Dissertations from 2025
Dissertations from 2024
Evolution of the Extant and Fossil Colobinae (Primates, Cercopithecidae), Julia L. Arenson
Listening for Lemurs: Translating Black-and-White Ruffed Lemur (Varecia variegata) Vocalizations into Conservation Insights Through Acoustic Monitoring, Carly H. Batist
Sexual Selection, Sexual Conflict, and the Coercive Pair Bond in a Primate Multilevel Society, Katarina D. Evans
Dancing in the Heart of the Empire, Talisa Feliciano
Faunal Use and Distribution at the Site of Nixtun-Ch'ich', Petén, Guatemala, Jemima Georges
Struggles, Aspirations, and Survival Strategies: The Intersectionality of Lived Experiences of Migrant “Integration” into Lisbon, Lais Gomes Duarte
Exploration of Phenomenological Geospatial Analysis for the Late Archaic in the Esopus Drainage of the Hudson Valley, Glenn Kolyer
Identification of Mandibular and Maxillary Molars of Old World Monkeys (Primates, Cercopithecidae) Using 3D Geometric Morphometrics, Eric John Mazelis
Future Land, Futures Lost: Planning the Crisis on the Louisiana Coast, Sheehan Moore
‘Coca Mestiza’: Small Farmers, Multiculturalism, and the War on Drugs in Colombia, Miryam Nacimento
Living Color: Aesthetic Surfaces and Political Life in Brazil, Samuel E. Novacich
Ordinary Care: Affective Politics of Migration and the Everyday Lives of Syrian Refugees in Istanbul, Yasemin Ozer
Border Confinement and Assistance Markets in Tijuana: Mexican Deportees’ Experiences of Labor and Violence Between Mexico and the United States, Christian Pacheco-Gómez
Prurient Nature: Sex Work and Ethics at the Margins of Finance, Esra S. Padgett
Cuerpos Manchados: Rethinking Racial Difference Through the Grotesque Birthmark, Paloma Rodrigo Gonzales
Dissertations from 2023
Redrawing the Contours of Care: Ethical Commitments and Gendered Politics in the Work of Government Psychological Counsellors in Sri Lanka, Nadia Augustyniak
Extraction, Property, and Rights in Southeastern Arabian Seascapes c.1820–present, Scott Erich
Audible Futures: Scenes of Sonic Encounter in Cold War Kurdistan, 1923–2023, Nicholas S. Glastonbury
Staying, Flowing, Resounding: Children's Interactions and Space-Based Attachments on a Manu'a Island, Mariapaola Gritti
Icons in Lyari: Resonance, Visibility, and Global Blackness in an Indian Ocean Port Town, Zehra Husain
The Making of Counter-Insurgent Geographies in Post-Revolutionary Cairo, Baltaga and Maslaha at Bulaq Abule’lla, Omnia Khalil
A Race-Police Regime: NYPD Technology and Urban Governance in New York City, Elliott Liu
Birthing, Nursing, and Grieving: An Anthropological Archaeology of Healing Shrines in North Lebanon, Sarah Mady
Environmental Drivers of Dispersal in Black-and-White Ruffed Lemurs (Varecia variegata), Amanda Mancini
The Anti-Plantation Uprising: Indigenous Kinship, Territories, and Communal Politics in Guatemala, 1966-1982, Sergio G. Palencia Frener
Between Two Messiahs: An Ethnography of Settler-Colonizers in the West Bank, Amir Reicher
Reimagining the Inner Ear: A Morphometric Modeling Approach for Establishing Shape Change in the Evolution of the Human Otolith System, Christopher M. Smith
Dissertations from 2022
El Poder de las Tierras Estatales: Conflictos de propiedad, formaciones estatales y la construcción de los Llanos en Colombia, Julio Arias Vanegas
The Spirit of Progress: Islamic Education, Development, and Modernity in Zanzibar, Caitlyn Bolton
Diet and Nutrition of Lemurs in the Lean Season, Santiago Cassalett
Sunbelt Schooling: Publics and Politics of Education Advocacy in Phoenix, Arizona, Matthew Chrisler
Consciousness, Culture, and Comradeship: Narratives of South African Exile and Anti-Apartheid Activism in West Berlin, Claudia R. Crowie
Teaching Revolution: Women Primary School Teachers, Race, and Social Reproduction in Cuba, Angela M. Crumdy
Property in Pieces: Land, Oil and Uncertainty in a Mexican Ejido, Margaret Cruz
The Cultural Battle Against the Dollar: Struggles over Hoarding and Democracy in the Twilight of Argentina's Soy Boom, Charles Dolph
Refusing Rehabilitation: Outlaw Epistemologies and the Carceral-Therapeutic State in NYC, Nadja Eisenberg-Guyot
The Politics of Feminist Citizenship: Violence, Law, and Affect in Post-Revolution Tunisia, Ola Galal
American Apotheosis: Ceramics and the Production of National Identity in Post-Revolutionary New York City, Diane F. George
“She Too ‘Omanish’”: Young Black Women’s Sexuality and Reproductive Justice in Bluefields, Nicaragua, Ishan Elizabeth Gordon-Ugarte
Streets of Grievance: Everyday Poetics and Postcolonial Politics in Urban Algeria, Stephanie Victoria Love
All Aboard the Abortion Pill Train: Activism, Medicine, and Reproductive Technologies in the Republic of Ireland, Brenna McCaffrey
The Making of a Bilingual University in the 21st Century, Michael Mena
Past-Futures of Harlem: Black Urban Space at the Limits of Spatial Justice, Dane C. Ruffin
Debts of Displacement: Syrian Refugee Farmworkers at the Lebanese-Syrian Border, China S. Sajadian
Historical Ecology of Norse Greenland: Zooarchaeology and Climate Change Responses, Konrad Smiarowski
Everything to Lose: Extraction, Racism, and Survival on Wet'suwet'en Land, Anne Spice
Building the Revolution: Ideology, Affect and Gender in Bolivarian Caracas, Andreina I. Torres A.
Genetic Impacts of Deforestation on Mouse Lemurs, Darice Westphal
Dissertations from 2021
Bodies on the Line: The Politics of Regulating Pornography in Los Angeles, Christopher J. Baum
Monumentality, Fortification, and Movement: Preclassic Maya Developments as seen at Muralla de León, Petén, Guatemala, Justin D. Bracken
Syrian Refugees and the Politics of Diversity and Belonging in Turkey, Ezgi Canpolat
Marine Resource Specialization in Viking Age Iceland: Exploitation of Seabirds and Fish on Hegranes in Skagafjörður, Grace M. Cesario
Fitness Culture: Making New Persons in Quasi-Socialist Belarus, Emily J. Curtin
Climate Change and the Ancestors: Rain, Gender and Politics in an African Water Catchment, Jessie Fredlund
Documenting the Undocumented: Experimenting Europe at the Biometric Migrant Archive, Romm Lewkowicz
Spectral Urbanism: Modern Ghost Cities, Rare Earths, and Political Time at the Limits of Materialism, Linsey Ly
Reimagining Recovery: Debt, Mutual Aid, and Disaster Governance in Puerto Rico, Sarah Molinari
The Objective Function: Science and Society in the Age of Machine Intelligence, Emanuel D. Moss
Handbook for the Deceased: Re-Evaluating Literature and Folklore in Icelandic Archaeology, Brenda Nicole Prehal
From Poor Campesinos to Tortilla Kings: Mexican Migrant Elites, Yesenia Ruiz
Living in Permanent Transience: An Ethnography of Contemporary Alexandria, Alexandra K. Schindler
The Material Culture of Temperature: Measurement, Capital and Semiotics, Scott W. Schwartz
The Politics of "Dignity" and the Tunisian Truth Commission: Keywords, Violence, Human Rights, Douaa Sheet
Dissertations from 2020
Nutritional Strategy and Social Environment in Redtail Monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius), Margaret Bryer
Dietary Development and Nutritional Ontogeny in Gorilla beringei : A Multi-layered, -Omics Approach, Emma C. Cancelliere
Reclaiming Indiana: The Politics of Crisis Amid the Failures of Liberal Capitalist Modernity, Chris Grove
Climbing Performance and Ecology in Humans, Chimpanzees, and Gorillas, Elaine E. Kozma
“Prepare for Death and Follow Me:” An Archaeological Survey of the Historic Period Cemeteries of New York City, Elizabeth D. Meade
Many Forms of Black Death: Coal Extraction, Transnational Activism and the Value of Life in Colombia, Oscar H. Pedraza Vargas
The Phylogenetic Relationships of Middle-Late Miocene Apes: Implications for Early Human Evolution, Kelsey D. Pugh
Shadow Standards and the Logic of Costs: Care, Stewardship, and Data in U.S. Community Health, Margarite J. Whitten
Dissertations from 2019
Losing Louisiana: Race, Techno-Science, and the Disappearing Geographies of the Lower Mississippi River Delta, Monica Patrice Barra
A New and Unsettling Force: Information Technology, Popular Education and the Movement to End Poverty, Christopher Caruso
Oldowan Tool Behaviors Through Time on the Homa Peninsula, Kenya, Emma M. Finestone
Becoming Legible: The Racial Making of the Negro Mascogo/Black Seminole People in the Coahuila–Texas Borderland, Rocío Gil Martínez de Escobar
Recolonizing Security: An Anthropology of the War on Terror in Kenya, Zoltan Gluck
Commmunity, Ecology, and Modernity: Faunal Analysis of Skútustaðir in Mývatnssveit, Northern Iceland, Megan Hicks
Waiting: History, Fear, and Healing in Ballynafeigh / the Upper Ormeau Road of Belfast, Northern Ireland, Molly J. Hurley-Depret
Being Ethnic on the Eurasian Steppe: Civic Nation-Building Discourse in Kazakhstan and Russia, Nathan P. Jones
The Functional Morphology of Ingestion in the Platyrrhine Sclerocarpic Harvesters (Platyrrhini, Primates), Zachary Stoffel Klukkert
Sedimenting Territory: A Political Geology of Oil, Earth, and Spatial Politics in Turkey, Zeynep Oguz
Development, Expertise, and Infrastructure between the Ohio River and Cincinnati Riverfront, 1895-Present, Raymond W. Pettit
Dios en carne: Rastafari and the Embodiment of Spiritual Blackness in Puerto Rico, Omar Ramadan-Santiago
The Morphology and Evolution of the Primate Brachial Plexus, Brian M. Shearer
Constructing Social Identity Through the Past: The Itza Maya Community Identity Through the Late Postclassic Period (1250–1525CE), Yuko Shiratori
War and Peace in American Seduction: Seduction Communities, Heterosexual Masculinity, and Mediated Intimacy in New York City, Anders Wallace
School Optimism: Fast Life and Slow Debt in the Financialized University, Mark Alan Porter Webb
Dissertations from 2018
Sociality and Stress in Female Chacma Baboons (Papio ursinus) in the Cape Peninsula of South Africa: Behavioral Flexibility and Coping Mechanisms, Shahrina Chowdhury
Disorderly Histories: An Anthropology of Decolonization in Western Sahara, Mark Drury
Influence of the Silk Road Trade on the Craniofacial Morphology of Populations in Central Asia, Ayesha Yasmeen Hinedi
Together Without Consensus: Class, Emotions and the Politics of the Rule of Law in the Lawyers’ Movement (2007-09) in Pakistan, Salman Hussain
The Shari'a Courts of Mogadishu: Beyond "African Islam" and "Islamic Law", Ahmed Ibrahim