Dissertations and Theses
Theses/Dissertations from 2025
The Role of Social Inequality in the “Feminization” of Borderline Personality Disorder, Jane Goldie Ekhtman
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Re-Envisioning Electric Railway Power Systems in Dense Urban Regions, Rohama Ahmad
The Menstrual Cycle in Psychotherapy: Interventions, Therapist Engagement, and Blind Spots, Rozita Alaluf
Policing With A Double-Edged Sword: The Associations Between Neighborhood Deprivation, Coping & Substance Use Among Black & Latiné Families, Neil M. Allicock
Motherhood in Crisis: A Qualitative Study of First-Time Mothers Diagnosed with Breast Cancer, Tamzin M. Baker
Mentalized Affectivity and its Role in Acculturative Adjustment and Well-Being, Bassem Barada
Parasympathethic Nervous Activity and Social Exclusion in Borderline Personality Disorder, Rebecca E. Barnes
Depression In African American Males And The Mental Health Stigma, Deanna Carrington
The role of the Vibrio cholerae Type VI secretion system during kin cell interaction, biofilm formation and priority effects, Karen A. Castro
Mechanisms for regenerative intervertebral disc healing during early growth in mice, Danielle N. D'Erminio
Divorce as a Growth Process: Marital Separation and Separation-Individuation in Adulthood, Anna Egleson
Teach them how to say goodbye: student therapist termination at a psychodynamic training clinic, Michael Ferrara
Adult Play and its Relations to the Working Alliance and Psychosocial Dysfunction in Short-Term Psychotherapy, Charlotte B. Gendron
Enforcement Through Voluntary Participation: The Impact of Non-Binding Informal Groups on the International Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime, Claudia M. V. Hampton
Atm-/-Ung-/- Mice Present Reduced Levels of Switched Immunoglobulin Isotypes IgG1 and IgG3, Lyric M. Haughton
Mentalized Affectivity Among Adolescents in Wilderness Therapy: An Initial Exploration, William Holland
Character Strengths in Applied Behavior Analysis and the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study, Michael G. Johansen
Is the European Union (EU) a normative power?: an in-depth look at its actions and policies on refugees, asylum seekers and forced migrants, Rumaisa N. Jumana
Understand The Structure-Water-Responsive Relationship by Engineering Silk Materials, Yeojin Jung
Belonging in the Psychic Nowhere: Racial Trauma, Racial Melancholia and Related Mental Health Outcomes Amongst South Asian Immigrants in the US, Anusha M. Kumar
Making Sense of the Space Between: A Qualitative Study of Therapist’s Experience and Use of Therapeutic Enactments, Paul Ballantyne LaFreniere
Reporting on UN Security Council: Decoding Media Bias, Alessandra Loiero
Identity-Focused Therapist Self-Disclosure in Matched Sexual/Gender Minority Dyads: A Longitudinal Therapy Process-Outcome Study, Brian Thomas Neff
Molecular Origins of Phase Stability in Phase-Change Nano-Emulsions for Thermal Energy Storage by NMR Spectroscopy, Jungeun Park
Synthesis of Novel 5-Aryl 2’-Deoxyuridine and 2’-Deoxycytidine Analogues, Kevin E. Persaud
The Mental Health of Southeast Asian American LGBTQIA+ Adults, Phetsamone P. Phoummavong
Explaining the U.S Failure in Afghanistan, Edwar Ramirez
Understanding Virulence Mechanisms of Parasitoid Wasps of Drosophila: A Comparative Approach Across Clades, Christina Ramsarran
Decoding the Little Skate Retina: Structural Variants and Developmental Dynamics, Chetan Rangachar
A Study of Gender Apartheid: Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran, Golazin Safaeimojarad
Social Determinants of Psychosis: An examination of loneliness, stress, discrimination, and neighborhood cohesion in psychotic disorders, Alexandria Selloni
Exploring Spatial Operations of Distractor Suppression in the Sense of Touch, Nicole A. Serino
A Qualitative Exploration of Psychodynamic Therapist's Experiences When Working with Parents in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, Marie-Clair Siegman
The Shadow of Grief: Understanding Grief Among Ethnoracially Diverse Young Adults, Rona R. Tarazi
BRICS Currency and Dollar Hegemony: Passing of the Torch?, Sami Tomaihi
The Development of a Computerized Text Analysis Measure of Differentiation Relatedness: A Pilot Study, Liang Yi Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
An Experimental Study of the Impinging and Freezing Dynamics of a Colloidal Droplet on Solid Surfaces, Andro Fayek Abdelmalek
Blockchain Framework for Secured On-Demand Patient Health Records Sharing, Meryem Abouali
Information, Communication, and Technology in Developing Countries: The Impediment to Nigeria Economic Growth, Fatima Ali Muhammed
The Seasonality and Climate Predictability of the Frequency of Extreme Flood Events Across the Contiguous United States, Ololade S. Alonge
Microfluidic Dual-Gel Cell Culture Model For Studying Cell Migration Under Controlled Interstitial Flow, Alimohamamd Anbari
Fine Characterization of Leafing Phenology in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest by Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing, James B. Bell
Sanitary Government: AICP, Public Baths, and the Battle To Clean New York City, Micah Blaichman
Virginia Woolf: The Bookbinder and the Bibliophile, Geoffrey Bridgman
Paradoxical Insomnia, a Chronic Insomnia Subtype in Patients with Temporomandibular Disorder, Christy Chan