mekawy
Nonlinear Light - Matter Interactions of Ultrafast High Intensity Laser Pulses, Henry Meyer
Cherokee Abstract Artist Leon Polk Smith: A Convergence of Traditions, Danielle Montanino