Dissertations from 2018
"When We Demand Our Share of This World”: Struggles for Space, New Possibilities of Planning, and Municipalist Politics in Mumbai, Malav J. Kanuga
Insurgent Difference: An Ethnography of an Indian Resource Frontier, Madhuri Karak
Deconstructing City Hall Park: The Development and Archaeology of the Common, Alyssa Loorya
Military Citizenship in the Post-9/11 Homefront, Estefania Ponti
The Upright Battle: Morphological Trends of the Bipedal Pelvis, Nicole M. Webb
Dissertations from 2017
Yellowing the Logarithm: How Money Solved the Problem of Freedom, Neil S. Agarwal
Thule Iron Use in the Pre-contact Arctic, Eileen Colligan
Zooarchaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction of Newly Excavated Middle Pleistocene Deposits from Elandsfontein, South Africa, Frances L. Forrest
Youth Activists in Kashmir: State Violence, Tehreek, and the Formation of Political Subjectivity, Mohamad Junaid
The Failure of Post-War Reconstruction in Jaffna, Sri Lanka: Indebtedness, Caste Exclusion and the Search for Alternatives, Ahilan Kadirgamar
Archaeology of Void Spaces, Cory Look
Like A Natural Woman - Black Women’s Theatre Aesthetics: Agency & Resistance on the Chitlin’ Circuit, Adrienne R. Lotson
Affective Afterlives: An Ethnography of Activism Between Movements, Manissa Maharawal
Sick Systems: How Drug-resistant Tuberculosis Became Practically Incurable in Romania, Jonathan Stillo
The End of AIDS: Gender, Race and Class Politics in New York's Campaign to End the Epidemic, Lauren Suchman
What is the Language of Islam?: Reform, Translation, and Secularism in Turkey, Yunus Dogan Telliel
Dissertations from 2016
Saving Animals: Everyday Practices of Care and Rescue in the US Animal Sanctuary Movement, Elan L. Abrell
Extracting Indigeneity: Oil, Environment and Self-Determination in the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), James J. A. Blair
Climate, Ecology, and Human Evolution during the Plio-Pleistocene, Scott Adam Blumenthal
Declining City, Born-Again Citadel: Faith-Based Organizations and the Reconstitution of Inequality in Postindustrial America, Michael J. Boyle
Lucumi and the Children of Cotton: Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in the Mapping of a Black Atlantic Politics of Religion, Akissi M. Britton
Millets from the Margins: Value, Knowledge and the Subaltern Practice of Biodiversity in Uttarakhand, India, Priya R. Chandrasekaran
Left of Maidan: Self-Organization and the Ukrainian State on the Edge of Europe, Emily S. Channell-Justice
Saving: Stem Cell Science, Christian Adoption, and Frozen Embryo Potential in the United States, Risa Cromer
The Antipolitics of Food in Middle-Class America, Neri de Kramer
Reshaping National Imaginations in the Midst of Civil Genocide: Denationalization in the Dominican Republic and Transnational Activism, Javiela Evangelista
Breaking Cover: Confronting Crisis and Displacement in Timbuktu, Mali, Andrew Hernann
Post-Apartheid Citizenship and the Politics of Evictions in Inner City Johannesburg, Anthony Johnson
In Search of Argentinidad: Identity Affirming Bodies in Movement in Latino-America, Melissa Maldonado-Salcedo
What the Tides May Bring: Political "Tigueraje" Disposession and Popular Dissent in Samaná, Dominican Republic, Ryan A. Mann-Hamilton
Losing Values: Illiquidity, Personhood, and the Return of Authoritarianism in Skopje, Macedonia, Fabio Mattioli
Connectivity: An Ecological Paradigm for the Study of Bronze Age, Slobodan Mitrović
A Means to An End: Articulations of Diasporic Blackness, Class and Survival among Female Afro-Caribbean Service Workers in New York City, Christine A. Pinnock
Through the Gateway: Marijuana Production, Governance, and the Drug War Détente, Michael Polson
Transnational Indigenous Migration: Racialized Geographies and Power in Southern Highland Ecuador, Victoria Stone-Cadena
Kongo to Kings County, Marcus Alan Watson
From Coercion to Consent?: Governing the Formerly Incarcerated in the 21st Century United States, Karen G. Williams
Dissertations from 2015
Social-Ecological Resilience in the Viking-Age to Early-Medieval Faroe Islands, Seth Brewington
Consuming Poverty: The Unexpected Politics of Food Aid in an Era of Austerity, Maggie Dickinson
Was There a Sensory Trade-off in Primate Evolution? The Vomeronasal Groove as a Means of Understanding the Vomeronasal System in the Fossil Record., Eva Christine Garrett
Of Truths, Secrets, and Loyalties: Political Belonging and State Building in Poland after State Socialism, Saygun Gokariksel
Rebellion under the Palm Trees: Memory, Agrarian Reform and Labor in the Aguán, Honduras, Andres Leon
Privilege in Haiti: Travails in Color of the First Bourgeois Nation-State in the Americas, Philippe-Richard Marius
Disrupting the Narrative: Labor and Survivance for the Montauketts of Eastern Long Island, Allison Manfra McGovern
Right to Land and the Rule of Law: Infrastructure, Urbanization and Resistance in India, Preeti Sampat
'May God Cure You': Contemporary Egyptian Therapeutic Landscapes Between Qur'anic Healing And Psychiatry, Ana Maria Vinea
Environmental Expertise In The Age of Research: Institutional Process And Environmental Science In the American Far West, 1950-2014., Nathan D. Woods
Dissertations from 2014
Our Day Has Finally Come: Domestic Worker Organizing in New York City, Harmony Goldberg
"My People is a People on its Knees": Mexican Labor Migration from the Montana Region and the Formation of a Working Class in New York City, Rodolfo Hernandez-Corchado
"We are Refugees in Our Own Homeland": Land Dispossession and Resettlement Challenges in Post-Conflict Teso, Uganda, Matt Kandel
The Struggle for Recognition: Muslim American Spokesmanship in the Age of Islamophobia, Nazia Kazi
Claiming the Right to the City: Towards the Production of Space from Below, Mehmet Baris Kuymulu
Households, Landscapes, and Post-Collapse Continuity in Postclassic Jalieza, Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, Elise Marie Maragliano
The development and function of the nasopharynx and its role in the evolution of primate respiratory abilities, Anthony Santino Pagano
"A New Way of Doing Politics": The Movement against CAFTA in Costa Rica, Jeremy Rayner
Law Without Recognition: The Lack of Judicial Discretion to Consider Individual Lives and Legal Equities in United States Immigration Law, John Clark Salyer
What Was Squatting, and What Comes Next?: The Mystery of Property in New York City, 1984-2014, Amy Starecheski
Coming of Age in Neoliberal New York, Jennifer Hope Sugg
Millennial Libertarians: The Rebirth of a Movement and the Transformation of U.S. Political Culture, Kaja Tretjak
Cadê o mico? Where is the tamarin?: Locating monkeys in the politics of land and conservation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Analía Villagra
Wild NYC: Building Biodiversity in Fresh Kills and City Parks, Melissa Zavala
The Effect of Population History on Hominoid Intraspecific Cranial Shape Diversity: Combining Population Genetic and 3D Geometric Morphometric Data, Julia Marie Zichello
Dissertations from 2013
Claiming Space, Redefining Politics: Urban Protest and Grassroots Power in Bolivia, Carwil Bjork-James
The Digital Diaspora in Sunset Park: Information and Communication Technologies in Brooklyn’s Chinatown, Sarah Wendolyn Williams
Dissertations from 2012
The Prison Fix: Race, Work, and Economic Development in Elmira, New York, Andrea R. Morrell
Dissertations from 2011
"... Rivalry, Hostility, and Romanita." An Ethnographic Study of AS Roma's Ultras, Mark Wayne Dyal
When Women Migrate: Children and Caring Labor in Puebla, Mexico, Denise Geraci
Faunal Analysis of the Early Modern Bishop's Farm at Skalholt, Arnessysla Iceland, George Hambrecht
Personal Narratives of Women's Leadership and Community Activism in Cherkasy Oblast, Martha Kichorowska Kebalo
Dissertations from 2010
“We Went to the Hills": Four Afghan Life Stories, James M. Weir
Dissertations from 2009
Breach of Trust: Customary/Commercial Documents and Practices of Private Law in an Egyptian Port, Christine Hegel
Raising Children the American Way: Court-Mandated Parenting Education in Alameda, California, Nicole D. Laborde
Forsaken Generation: Stress, Social Suffering and Strategies Among Working-Class Pensioners in Post-Socialist Moldova, Romania, Gerard A. Weber
Dissertations from 2007
All That Is Air Turns Solid: The Creation of a Market for Sinks Under the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change, Maria Gutierrez
Behavior and Ecology of the Mona Monkey in the Seasonally Dry Lama Forest, Republic of Bénin, Reiko Matsuda Goodwin
A Dream Derailed?: The English-speaking Caribbean Diaspora in Revolutionary Cuba, Andrea Queeley
Dissertations from 2006
The Bloomberg Way: Development Politics, Urban Ideology, and Class Transformation in Contemporary New York City, Julian Brash
Empire's Footprint: Expulsion and the United States Military Base on Diego Garcia, David Stiefel Vine
Dissertations from 2005
The European Union, Immigration and Inequality: “Albanian” Labor in the Political Economy of Rural Greece, Christopher M. Lawrence
Shades of Dispossession: Neoliberalism and the Social Production of Credibility, In Machu Picchu, Peru, Pellegrino A. Luciano
Dissertations from 2004
Naming the Future: How Salvadoran Community Radio Builds Civil Society and Popular Culture, Diana Elizabeth Agosta
To Stand on Their Own: Women’s Higher Education in Contemporary Kerala, India, Alcira Forero-Pena
Dissertations from 2003
Clothes Talk: Youth Modernities and Commodity Consumption in Dakar, Senegal, Suzanne Scheld
Dissertations from 2001
The Emergence of Dialogic Identities: Transforming Heteroglossia in the Marquesas, F.P., Kathleen C. Riley
Dissertations from 1998
Feeding Ecology and Aspects of Life History in Microcebus Rufus (Family Cheirogaleidae, Order Primates), Syivia Atsalis
"To Sew or To Sow?” European Gender Images and Development in Rural Ecuador, Barbara Grunenfelder-Elliker
Dissertations from 1993
Dissertations from 1992
Elite Reproduction and Ethnic Identity in Belize, Karen Judd
Dissertations from 1988
Cold Type: Computerized Typesetting and Occupational Subcultures in the New York City Newspaper Industry, Eve Fay Hochwald
Dissertations from 1977
Santana: Middle Class Families in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Elizabeth Riggs Hansen
A Discourse-Based Grammar of Baule: The Kode Dialect, Judith E. Timyan